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#1Secrets between Angels and Men  Empty Secrets between Angels and Men Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:21 pm


"The Mass Murderer of Soul Society....." It had been so long since he heard that name but though that nickname faded his reputation for his past did not and mostly if not all of SS would try to kill him if they could but it was always and unsuccessful feat, nearly rivaling that of the current CC he was always one to come out with loads of surprises and with a reputational background like his it was not hard to show such surprise, but he was just too lazy to make a stand and try to kill the cc

But here he was in kagamino city, the tree's didn't feel as comfortable, nor did much of anything else it was a different feel and a different place but he needed to get his exercise in since he began to smoke, didn't want to bring down his stamina but then again he wasn't exactly alive to worry about his health the only thing that could really give him bad health is his death but that was a very highly unlikely thing

He had gotten some coffee earlier that tasted okay but he gave a simple shrug about its texture and moved on grabbing a few donuts along the way he was a real fattie but what did he care, the wind seemed to give a nice breeze giving his purple locks a good wave with the wind he had looked down to his shirt and seen that bloodstains had still haunted his purple shirt and he went back to remembering what happened to the victims he had taken during his time in a darker age but alls well that ends well he figured since it was not he causing such a thing then it was not he who comitted the crime but yet he was fully aware, he shook such thoughts before going to find a tree to lay down on and get some good rest finally.

#2Secrets between Angels and Men  Empty Re: Secrets between Angels and Men Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:18 pm


Katsushiro was currently in Karakura Town. He had left the cave in the woods three miles from Karakura, where he lived in exile, in the early morning in order to get to the city and find something to do. Being an exile from Soul Society or, in Katsushiro's case, a rogue Shinigami, was quite boring. It mostly involved running and hiding, keeping quiet so as to avoid detection by Soul Society most of the time. Even now, Katsushiro had to be careful. Shinigami from Soul Society came to Karakura quite often, and if he was found, it would mean a fight, something that Katsushiro was not interested in becoming involved in at the moment.

Having found nothing to do in the main part of Karakura, Katsushiro turned toward one of the communities farther from the center of the city. He was heading for Kagamino. Not liking long walks, Katsushiro used Shunpo to get to Kagamino. It only took him about 10 seconds. Walking would have taken about 20 minutes. Upon arriving in Kagamino, Katsushiro used his Reiatsu perception to see if there was anyone if interest around. At first, he only found the weak presences of normal humans.

But then... a very strong Reiatsu appeared. Following the energy trail, Katsushiro saw that it lead toward some trees about 500 yards away. Even at that distance, he could see just how strong the energy was. Katsushiro moved to a point in the air about 40 feet above the source of the energy. From there, he watched to see what would happen. He did not conceal his Reiatsu. Katsushiro planned to allow the nearby being to notice him.

#3Secrets between Angels and Men  Empty Re: Secrets between Angels and Men Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:11 am


Masa had been asleep for sometime but sensed a few beings in the air firstly the one who had just come into Kagamino before he or she hid his or hers reiatsu, secondly there was another running around with a group looking for someone perhaps word had gotten out that the new arrival was a shinigami of sorts, but who was really to say

Masa had hid his reiatsu since arriving his kagamino just so that he could avoid the drama and the thought of really killing someone wasn't really fun, something about hitting someone and killing them on the impact really bored him making for him to only want to sleep more and that was exactly what he did he was slightly hungry but nothing over the top and had long since filled his belly with food from the morning of his wkaing up he was going on twelve hours of sleep and still going strong.

#4Secrets between Angels and Men  Empty Re: Secrets between Angels and Men Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:15 pm


Just as Katsushiro thought he sensed a Reiatsu coming from the tree below him, it disappeared. Either the being there had just decided to hide his or her Reiatsu, or they had suddenly relocated with some sort of high speed movement technique. There was of course, also the possibility that there was nobody there at all, but Katsushiro knew that his Reiatsu perception was better than that. He wasn't going to sense a Reiatsu that wasn't there. Whatever the case, Katsushiro thought that this was something interesting enough to look into.

Before doing anything, Katsushiro firmly grasped the hilt of his wakizashi. It was important that he be prepared just in case the being that may or may not be in the tree was hostile. He then used Shunpo, carefully navigating between the branches at high speed. Katsushiro reappeared next to a man who seemed to be resting. "Yo." he said.

#5Secrets between Angels and Men  Empty Re: Secrets between Angels and Men Tue Jul 17, 2012 2:27 am


Masa was resting so peacefully, even had a dream about how he was in a field of clouds counting the stars among them it was wonderful and without a doubt one of the best dreams he ever had that was until it all shattered within his mind and he was awoken from a mid sleep, hearing a, "yo" Masa waved the man off an rolled over replying, "You should take your hand off of that wakizashi you have gripped in your hand, yo wouldn't have time to take it out." He for sure gave away he was a spiritual being and his blade gave away more to that his double bladed souda which devoured the eigth division in a reign of blod

He pictured the male who approached him having a wakizashi but soon silenced himself and fell back asleep he wasn't really interested in talking let alone anything else but sleeping and that was what he was going to do exactly.

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