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#1Stranger in the Park. Empty Stranger in the Park. Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:48 am


It had been a few hours since the rather odd incident at Khole’s home involving the Hollow, Shinigami and Arrancar, the damage left behind was minimal but she still had to leave until repairs were made. It had been her first encounter with a Hollow as far as she remembers, other than the usual nightmares she had of the screaming unseen creatures that haunted her mind; never once had one appeared in any shape or form. She wondered if her neighbors had noticed the commotion…it hadn’t seemed like it.

“Shinigami…Hollow?....Arrancar..” Khole mumbled to herself as she leaned against the fence in front of her house.

Her mind was elsewhere since her medication had taken full effect, the down side of it was the fact that she couldn’t bring herself to fully recall previous event only bits and pieces. She turns to the right leaning her arm on the fence, watching men walk in and out with their tool bags, chattering amongst themselves; she knew this would take longer than it should. A sigh escaped her as she shook her head, what was she supposed to do now? Where in the hell was she supposed to go? She couldn’t help but blame her medications, something unusual happened each time she took more than the recommended dose. That never stopped her, she hated the thought of accepting the existence of these beings, she hated the thought that she might actually be crazy..she hated the thought of a lot of things. “Maybe it’s honestly just the medication….” She mumbles as she pulls herself away from the fence. “I need to quit poppin’ pills is all. Yeah, that’s it.” She knew a way to make things better; she had a friend who had just what she needed.

#2Stranger in the Park. Empty Re: Stranger in the Park. Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:04 am


Arekussu had been at the local record shop when he had felt the presence of the Espada Manda. He had chosen to ignore it, and even had ignored the sound of explosions although the human’s in the shop all ran outside to see what was causing the commotion. Still, Arekussu knew what had happened mostly. He was quite proficient in sensing spiritual pressure after all, and it was not hard to feel the presence of the two hollow and the shinigami.

Still, what interested Arekussu more was the human pressure that emanated from the building. It was odd, mainly because it was actually a decently powerful presence, similar to a low level shinigami. A human like that would have been bait for hollow their entire lives, and would surely have something interesting to tell. Not only that, but Arekussu had grown fond of the human condition over his years of life and he was sure that this particular human would need some sort of protection, and perhaps some reconciliation for the damage caused to their home. Or perhaps Arekussu was just bored and needed something to take his mind off of his memories. He didn’t take the time to dwell on those thoughts, however, and after shedding his gigai in the back ally, he sonidoed to the woman appearing as if from nowhere in front of her.

His hands were in his pockets and his back slouched, all in all he did not look very imposing. He was also significantly shorter than the woman, his slouched stature barely topping 6’2” while she towered over him by about 6 inches. Hopefully this would be enough to stop her from freaking out when she saw him. After looking her up and down for a second, Arekussu pulled one of his hands out of his pocket and held it forwards for a handshake. “Arkeussu, Segunda Espada, nice to meet you.” He then looked around, seeing the partially destroyed house, and said, “Sorry about that. The other Espada are less… considerate than they should be.”

#3Stranger in the Park. Empty Re: Stranger in the Park. Mon Jun 25, 2012 1:48 am


A blank expression is the only thing Khole could muster up as she reached into her shirt grabbing hold of her necklace, the mask fragment dangling idly; a small smile was brought to her face as she examined it, though it was odd looking she had always liked the way it made her feel. It looks as if it belonged over the right eye, perfectly sculpted to suit someone with high cheek bones; small black spots where spattered on it, almost resembling the freckles spattered across the bridge of her nose and mid of her face. It was given to her by a man that resided in her garage at one point, a fairly older man who wore black robes and a large straw hat, he didn’t do much really, always disappeared for days on end every so often, he always returned with gifts for Khole, his last being the broken piece of mask. She hadn’t seen him for six month now that she thought about it… It didn’t matter though, he probably wasn’t real anyway. Dropping the necklace back into her shirt she shrugs her shoulders some. “Whateve--“ she’d stop and stumble back, startled.

The sudden appearance of the male in front of her nearly sends her thought the fence; she reaches out before crashing through the fence. She lands in the grass on her rear with a slight thump, her hair falls over her face, and her bag now on the ground with her belongings scattered everywhere. “I’m going to have a stroke I swear it!” she yells as she makes a nodding gesture to get her hair out of her face. The workers loitering at the front of her house quit their chatter and look over to her, a man tries his best not to burst out laughing as they stand there and watch. Not one of them bothers to walk over and help Khole turns and huffs as she pulls herself back up to her feet. Collecting herself again she begins to dust herself off, trying to do her best to ignore the male who’d just appeared in front of her. “ It’s just the meds Khole… You didn’t just see what you think you saw…”
She grumbles as she walks over to her bag.

“ You’re not real by the way, so please just…get out of my head or whatever.” She says as she kneels down to pick her things up; the workers looking at one another trying to figure out who she was talking to.

“Um…we are real..we’re fixing your house..” one man says with a confused expression on his face.

“Not you idiots, I’m talking about him!” she yells as she turns to point to the male by where the fence was.

“Um…okay. Whatever you say lady” the man says chuckling at the fact that she wasn’t pointing at anyone.

Khole hangs her head, a drop of sweat rolling down the side of her face. “Aiya….”

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