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#1Finite Indulgence  Empty Finite Indulgence Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:24 am


It was a calm, cool night in a moderately big park. The trees were tall, the grass was thick, and the smell of blood was in the air. There were only a few men and woman walking through the park this late, on a moonlight stroll and, unfortunately for them, it would be their last. There was something else in this park. Something brutal and apethitic to the safety of these lowly creatures.

"Honestly," A simple wave of his hand, and the sidewalk cracked and sent a mess of splinters into their bodies causing them to fall over, on their sides. The two of them fell flat, on their bellies, their heads were beaten and stabbed by chunks of rocks that lodged deep in their skulls that they were dead instantly. There were more though. Cubix hadn't forgot about the others that scattered behind a tree. He could feel their fear, taste their anxiety, and hear their trembling. Motioning his hand in their direction, the very grass the individuals stood on shot up, like blades, through their bodies skewering them and throwing blood up the very tree they stood next too.

"Only five...I guess that is enough," He figured, walking over to that tree that the few humans had been hiding behind. The demon placed his hand on the tree, looking at their mangled bodies that drained on the grass. So easy to kill. It almost felt like a waste of time to even spend the effort killing them. It was like making an effort to stomp on an ant or getting up to grab a fly swatter for a fly. For something so small, so insignificant he had to actually throw about his power to end them quick and in a way that wouldn't make too much of a mess.

A cry interrupted the demon's thoughts and he looked up, slightly, at the stroller that the two humans had been pushing along before the demon appeared. He walked over too it, hearing the insufferable noise. It was so pitiful. Such a waste of air and space and it would grow, with time, to become nothing more than the arrogant bugs that its own kin would promote it to be. Cubix, as the demon was known by some, reached into the stroller, a fair grip on the neck of the infant and, with a light throw, tossed it high into the air. It's screams pierced the quiet night, causing a slight interest to spark up in Cubix. What would it sound like if he threw them more often? Maybe...He'd keep them alive a little longer next time.

Cubix would bend down, looking at the parents who lost the very thing they died to protect. They were weak, thus their failure, and their lives had been snuffed out only because Cubix had decided it was their time to die. He had the power, the right, to make that choice and he did.

"I'll be taking your souls," He stated, about to tear their souls from them. Not only had they suffered in life, but they would forever suffer thereafter. Never to know peace and to drown in suffering...It was a reward if anything. To be apart of Cubix, as he ate them, should be everything they would hope for. They were cattle and it was now time for these impossibly small creatures to serve the purpose that they were born for. Really though, Cubix didn't need 5. One or two was more than enough. However, should any come within his range, they would die as well. Why? Simply speaking, Cubix wanted to indulge himself on the suffering on these unimportant creatures at an attempt to amuse himself. That was the only reason and it was more of a reason than he would ever need.

#2Finite Indulgence  Empty Re: Finite Indulgence Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:39 am


This night there only a few like this in a span of time and I planned to enjoy it to it fullness. I shift my red leather trench coat and sword that thirst for blood into a more comfortable spot. I brush my white hair off of my face and don't brake my pace as I feel the conflict of two punks that are following me. I duck down a shadowy ally way to see if they followed me in they did stupid on there part. For I just grab their faces and slam them into the ground so hard that there only a bloody pulp left. I then pull my mask down for I am sure that they are going to hell and I did not want to be pulled in as well. Once that done I take to the air for I just sensed another demon in the area

I used demon flash to get there as fast as I can to chat to the demon to see what's up. As I get nearer I sense it Cubix I just smile and stop to watch what happens as I get into eyesight of him. Once he done having his way with the humans I clap with a wet sound to it for I did not even wiped my hands after taking care of those punks. As I step onto the ground I say. "my had a rough time Cubix? Then again you are always burning up your hosts so fast. And what the reason for this?"

#3Finite Indulgence  Empty Re: Finite Indulgence Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:43 am


"Ah," Cubix would say, looking over at Blade through that long hair of his. "Ah, you haven't heard then?" Cubix said, almost playfully as an overly amused grin painted his face. Really, he was probably only so elated because he was so impossibly annoyed by the situation that he could only manage to find humor in it. "I was...Killed," Cubix said, sighing after the words were said and moved his hands to his hips. "By the one carrying the title as Our Lord," The sarcasm was thick. Cubix turned completely around and brought his arms up to his chest, crossing them.

"But, he has abandoned his title. The forlorn Demons remain without their crown and, though that doesn't concern me, there really isn't any reason for my holding back. I suppose, since you desired the namesake so dearly, you could assume it yourself, but at this point you would be nothing but an figurehead flung in the middle of a vast desert with nothing to command or oversee," Cubix still managed a slightly amused grin. For some reason, likely over something thinly revelant, he was tasting some irony. Was it because of whom his words were direction or perhaps it was because he was saying them at all? In any case, he felt strangely out of place at this moment.

"All I care about...Is recovering my power," Cubix would turn around again, that long hair gracefully following his form. "The seals will be next and, when they are unleashed, I will claim my true power and do whatever I see fit with it. I have no other desires other or will other than my own irrefutable freedom. As such, considering the events that have already transpired, I can no longer claim your little Group as my own kin. I have decided too...Retract my services from your, and the others, resources." Cubix felt that he weren't being clear enough and, after taking a step or two, his grin would vanish.

"We are no longer allies," He would say, taking the final step and pausing.

#4Finite Indulgence  Empty Re: Finite Indulgence Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:25 am


Griffin opened his eyes and frowned slightly. He'd been watching the meeting betyween the two demons since the start through his towers and he was disappointed with Cubix's resolve. Griffin fell to the ground at an alarming speed landing softly a few feet from the two. As he landed he took the time to adjust his suit which only took a few seconds. Looking at the two he smiled. Nice to see you staying out of trouble Blade.

Turning his attention toward Cubix his smile vanished. Couldn't help but to hear your little conversation. He said this while pointing in the direction of one of the invisible eye towers. It's unfortunate.... the leaving of our Lord.... but as is we still stick together and do as we were before..... except you.... This worries me. Griffin fiddled with the bandages on his right arm. Even if we aren't allies.... We were all still born in the same fire that's hell... And that means it's still my job to make sure demons here or elsewhere stay in line. The fact that you left bothers me not only what you do from here on out.

#5Finite Indulgence  Empty Re: Finite Indulgence Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:48 pm


As I hear Cubix answer I just shake my head and say. "well that not unexpected that you want to go your way. As for me my way just so happens to be where ever there the most conflict. Have you heard the saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend? So it does not matter what you do so long as we can work together on some things like getting your power back and those seals so how about that?" I say in a smooth way then lifting one finger to taste the blood as if it fine wine. I also notice Griffin arrival. "Hmmm aged 25 to 30 years with hints of drugs of the illegal kind and oh what this a trace of a bloodline I thought I hunted it down to nothing. Well that was a nice mix and me staying out of trouble ha pull the other one. As to the Cubix issue how about you let it go ok we demons are ment to be chaotic lot Hmmm?"

#6Finite Indulgence  Empty Re: Finite Indulgence Mon Jun 25, 2012 4:06 am


"Oh?" Cubix would say, glancing over at the entrance of the third member. The words that would come from that demon were nothing but amusing. "You should be worried," Cubix said, slightly pleased with Griffin's words. Whether or not the demon purposely meant to compliment, Cubix let those words fly to his head. "However," Cubix would tack on, "I won't be kept in line with entities that I choose to have no affiliation. You power, Demon, is lost against me. Your rules, sanctions, goals, wishes; I could careless and have no intention to go align myself with your regulation any further," The words felt amazing. They were empowering and made him completely feel himself.

"What I will do, will be whatever I wish," Which is pretty much as it was before. Cubix wasn't one for being told what to do, but now he didn't even have to consider what they asked him for. Following Cubix's words were Blades and they were completely satisfactory, "I suppose," He simply stated. The only real reason Cubix had really aligned himself with an Organization and dealt with the rules and monarchy was because of his desire to be freed from the bonds that burdened him. However, they were changed and he was ready to grasp whatever forms of power necessary in order to retrieve his own goal.

Cubix grinned slightly, focusing on a certain set of words that Blade said last. "You should let it go. You wouldn't want your responsibility to get you into something...Over your head," Cubix wouldn't regret completely destroying Griffin. Same race? Former ally? None of that mattered. If Cubix had a mother, he'd kill her too. Cubix only cared for himself. All other things were far secondary. Whether ally, enemy or rouge and enemy was simply something that needed to be stepped on in order to continue walking down his same road.

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