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#1Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:57 am


Inside the inner sanctum of the sanctuary lays the throne of the divine,a masterpiece to behold. An ivory chair piece covered with thousands upon thousands of the blades of those who had opposed the Divine and were layed to waste by his might. I sit upon it presiding over the valley of screams and soon much more. I sit looking out into the wastes of the valley of screams then I hear it....i hear him,the Divine speaking in the wind from his sacred home through the thresholdA warrior comes soon to the land that lives. He is Ignan,he is your Ignan Lord Marshal. Find him,tell him his name. He will know you come from the truth.....Ignan I hear whispered to me as I mouth the name."as you so command my Divine." I say crossing my right arm diagonally across my chest. I raise from the throne and walk out onto the balcony that overlooks the valley that is only assessible through the inner sanctum. As my mind focus' on the area i wish to go to I am enveloped in a burst of bright Divine light and with that I am on my way to find this Ignan the divine spoke of.

It is late at night in the human world as the darkness is cut with a bright flash of light fills the area on the top of a building. The cold concrete crackss under the massive pressure of reishi as I set down. I place the hood of my cloak up to hide my spirit pressure. "now to fins this lost and wayward soul." I say to myself looking around

#2Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:12 am


Aegis had left his old home of the Old Karakura town appearing before a spot where he felt a presence coming his eyes lifted to the sky as he watched and waited for something to occur..Or someone it was like a tornado was going to touch down and take out all around him, his reiatsu had been concealed as did his anti-reiatsu, hidden behind his vasto shell only the red eyes remained expecting a visit and a purpose only he knew something was coming to take him away he could feel it in his bones

Like a statue he stood in wait and nothing more seeing if this man could appear or was he just another figment of Aegis' imagination and nothing more? he would never know until this man appeared before him and showed his face to him.

#3Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:50 pm


Looking around and eyes catch my attention. These eyes,these red eye spoke of wisdom and time to me instantly. I turn to the armored being before me and begin to speak" A vasto lorde class hollow in human world. You must be the one I am seeking. You have no fear of,soul society. A trait we both share and is needed for what may come. Tell me do you have a name?" I say to the obvious hollow or the highest evolution

#4Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:06 am


Aegis caught the rift that opened he knew someone was coming and his narrowed eyes only focused on this being even more he was not too far in power but far enough hearing the mentioning of him being Vasto Lorde Hollow is what caught him off guard he had been in this shell for so many years he had forgotten the world did not know him as an espada, Raising up his hand he ripped from his face the mask revealing he was no hollow and he spoke, "I am Aegis Raizel, Former Primera Espada, and Former Right Hand Man of the Lord who fought the Captain Commander in Fake Karakura town."

As he had said that the mask reformed over his face as if it was a living being itself it healed itself and thus the armor stayed as was before and move closer to this being unafraid of his power as he let out off an Anti-Reiatsu into the air assuring that this man would feel it.

#5Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:18 am


"then forgive my previous statement Aegis Raizel. I meant no disrespect. I am Lord Marshal Koshi of the Divine family." I say,in response to Aegis' comment. Feeling his reiatsu it reminded me of Joshua's in a way."i have been looking for you Aegis. The Divine sent me a sign for you...a name in reality."

I lower my hood allowing my reiatsu to be felt if it was sensed. As a light wind kicks up my hair blows gently

#6Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:49 am


Aegis watched the man and felt his reiatsu all well and fine yet still showed no fear that he was far superior than himself as his reiatsu was not normal and shunned most things that tried to fight him, he spoke and questioned his answer "Told you of me.. What do you want of me?" It was an obvious question but more to the point of this visit.

Only standing but two inches from this man named Koshi he eyed him without fear or regret, knowing full well of his capabilities and Koshi's as well yet he stood before him as a warrior, a man an exiled and waited for such answers to take their place.

#7Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:21 am


Seeing the arrencar show no fear I smile"Ignan- it is what I was to say,or call you." I look on to read the reactin of the previous espada. To me Ignan meant nothing but for some unknown reason I felt it correct to call the man before me Ignan

#8Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:42 am


Ignan a word he had never heard before what was it's purpose? What was it meant for? What task did these Ignan carry out? Were they most the feared over the lord? Were they the harbingers of death and the very aspects as Espada were?, "What are their purposes?" He asked curious to hear the answer from the lips of this man he felt their reiatsu fueding with each other as the anti-reiatsu from Aegis and the reiatsu from Koshi fueded.

#9Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:52 am


My eyes glows ghostly blue projecting light out. From the out side I am just,standing but inside I am before the Divine as we lock eyes no words can be said but everything is being told. I see countless warriors fssling before a warrior ofskill and power. Behind him I aee myself clad in the Lord Marshal armor a massive army behind me ready to conquer and convert. I come to as the light fades from my eyes"Ignan is ,the most feared warrior of the faith. He and the Lord Marshal together would cause panic upon any battle field. The name Ignan mean Death in the Divine language." I,say to Aegis. I feel the cloak bond deeper with me syncing with me body and soul

#10Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Empty Re: Ignan Comes (Invite Only) Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:58 am


Aegis took note to the armor and to the army behind this man and his note from which is eyes began to glow still not fear showed in his eyes no fear whatsoever he spoke, "An army is only good for expendables, they are not as good as their leader." Armies meant nothing on a battle field if one man if this ignan was so fierce they would be reduced to ash within a nights time he thought for a second then spoke again after a few moments of silence, ".....I accept your title." And with that walked to where the portal appeared and awaited it to appear.

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