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Among the massive sand dunes of Hueco Mundo a child arrancar was 'playing' a game of Hide'n'Seek with a large mass of various level hollow. The child could be glimpsed rolling beneath attack only to vanish and butcher his prey before vanishing among the hills. It wasn't long before childish laughter began to fill the air, the mass of hollow becoming enraged by it took to various tactics; ambush, frontal assaults, cero's; but nothing seemed to bother the child.

As a cloud of smoke dispersed to reveal Togira the surface of his skin had torn from his torso revealing a white layer of hierro beneath it. With a grin and laugh Togira launched himself at the hollow, but not before revealing the steel spikes upon his knuckles. Without touching his sealed blade for the remainder of his game Togira had simply thrashed all the hollow near him with simply his fists and agility.

As Togira's game came to an end his laughter ceased as he flared his reiatsu simply out of joy and wanting to play another game. "Dat was fun... I want more fun!!" Togira shouted to the sky before letting loose a deafening yell of "COME PWAY WIF ME!!!!" The yell resounded through the area around Togira briefly as he began to giggle in anticapation.


Flipping, rolling, somersaults. Cross was doing these throughout Huenco muendo as he ran across the desert. The little boy's laughter only made him seem even younger. With a final push on his hands, he went soaring into the air, Flipping upwards as he looked over the desert. "Wut is dat?" he commented, hearing the scream. Blinking a few times, he pushed his straight body back down. Flying back to the Sand in a massive speed. The impact was massive, creating a crater with the sound of a sonic boom. It could be heard for miles, maybe throughout Huenco Muendo. Feeling the flare of the reiatsu, Cross was really interested in this one. Especially since the yelling was an invitation to a game. Sure enough, Cross loved to play.

Pressing his feet into the sand, he used his fastest Sonido to cover the desert quickly, each step faster than the next. Cross stopped as soon as he saw the little boy. Cross was shorter than him, but much mroe powerful. He sonido'd above him, Standing upside down as he looked the boy over. "I like yur hurr." He commented about the blonde spiky hair. He sonido'd again, this time infront of the boy as he grinned. Pressing the peace sign right beside his right temple. "Da name is Cross Setsuzoku! I'll play if you want me to!" He yelled. He was just too excited to play with someone. He kept bounced on his feet, throwing quick thrusts like he was in a boxing match. "Hmph hmph hmph hpmhhmphhpmh." With each punch, that sound escaped from hsi lips.


I was out in the desert looking for some prey to hunt later. I was in my usual dress of a hunter ninja but I was also in a cloak that match the colour of the sands so that I would be harder to spot, it was such that I could be 3 metres away and unless you knew what to look for it would be very hard to spot me. I also had my reiatsu sealed away so that you could not feel it. Then I felt a pulse of reiatsu and the disappearance of another one. So I start to run quietly there like a ghost or phantom or shadow with the cloak hardly making a flapping sound till I was on what I think is the edge of the vision of the target.

I smell the air and catch the sent of a young very young arrencar and Cross. I just smile and the thought of freaking them out crossed my mind so I act on it. Moving so not to draw attention to myself till I was behind one of them. I then place my hand on the shoulder and say. "boo" I just hope I got them and freaked the hell out of them.


Togira had been bouncing around and giggling while he waited for more hollow to come and play with him. It wasn't long before Togira first sensed a powerful presence nearing him, as it approached Togira then heard what seemed to be a sonic boom. For a brief second Togira caught the glimpse of crimson haired boy taller than himself(Togira's only 3'2" xD) before the boy vanish. In a moment Togira heard the childish voice of the boy he had just seen, the voice came from above him complimenting his appearance.

Looking up Togira watched as the boy vanished an appeared infront of him holding up a peace sign near his head. The crimson haired kid introduced himself as Cross Setsuzoku before saying that he would play. Togira began to giggle at this Cross boy as he started bouncing around throwing punches. As Togira watched Cross's antics he felt a slight prickle on the back of his neck before suddenly feeling pressure on his shoulder.

With a quick spin Togira grabbed the hand on his should and threw the being it belonged to over his should, landing atop the figure as it hit the ground. If the figure were to struggle and turn to see Togira the would notice the blonde child's suddenly serious face and the glint of four large metallic spikes protruding from his knuckles. "Hi stwanger! Did yew come to pway tooo!" Togira questioned the person he now had pinned to the ground before turning his attention to Cross. "Yew said yur name is Cwoss? Who dis guy? Did he come to pway!?!" Togira's excitement was growing, having just suddenly met two new people, and people that were like him too.


Cross did not expect for Marcus, his own fraccion, to scare Togria, or himself like that at all.
Cross's reaction on the right:
Shaking his head, he sonido'd towards the now pinned Marcus, Placing his foot on his forehead. "Oh dis gui! I dink his name is Marcuz? I dink it's rright." He commented, rubbing his finger on his lip. Shaking his head, He slapped the back of Togria, smiling. "Wut is yur name?" Cross asked him sweetly. It was his first time seeing another kid arrancar here, and that excited him. "Wut tywpe of game we goin' ta pway?" He asked, leanign forward as he put pressure on his foot, pressing down on marcus's forehead even more. "Are ya Espada? I'm Numbah oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" he said, dragging out the last word as he made a big circle with his hips and held out 1 finger on his right hand.


Still having the person pinned Togira listened as Cross explained the persons name was Marcus. "Markus? koooool!" Togira's voice rang out as Cross slapped his back asking his name. "My namuh? ummmmm... I dink it Togiiira... Togira Volunddd." Togira replied, his answer and voice revealing that he wasn't too sure of his name. Now being reminded of the game Togira's face lit up with a smile before he leapt into the air and landed in a cloud of dust. "Hide'n'Seek, its my favwite. Dis guy it!" Togira exclaimed as he pointed at Marcus.

As Togira moved to let Marcus up Cross asked whether he was an espada, or had a number. "Espada? Wat dat?, I dun dink I have a numbah, why wat it mean?" Togira's voice had grown more excited now that he was discussing a topic he had never heard before. In all honesty Togira didn't even know that he was an arrancar nor what exactly one was.



"dey just some peopllleee that bwow some stuff up." he commented before he looked back over towards Marcus.
Cross's Look.:
"Dat Guy.. is it?" Cross didn't want Marcus to be it. he was naturally a tiger, so it was his nature to hunt. Shaking his head, Cross walked beside Togira, placing his hand on his shoulder. "I beat Dat I is fastah dan yu!" He said in hsi face, Pulling up his headphones as he pressed play. Sonido'ing away as if he never was there. Hiding his reiatsu, Cross went trhough the desert, seeking for the perfect hiding place.


I was not expecting to be thrown by my arm into the sand. I let go a oph under my breath then the kid sat on me and aimed knucle spikes at me while the kid asked his question but then Cross who I just manage to get a glimpse of his reaction when I was thrown talk about priceless. any way he steps into my forehead and answers for me and presses down with his foot. I see a moment to throw the kid off of me as he says his name and ask a question which I take.

I flex my chest as well as release my reiatsu in a focus rush Togira to throw him off I then stand and say in a little annoyed tone. "the name is Marcus saber ragnor alright. And to answer the question about numbers they don't mean much unless you have a number of 10-1 which means you are in the top ten strongest arrencar the lower the number the stronger you are. Got it."


Anxiously awaiting the answer to his question Togira began bouncing a bit as Cross questioned Marcus being it. In a brief moment Cross had moved closer resting his hand on Togira's shoulder before declaring he was faster than Togira. Just then Cross took off with Sonido leaving Togira to hear Marcus's answer of the numbers meaning power. "Hmphh. Dat sooo? Well I dun need a numbah." With that said Togira also took off in a burst of Sonido, clearing a large sand-dune before continuing on.

Togira had no idea where Cross had vanished too, it appeared that he even hid his reiatsu. Togira was different though, Hide'n'Seek was his favorite game and you could almost say even if he wasn't it he still considered himself it. As such Togira was going to enjoy himself playing the roles of the Hider and Seeker, and his target was Cross. "I gunna find yew Cwoss..." Togira chuckled to himself as he crossed over another large set of dunes. Every few thousand meters Togira let out a small blip of reiatsu, this would both alert Marcus, and any nearby hollow to his presence in the area.


I only smile as the other two sonido off leaving me to be the hunter which suits me fine. I then feel the reiatsu of Cross disappear so he sealed his reiatsu that makes it fun. I then feel the pulses of Togira reiatsu but I had already had Cross as my prey. I crouch down on all fours then get a lock on Cross scent I then start running on all fours following the scent of Cross kicking up a cloud of sand behind me as I near my lowest sonido speed on my legs. I do not sonido and as I run reishi and reiatsu start to form a tiger shaped aura around me. I then spot a small wolf hollow Hmmm a snack perfect. and without breaking stride I clamp my jaws around it neck doing fatal damage and so I eat the wolf hollow while on the trail of Cross. I should be getting close to him and it should not be hard to spot me.

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