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#1Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:15 am


The day had come and gone as it had so many times above Bām̐dara's fifth island, Pari. It was.... peaceful. Peaceful, serene, and more than a little bit boring. there were no living inhabitants of this island, being too far out to be in the way of any trade routes. The only islands were a small amount of birds and the occasional amphibian. However, they would soon be added to by another person.

Just above the tallest tree of the island, a small senkaimon opened, and a sole man came out of it. He looked around, looking for what he wanted. A small rat was sitting there and he grinned, before starting to talk
"Oi, young 'un, what are you doing?" he asked, much to the mouse's surprise. It had rarely encountered men before, and never one who could speak to animals
"Umm... nothing..." the man grinned and stepped down, crouching on the floor
"Well, if you wouldn't mind coming with me... I need some help." the mouse nodded and crawled up his arm, moving into his robe's pocket.
"What do you need, by the way?" the man didn't particularly want to admit that he was looking for a test subject and didn't say anything, turning back to his senkaimon.

#2Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:30 am


Almost as if cued by the rodent's question, a crack in the dimensions would form as a jagged line through space which would open up to reveal a gaping maw of swirling darkness. The sound of a static ripping could be heard as the dimensional gate opened and from within the depths of the garganta stepped out a young Arrancar. The hollow/shinigami hybrid's feet would land on cushions of his own reiatsu as he stood 10 meters above the island and another in the direction away from Akrios and towards the sea. The arrancar's eyes would peer down to observe Akrios, sensing the reiatsu of a shinigami. There were no words. There was no thought. The arrancar simply extended its open palm down towards the captain. The only warning would be the red glow gathering as Monoagre's reiatsu focused into a charging cero.

((This is a post to simply show your character that his opponent is out to kill him and so I can't launch a sneak attack. After this there shall be no mercy.))

#3Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 4:52 am


Akrios felt a spiritual pressure that smelt worryingly of Arrancar, and turned around, seeing a garganta. Although he didn't let his opponent know that he had seen him, he started pulling up his own kido, keeping it held quietly in his hand so as not to be seen. Underneath his breath, he started chanting the incancation for his own kido
"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!". Finally, as his incantation finished, a ball of red light formed in his hand, casting light over the front of his body.

"You know, kid, it's really not polite to sneak up on people. I really, really, really HATE IT!!!" he said, spinning around and revealing his kido he moved out of the way and thrust his hand forwards, firing it as he finished the incantation

#4Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:28 am


Despite having charged up the cero Monoagre did not fire it as the shinigami turned around, instead he let the swirling mass of crimson reiatsu to dissipate into latent reishi as he grinned down at Akrios. As the shinigami fired the hadou Monoagre simply let the cushions of reiatsu he stood upon vanish allowing him to fall down beneath the trajectory of the flame-like mass of reiatsu. "Shishishsihi..." The arrancar would let out a chuckle finding it amusing that he had just gotten the captain to waste some reiatsu even if that wasn't his original intent. Now the monkey king was falling through the air however he would not be doing so for long as he reached behind his ear and pulled a small thin needle-like rod which would then extend into a staff weapon of black metal with golden end caps.

"Kid? You don't even know how old I am. You should watch your tongue when speaking to royalty!"

The arrancar retorted as he kicked off the air and with a burst of reiatsu from his feet and an audible static buzz he rushed into a sonido to close the gap between himself and the shinigami in a swift flash. He would exit the sonido a mere 4 feet away swiping the staff weapon horizontally aiming to crash it into the shinigami's temple.

#5Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:45 pm


As the strange arrancar pulled out his needle, Akrios sighed and put his hand to his belt, pulling his zanpakuto out, pointing it at his opponent.
"Kid? You don't even know how old I am. You should watch your tongue when speaking to royalty!" Akrios laughed almost insanely, spinning his blade in his hand for a second, almost as if he was taking this completely lightly.
"Trust me, KID, everyone else is a kid compared to me. Never met anyone older, you'd have to be the first." he smiled a tight smile, not one that showed happiness or contentness but one that seemed to show that this wasn't worrying him.

That was, of course, when his opponent ran forwards with a shot to the temples. Akrios ducked as quickly as he could manage, but still barely managing to avoid it as he threw himself backwards. He fell down towards the island, before flipping over to regain his composure and standing up, pointing his sword at his opponent, as if urging him to come get him. He wanted to go a little further before sinking into Shikai mode.
"And besides, I'm not going to respect you just because you're royalty because I...." he paused, as if saying his next words with considerable pride
" a republican!!"

#6Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 6:42 pm


The shinigami's arrogance over his age was amusing, as if the number of years spent in existence was a true measure of power. Neither of them had revealed the true extents of their power but it didn't seem like they were suppressing their reiatsu either. Monoagre guessed they were probably close to being on par in terms of raw power. Thus he decided to make a wild claim as the shinigami ducked the staff swipe and evaded back to place some more distance between the two, "Ha! There is a first time for everything shinigami! I'm just over six-thousand years old!" Instead of pursuing after the shinigami Monoarge looked down to try and see what he was messing with when the arrancar had arrived.

There, frozen in fear and paralyzed by the reiatsu the two were emmitting was a small rodent. Monoargre shot the mouse a piercing gaze and spund the staff around as he lowered to the ground ending the spin by thrusting the butt of the spear down to the ground. A gruesome crunch would sound as the staff crushed the filthy creatures skull, killing it instantly. By this point the shinigami would have declared himself as some strange word Monoagre had never heard before, "Eh? I don't care what you are. There isn't a soul in existence I can't force to its knees in submission to my authority. I'll do the same to you shinigami."

#7Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:29 pm


Akrios grinned as the man claimed to be over six thousand years old, before letting out a happy laugh for the first time since the pair had met.
"Over six thousand? YES!!! Finally someone who makes me look young!! I mean, I'm over one thousand and seven hundred years old, but that's like a spring chicken next to you! is that why your weapon's a walking stick?" he asked, although not mentioning that his shikai was also a staff. It was a strange thought that the two oldest people he knew both had walking-stick-like weapons.

However, the next thing that happened made Akrios sick. For no good reason, his opponent crushed one of the island's mice. Although the other man wouldn't be able to understand it, Akrios could hear the little mouse's scream of fear before it died. A vein started throbbing on Akrios' forehead, as he pointed his sword towards him
"You...sick.... BASTARD!! Spring to life, Yutaka Hanahara!!" at his words, a burst of green light appeared behind him, forming into a gigantic tree of energy, surrounding Akrios in the light. As it finally cleared, he was standing there, his sword replaced by a long silver cane that he twirled like a baton, before his reiatsu reached out and picked up two of his throwing knives, ready to be thrown. He was going to make his move next turn, and would need to spin his cane until then.

#8Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Empty Re: Event! Akrios VS Monoagre! Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:45 pm


As Akrios tried to make light of the situation by calling Monoarge's zanpakutou a walking stick the arrancar's grin widened even further. Oh how the mischievous Monkey King did enjoy stripping meaning from others words. As the shinigami began to call Monoagre sick for some reason the arrancar didn't care to understand he pointed the now bloody end of the staff towards Akrios and grasped the staff with his left hand on top and right hand on bottom. In a flash the staff extended to be 4 meters in diameter so that to hold onto it Monoagre's arms had to stretch out. In all reality he was only holding on to the side of the now massive weapon. Simultaneously it would be extending in length as well, straight towards Akrios with the same speed Monoagre himself would have if he were moving as fast as possible.

A huge golden staff end would be rushing towards the shinigami with incredible speed while having the mass of 8.5 metric tons. The sheer size of it would make it hard to dodge considering the close range between them. Akrios was beginning to unleash his shikai however in the face of this attack he possibly wouldn't be able to finish the action. If Monoagre did succeed in hitting his target he would keep the extension of the staff up at top speed allowing it to crush through the trees of the island and extend 3 miles total. If Akrios had been struck then more likely than not he would be pushed all the way back those three miles off of the island and out into the ocean.

Following this violent attack Monoagre would begin using a series of sonido as the staff retracts back to a thickness thin enough to be gripped perfectly and a length of a mere 2 meters. He would move to catch up to the shinigami bursting through the air until they were only 20 meters away again, now on top of open ocean standing on cusions of reiatsu only a few feet above the waters surface.

This is all assuming of course, that the staff struck its target. If not it would only crash through a few trees before retracting back to the thin enough to grasp and 2 meter long size as Monoagre would try to keep track of where the shinigami had dodged to.

Regardless of the outcome Monoagre's next words would be, "Still consider this to be a walking stick, shinigami?"

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