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#1Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Empty Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:15 am


[OOC: This takes places just outside of Las Noches.]

Rio was sitting on a rock. That wouldn't be strange if the rock wasnt situatd just outside of the Las Noches. The place Rio left fifty years ago, to lift himself to a level high enough to crush sonken Kouhai, defected Shinigami who ruled over Las Noches and Arrancar race fifty years ago. But now, Rio was just outside Las Noches. He has returned. He returned a few days ago, and knowledge he got left him without purpose. But Riou hoped that he would find himself a new purpose. The thing was, he needed to find purpose soon, or his annoyance would turn into rage, and rage would lead to many deaths now, including even some Espada. This was hard to get a grip on. Sonken Kouhai was long dead, and now this... Renacer ruled over Arrancar race. Espada were in charge, there were councils and stuff... Crazy, just crazy. Rio was wondering what he would do. Not that he had much options. He had two, no, threee options. any of those would do. But really, only two were considered. Going back into the Solitude of the vast depths of Hueco Mundo deserts was not option that Rio considered seriously.

But instead, he had two serious options. First one was simple. Find a strong Arrancar, and become his comrade, join forces with him and somehow get in charge of this place. Or rather, get into the ranks, climb up the ladder, and do it anyway. The second option would include lots of bodies, spilled internals, severed limbs and similar stuff. And it could prove hard, since Rio had no idea to which level had the average level of power among Espada evolved or regressed. Though way, but one to Rio's liking. First option, it would be good too. Faster, for sure. And perhaps less bloody, if someboy that would actually ally with Rio would be situated high enough on the ladder. But which path to take? Which way of getting on top to choose? Rio was still wondering about it, sitting on the rock, his face with expression hard as the rock he sat on. To be or not to be? Question is now.

#2Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Empty Re: Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:28 am


Arekussu had rarely felt a presence such as this one in the sands. It was strong, and he did not recognize it amongst the Espada. In fact, he was fairly sure that if he sent another of the Espada to deal with it they would be hard pressed to fight it off. It was a hassle, and took away from his other duties, but he supposed it was his responsibility to meet with this newcomer after all. That is what being the Primera was about.

He sighed and the determined look on his face slipped a bit. Being the Primera was not a part of Arekussu’s plans. The single rank up from Segunda to the head of the Espada came with such a huge workload that it was weighing on his emotions heavily. In fact, meeting this newcomer was a wonderful escape from all the paperwork and hassle of dealing with lower level arrancar’s squabbles. It wouldn’t last for long, he knew he would need to return to the Council room to deal with other problems, but at least for a while he wouldn’t have to think about all too much.

Arekussu nonchalantly wandered towards the man sitting on the rock, the man’s brown hair obscuring his eyes. Arekussu had the feeling that the man was deep in thought, but he didn’t have time to wait to be greeted first. Arekussuw waved slightly so as to draw the attention of the man, and then said, “Hey there. Arekussu, Primera Espada, nice to meet you.” He then extended his right hand towards the man for a handshake.

Arekussu hoped this arrancar would be civil. He had had too many meetings that turned into fights because of the natural violence that most arrancar harbored. He realized too that at the moment his reitsu was extremely capped. He probably only felt like the 8th or 9th Espada’s power level right now. Oh well, if the man tried anything Arekussu would be fine. His hierro served him well.

#3Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Empty Re: Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:22 pm


Rio was no longer alone. There was another Arrancar present. He seemed so nonchalant, relaxed. Rio looked at him, and he didn't notice any of the things that were part of Arrancar's existance, piece of their Hollow heritage. There was no rage in this Arrancar, or at least Rio could not see it. If he didn't knew better, Rio would actually think of this Arrancar's existance as a peaceful one. But he knew better. Innate aggression was part of every Arrancar, and there were none who met Rio that lacked it. It was the heritage of their race. But this Arrancar didn't bother Rio much. He felt his power. Even with his meagre Reiatsu sensory, Rio could tell that this one was below him. Even if he was Espada, he was likely at the bottom of the ranks. But Rio didn't care actually. Newcomer was possibly a true gem, full of informations that Rio needed. And Rio was in need of informations, and lots of them too. But could this guy give it to him willingly? Rio doubted that. But there was no worry. He was stronger. He had means to extract the information he needed.

Just as Rio was about to jump off the rock and get the Arrancar immobilized or something like that, Arrancar extended his hand, probably expecting a handshake. He even said who he was. And that was the end of all Rio's plans. Instead of jumping off the rock. Rio fell of. He burst out laughing like a total maniac. Rolling on the ground, holding his stomach, laughing. There was a good reason for that. It was crazy. No, it was actually CRAZY!!!! Rio couldn't stop laughing. The arrancar in front of him claimed to be Primera! And that was impossible. Not with that tiny powers. Rio rarely had a good laughs like this one. Without knowing, Arekussu extended his life. Rio kept those who amused him alive. After all, why kill his fun? But finaly, Rio somehow stopped. It was good laugh, but now it was over. He got up, panting. It sure exhausted him. Rio was now ready to give himself more fun. He extended his own hand for a handshake: "Glad to meet you, Mr. Primera. Let me introduce myself: I am the Lord of demons, the Keeper of the sands, son of a Spirit King, Rio Demoniogalgo." That was what Rio said. The only thing true in all of that was his name. The rest, well... But he threw in a serious question after his introduction: "Tell me, Arekussu, are you lying about your rank, or you are hiding your power, or are you possibly doing neither?" The only serious thing Rio cared about now. He was hungry... of fun.

#4Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Empty Re: Destiny Changed: Meeting A Stranger!!! Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:34 am


Arekussu cocked his head to the side as the man began to laugh, his booming voice crashing through the usual quiet of Hueco Mundo. Analyzing his own words, he could not find anything remotely humourus about them. Instead of dwelling on it though, he merely shrugged and accepted the man’s hand once he was done with his fit of laughter. Arekussu was sure that over time he would understand what was so funny about his introduction.

The man prattled off a list of titles, Some sounding made up and others he did not recognize. Either way, the man was probably just full of himself like most arrancar were. They all had the same sense of self worth, as if everyone else around them were ants compared to them. Arekussu had never understood that aspect of hollow personality. Over the years of his life, Arekussu had met many men and woman that he truly respected, even admired. To think that someone could go through life without meeting a single person to look up to and feel humbled by was… odd, to say the least.

When asked about his rank, he grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. He was a fairly new Primera, perhaps this man had picked up on his amateur knowledge of the Primera position. Was something wrong with the way he introduced himself? Was his hair weird? He rubbed his hand through his curls to try and settle them a bit. “No, I am Primera. I don’t really get what you mean by “hiding your power” though. Reitsu suppression? Yeah I am doing that.”

After that statement, Arekussu uncapped his reitsu, letting the full spiritual pressure out. The pressure would be enough to make most hollow buckle with the force, but Arekussu had a feeling this one wouldn’t. He seemed decently strong and had enough reiroku to withstand the barrage of pressure that Arekussu’s released reitsu would cause. The reason Arekussu normally left his pressure at low levels was to stop random low level hollow from gathering around him at all times. It got exhausting.

He recapped his reitsu a second later to stop said hollow from appearing, and said, “You looking to enlist? The Los Noches corps is always looking for new members.”

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