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#1Wandering Man Empty Wandering Man Fri Jun 15, 2012 1:41 pm


Joey Kara was walking throughout the town that he had left his Gigai and some of his soul's remains in. He had left those remains there to make it seem like a murder, for he had joined Divus's army of hell after he had done that. He went to go look at where his body was, the police had found it, and they took it away to be examined. The soul's remains were still there though, meaning that he could return to the Gotei if he felt like it. Why would such a man like Joey Kara want to go back to the Gotei, you may ask. For you see, his leader, whose name he had never learned, had recently disappeared. Thankfully, the demonic surgery that he had put Joey through was still intact, he was still alive. Both of his arms were demonic and his chest and abdomen where still black, with visible veins bulging from him.

Joey looked around him, he was in a new Gigai. This Gigai was something else though, he made it himself. But in every shape and form, it was still a Gigai, so he was able to do what he did best. Kill others. He was smiling, though this was not unusual for the man. He tended to smile a lot. For Joey Kara was as mad as a hatter. Maybe even more mad than Sheograth himself! Joey smiled and he sat down at a Tsundere Cafe, he did not know why, but Tsundere Cafe's helped him ot relax. SO he didn't kill anyone.

#2Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:14 pm


Over the sky, It looked like as if it's own mouth was opening. The black "lips" Of the sky slowly open. Letting the lone figure fall from the sky. "Little karakura.. It needs to be rebuilt." He commented. The orange hair of the man blew as he fell to the Earth. Landing on his knees, He stood up slowly, looking around the area. His rinnegan activating. "hmm. Nothing." He muttered to himself. He raised up the collar of his robe to just underneath his mouth. In this state, he didn't even look like an arrancar. His hole was hidden with his robes, as well as his fragments by his sleeves. The only thing that could possibly tell a person that he was arrancar, was his reiatsu signature.
Sighing, he looked back up to the sky scraper, Closing his eyes. "Hmph. This is not even needed..." He pressed his hands together, Forming a sphere before flattening it into a disc. Using Banido, He quickly went to the base of the building. Throwing his cero disc as it cut through the structure and beams of the building. Cutting it down as it fell to the Earth. "There we go.."

#3Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:31 pm


Joey was drinking his tea when he suddenly felt a huge amount of spiritual pressure. He didn't care, he was happy and content where he was. He saw no need for alarm, and he felt quite relaxed. He then heard a loud rumbling and he continued sipping his tea. From behind him, a huge skyscraper was falling. It destroyed several buildings around it and it almost hit the Tsundere Cafe. The top of it almost hit Joey, but he didn't care. He just sat there drinking his tea. It wasn't until after he noticed that all of the waiters and waitresses had ran off did he decide to go investigate. It took him a while, but he finally found the being responsible for destroying the building, he called to it, "HI THERE!!! COULD YOU STOP THAT??? IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, COME CLOSER SO THAT I CAN SEAK TO YOU WITHOUT YELLING!!!"

#4Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Fri Jun 15, 2012 2:42 pm


Yelling. That was something Nagato did not care for. "Shut up imbecile." He muttered. Holding out his left palm as 12 bala shot out. Even if they were little in numbers, these had a punch to them. Titling his head back and then to the left. His smirk made his form flicker, almost like a start and stop film type. Using Banido, He went forward, slightly warping the area from where he was as he neared the man screaming at him. "Demon and Shinigami?" His rinnegan showed each and every amount of reiatsu going through this mans body. If he was hiding his demon reiatsu, Nagato could see it. It was just one of many abilities of his eyes. This was not the only set either. Folding his arms, He continued to Eye the man, not even showing a emotion on his face. "Rebirth. I want Rebirth." he commented, his husky tone covering most of his words. When he meant rebirth, he meant total destruction and rebuilding after that. It was his goal. To Rebuild everything.

#5Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Sat Jun 16, 2012 12:57 am


In the quaint setting of Karakura town, those who were spiritually aware would notice an odd tear in the fabric of their world. From the black cavity a child's laughter could be heard, as the sound neared the entrance of the cavity the light from the human world revealed a small child about 7 years in appearance with blonde spikey hair and ocean green eyes. The young arrancar was dressed in his usual orange/red Gi, and dark blue undershirt and boots, around his waist was tied a black sash, and upon his back sat a shield with a short sword sheathed within it.

With a happy laugh the child leapt forth from his portal and landed upon green grass of the park, watching people walk along on the nearby path. "Dis pwace is pwetty, and colorful. I wanna pway!" and with that Togira had taken off, jumping through the cities skies as he tried to find something to catch his childish interest. As he moved about the sword n shield on his back clanged gently as low amounts of reiatsu became apparent around the child.

#6Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:51 am


It's been a while since any action has actually happened around Hotaru's home town. Lately, the soul society has been getting reports of hollow activity in karakura town, and has sent Hotaru to investigate. Apparently, there have also been rumors of a rogue. This might be fun. Hotar was walking his dog- it's not like he wanted to, but the dog contained his mod soul, and they had to patrol the area. Still, Hotaru didn't get too much sleep the night before.

They continued walking until they reached a cafe. Hotaru seemed in the mood, after all, it's always good to have girls dressed as maids caiter to your whim and call you master. But wait, something's not right. Dark spiritual energy saturated the air. It seems impossible how nothing in the area felt it. This didn't matter.

"Mojo, you sensed that right?" The dog rolled its eyes, before coughing up a green pellet. Hotaru whiped off the slobber with the sleeves of his white dress shirt and swallowed the pill. A dress shirt and slacks weren't too casual, but Hotaru didn't really have a big closet. Oh well, it's sword time now. Still, these spiritual pressures seem larger than his. It didn't matter. Time to fuck bitches.

#7Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:34 am


Joey looked at the odd man, "Why'd you knock over the building? I was having a lovely drink of tea and I was in the middle of doing the Fishstick. That is a very delicate state of mind you know." He looked around, his Gigai burning like a hot iron. He stepped out of it and he began to walk around and stretch his legs. Being in a Gigai and walking just isn't the same as walking around without one. His true arms appeared to have darkness pouring from them. The light of the sun glinted and was reflected by the metal bits of it. "You know, we could go and have some tea right now. In fact, I think I will." With that last sentence, he sat as though he was sitting on a chair that was invisible. He poured what appeared to be invisible tea into an invisible cup and he sipped it happily.

#8Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:52 am


Hotaru looked at the building behind him. Fucking arrancar- always destroying everything. Hotaru scratched his neck nervously and walked forward a bit more, keeping his distance from both the arrancar and the shinigami. Hotaru could smell that something was going to start a mile away. The hairs at the back of his neck were standing up. Shit was abot to get real. "Hey, you," Hotaru called, "get out of your-"

The other shinigami got out of his gigai, but there was something strange about it. Wierd metal bits were seen all over his arm. Hotaru was getting suspicious. Knowing the Soul Society, they'd probably want this rogue killed, or at least captured. At that very moment, Hotaru drew his zanpakuto, its magnificent silver blade glowed radiantly as it was showered in the light of day. A groove heaved down from the curved tip of the blade, right down the center into the collar.

As Hotaru continued observing the other shinigami, he came to a conclusion that the guy was completely crazy. Not eccentric, but actually messed up in the brain. Rather than attacking, though Hotaru had his sword in ready position, he just stood and watched with a quizical expression.

#9Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Thu Jun 21, 2012 7:25 pm


Durza was walking by himself.... like always. The only company he had was his doll Klaus who was in the form of a giant sword strapped on to Durza's back. Durza was just returning from Kagamino City where he took time to celebreate the anniversary of that terrible day 600 years ago. It was only two days ago but it was raining there last he checked, now it was blistering hot, and his long black cloak didn't help at all either. Durza its soo fucking hot... come one man lets get a drink!!! Druza sighed "Klaus... you don't need liquid's to survivve" Durza knew that Klaus was just trying to be a bother to him, but then again a cool drink did sound really refreshing right now. Durza didn't have allot of money but he remembered a little place in Kaurakura Town that was quite a bargain.

The duo finally entered the city, as always they were getting very strange glances from the citizens " I wonder if they ever get tired of all the strange things here" Durza said quietly to him self. All seemed quite and nice, a typical summer morning in Kaurakura Town, but he suddenly noticed people running and screaming, Durza curiously looked at all the people as we walked. As he continued towards his destination he noticed the cause of all the panic. A big building had crashed into the street, and it seemed to of disrupted the cafe. Durza's mouth gaped open and he sighed, he wanted a drink but it seemed like that would have to wait.

He suddenly heared crying, Durza looked around and suddenly saw a little girl huddled in a corner crying. Durza ran over as quick as he could "are you alright little one?" he knelt down and extended his hand "mommy... mommy is gone" Durza looked into the eyes of the child and he smiled warmly "don't worry we will find her together I promise" the little girl looked at him and tried to move backwards but her back hit up against a brick wall. Durza remembered that men with black hoods are not always friendly looking so he decided to remove the hood. His long purple hair blew in the wind and he smiled "tell me" he said looking at her the Scottish accent quickly coming back into his voice "where did you see her last?" The little girl pointed eastwards Durza nodded "now close you're eyes ok, we are going right to her" Durza closed his eyes and tried to pick out her presence when he knew he found her and the little girl had her eyes closed he nodded. He grabbed her and jumped in the air and flew towards a woman who seemed to be calling for her daughter. Durza landed in front of her and gave the little girl back to her mom. "What were you thinking! Leaving a child alone like that!" but Durza did not have time to scold the woman because thats when he sensed it. Why didn't he before? He was better than this and he knew it. He looked up in the sky and saw the group of people "get out of here" he said to the mother and daughter, he jumped in the air and landed infront of the group "now what were you all thinking! People live here, if you want to have you're fight there are many forests and wilderness to do that in, a child almost got hurt!" Durza gritted his teeth, he did not know what was going on but he was going to get to the bottom of the situation.

#10Wandering Man Empty Re: Wandering Man Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:27 am


Nagato looked over the two shinigami as he tilted his head. "What strange beings." he commented underneath his breath. Rolling his eyes, he looked at the man that landed infront of the group. "Ah. A bount. Nice to see someone outside playing with their little toys." Nagato was getting bored with this group. they didn't satisfy his goal, they didn't even understand his goal. So he just didn't like them immediately. Letting out loud sighs, he was trying to prove a point with his breaths that he was infact getting bored. He just didn't have it in him to keep attention on these idiots anymore. Shaking his head, he turned his back on the group, just dropped his shoulders and reiatsu.

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