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#1Red Butler: (Crow Setsuzoku-invite only) Empty Red Butler: (Crow Setsuzoku-invite only) Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:39 am


Anamist stood atop a giant branch in the Menos Forest, he looked down at a small clearing- totally empty, but he could feel a presence nearby.. one that did not agree with his morals- he had to show this person the value of life. He jumped down from the tree branch and landed softly in the rock-strewn grass.

Amazingly, grass grew here; normally this wasn't anything special- but normal things were hard to find in Hueco Mundo... the Menos Forest surely was fascinating to be trying to hard to be ordinary- Despite the unearthly inhabitants that dwelled in forest itself. Gillian and Adjuctas were common in this forest, it was afterall; where hollows came to eat one another to become stronger. A stirring in the grass and a shift in the winds caught his attention and interupted his thoughts.

I figured you would be here; I've heard disturbing rumors about your personality- I've came to ascertain this for myself. Greetings, Crow- I am Quinta Espada; Anamist Souigetsu.

Anamist bowed slightly in a modest gesture to the fellow Espada, he wore his black with silver pin stripes and his white gloves- This time, his mistress wasn't with him; she need not be concerned with his personal affairs... no need to worry her. She was likely resting back at his palace, he just hoped that the servants repairing the old ruins if the Order palace were not disturbing her peace as they were building his palace to its former glory.


Crow stood at the edge of the Menos forest, the small child held only a smile on his lips but did not reply to the espada who Introduced himself to Crow, there was no room for formalities but Crow was no fool he knew how a forest could work for certain opponents, openings were more of his pedigree and felt at home style if it was to take to the forest that was fine to but he only pushed off from his left foot and landed only further back

His weapon's base resting behind his back upon landing, Mortem Articulo shivered some in his grip and Crow's body seemed to be covered by the nights sky, his left eye glowed red as his smile only got wider, he was ready and the time for talk was far from over, that tattoo of his that laid on his throat shined brightly the battle was about to begin it was going to be fun.


Anamist could tell that a non-violent discussion would not reach through this Espada's thick skull- only fists and weapons could communicate with his- A total opposite to Cross; though both enjoyed the thrill of a fight.

The bloodlust in the air was palpable; this Espada only enjoyed killing- how primitive. Initiating the first strike was usually the winning factor in a battle, though it could also be backfired with a strong enough defense and thus resetting the premptive strike.

I introduced myself to you only for the sake of honor; it is impolite to engage a foe in battle without first introducing yourself- Surely you understand such a simple principle that both allies & enemies share. You could learn a thing or two from your brother...

His words were meant to goad Crow into being reckless, this could be a advantage to Anamist or it could make Crow serious and not underestimate Anamist- tactics were a double-edged sword. Anamist rushed forward as he drew a rietsu sword from the air and formed six spears above his head- Each one targeted vital points on Crow. As Anamist lunged at Crow, he held his sword out with his right hand and held his left hand back by his side, another spear formed behind his back.


Crow's smile kept on him proud as he listened to Anamist speak like he was someone of a higher power than Crow himself crow never took a battle as it were life or death as he had always planned to fight to the very death even in a spar to test one another's powers, something warriors did from pasts long ago but he spoke to get a reaction out of Anamist just as he was sure Anamist tried to, "No need for words as if you are something of the wise, Enough talk."

Crow's eyes veered above Anamists head to see the six spears forming and would calculate they would be used for something rather sinister and so Crow humored such an action simply moving his way back a bit to dodge the six spears but then moved forward to let his blade meet with Anamist's let their blood taste one another from behind his back six bala were shot off to occupy the spears should they find someway to rebound, it seemed Crow as well had something sneaky going on as well.


Anamist clashed swords with Crow in the center of the clearing; the shock of their clash was evident by the wind the erupted from their feet and bristled the long stalks of grass. Anamist's spears were off course due to Crow's forward surge and disappeared into the ground at his previous location- the counter-balas shot out into the open air, destroying a couple trees in the distance.

The sound of wood crashing to the ground and leaves rustling with the impact faded and then Anamist jumped backwards from his clash and sswung his spear from behind his back cross the open path between them. The spear was motioned towards Crow's left ribs- an intent to slow ones movements down by inflicted severe pain at the start of a fight. He let go of the spear as it propelled towards its designated course and he continued to move backwards; his now free left hand pointed towards the central point of Crow's middle torso. His hand glowed with a dark red from the center of the hole in his palm and a red ball of rietsu formed.

Prestigious Cero!

Countless wire thin & razor sharp rietsu threads shot out- Instead of on a straght path, they veered to the sides and behind Cros; intending capture him in an entangled net. Only the direct path between them was the viable escape route, but surely Crow assumed Anamist had a plan if he charged straight in.


Crow met the clash with that smile still not bothering to come out of his child form, but while the clash commenced during that time It looked as if Crow was using sonido but instead began to vibrate in that moment Anamist would have felt three to four hits from the weapon touch his skin but it was really nothing more than to more so discourage but who was to know such a thing besides Crow, The bala's however froze in mid air and dispersed spreading Viral pathogens into the air that based infested themselves within Anamists every movement. "Cimedrema" Crow said silently damage was already being done within the first few seconds of the battle.

For the spear that he would catch at the last moment only collided with Crow's Massive wing remnant but the hollow remnant did not break charging forward Crow smiled more but only vanished in a sonido, Crow however upon appearing again he felt something following him, an annoyance and something he was going to have toruble getting away from, for a little bit.


As Crow reappeared with Sonido some distance closer, the countless wires of Anamist's cero closed in on his location and wrapped him up in a writhing mass of volatile wires- slow to burn and increase in spinning rotations with the slightest movements on the opponent inside. If he moved around too much, he would be mince into meat shavings. Even now, the razor sharp wires were slowly spinning across Crow's body, layers upon layers- The outter layers colliding with the inner lairs and creating friction within the writhing mass, slowly increasing the speed of the outter wires into a frenzied tempo and working towards the center.

Inconveniently, Anamist could not follow up the attack; whatever Crow had done previously was affecting his mental state and making it nigh impossible to follow up with a deadly succession of attacks. he cough as the air around him was hostile, he could feel his skin warming up and it stung terribly.

he lashed out with two arched flat blades of rietsu, but they sliced into trees nearby and disappeared from view.


Crow tossed Mortem Articulo toward Anamist but not at him mearly to the side of him and jumped into the air allowing such strings to wrap around him but also propelled as Crow made his way around and to Anamist, upon his landing however being at his feet Crow looked up to Anamist his Hierro was not like other's hierro infact was crap to the compared steel like feature it gained his actually allowed him to bleed if he bled even a little each of his attacks became harder in hitting and striking power which could be bad for Anamist at this time

But that was not all Crow's hands turned into a blade something he honed during his training it was called soul edging and he only nudged his neck just and with his hands opened up the strings like a butterfly being born from its cocoon and slowly stood up before grabbing his weapon and lifting it one hit was only landed Crow's barbed weapon gained a black exterior to it and simply he placed one of them onto the skin of Anamist soon a viral flesh eating symptom would take effect, the young child looked up at anamist quite intrigued from one Strategist to another he was quite good but..not good enough.

Crow approached the male Anamist and patted his shoulder before walking past him, his eyes gazing to the ground in a blood lit fashion wide and full of fun and with one final step vanished into the shadows of the Menos forest leaving Anamist with a Flesh eating virus that would soon take hold then vanish.


It seemed that Anamist was the one who underestimated his opponent- to be caught by such a attack and not knowing it was truly a defeat. Anamist snapped his fingers and the writhing mass of wires turned into energy and he sucked in the stream of rietsu- he also did this to the blades that were hiding in the trees and the spears that were still hidden in the ground from the beginning.

Anamist coughed up blood as he lay on his back looking up at the leaves of the trees as he focused on healing and ignoring the searing pain in his body. His jacket was dirty and ripped, his gloves were also ripped. If his mistress saw him in this condition, she might get enraged; he would lay there until he had recovered considerably and then go back to his palace.

next time; I'll be more prepared.. and my beliefs will reach you.

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