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Anamist sat atop Kurakigh highschool, he was looking at the full moon which cast a barrier of serene light across this half of the world. this moon was so much more peaceful than Hueco Mundos. He looked at a clock within the school, it was almost tme for Hikaru to meet him here; along with the others who had recieved his words.

He stood up and stretched, likely some would be offended by his words and might want a quick battle- some poeple could not be reasoned with logic or emotions, but with fists. Regardless, he wouldn't kill unless they endangered the future plans which they had had worked at so hard for so long.

Come on you guys, Ive been waiting a good while...

He kicked a loose brick off the roof as he peered down below.


Hikaru had looked over the notice he received. He felt kind of odd answering a request from an Espada, but felt it could not hurt to see what he wanted. This was especially ture due to the fact that Hidane had left him high and dry and the Soul Society didn't want anything to do with him since there was a rumor going around he was a vizard. He only hoped Misoka would be alright with that type of rumor floating around. He reviews the instructions one more time before heading to the roof of Karakura High School. He'd been up there before, but that was during school hours. This was different as it was night and the moon was shining. As he reached the rooftop he looked around for the person he had come to meet. He was not in a gigai this night. No, he was dressed as a Shinigami and only those who could sense reiatsu would know he was around. "Hello. Anyone here?" he calls out as he looks around for the sender of the notice.


Anamist revealed his presence of rietsu from across the other wing of the school, when hikaru had spoken, Anamist jumped across the school rooftop to stand infront of Hikaru.

Greetings, Hikaru.

he said with a smile and a friendly wave. he paused between his sentences to allow Hikaru to greet him in turn before he continued with talking.

lately I've been hearing rumors of descrimination within the current Soul Society shinigami.. is that true?

He knew it was true, but he wanted to hear it directly from Hikaru and know his feelings on the matter, he turned to look up at the moon while he waited for a response.


Hikaru jumped a bit as Anamist appeared before him. He was shocked and not sure what to make out of all this. "Well now, I suppose your Anamist, the one from the notice? What's going on here?" he asks. He then hears the question that is on everyones mind at the moment, though in many more words than he would've thought. Discrimination in the Soul Society. He knew it to be true since he was one of those being discriminated against. He thought for a moment and then said, "Yes. It's true. I'm one of those being discriminated against. There is a rumor going around that I'm a Vizard and some people don't like it. More specifically that stupid Captain of the 6th Division. She's got it in for me. That Captian Senna whats her name. Now I can't get back to my squad. They have no right to do this even though I am a vizard. They have no proof I am one however."


Anamist listened intently and noticed Hikaru's agitation and frustration, he had personally knew Senna- Anamist tried very hard to hide a smile as he thought about that interesting captain. then he thought of the CC- the one who publicized the descrimination of the hollow-type beings. It's true that maybe Anamist or hikaru's justice was bias, but it was not within the right of the CC to base judgement simply from ones origin: actions spoke louder.. as the saying went.

What... if I said I had a means of turning Soul Society around? To do away with the current CC and re-estaablish the laws of Soul Society based on a less harsh existance where beings can co-exist with each other in their own worlds. Would you help me if it were possible? I'm not asking you to betray your people, but simply to re-focus their sights on what is right & just..

It was likely strange for Hikaru to hear such words from an Espada- but all the same, Anamist meant every word with sencerity.


Hikaru could not believe what he was hearing. An Arrancar wanted to work with him to fix the issues the Soul Society had. It didn't seem right to him. Why would an Arrancar want to help him out after all. He thought for a few moments before replying. "This sounds all good and fine, but why me? Your an Arrancar. Normally I don't work well with somoene who normally tries to kill me. Care to explain this a bit further?" he says.


Anamist shrugged, it was within his every right to question his intentions.

If you think of it, you descriminate against me even now based off of my own hollow relationship & powers- the way you view me is the same way the CC views you. Shouldn't my actions and words be the contributing factor to whether or not i should be liked, hated or even trusted?

The simple fact is- there is a little human girl that I wish to protect: I suspect she is a fulbring and quite the trong one, even though her powers have yet to manifest.. but I now the CC will sentence her to death if he were to find out of her hollow powers. I care for this little human girl deeply and would stop at nothig to ensure a gentle peaceful world for her. Surely.. there is someone you wish to be with as well?

Again he asked questions which he already knew the answers to, but it was merely to get his aquaintences to understand the level of justice & love he had.

i have a means of creating Soul Society into a better likeness of justice & peace. As with any change- change is a form of rebellion: it's not a light task to approach without the support of those you wish to help. Do you want my help? Agreeing to allow me to help you and your kind indirectly helps myself: so i have no means to trick you or gain from this trust.


Hikaru had not realized what he just did untill Anamist had pointed it out to him. He felt kinda bad about it, but put that aside to continue listening to him. When he heard that he wanted to protect a human girl he was a bit shocked, but realized that Arrancar must have feeling as well. He knew he needed to put her personal feeling about Arrancar aside. He knew it would be tough since it's been drilled into him to take them out for more than 300 years. When asked the question about if there is somone he wished to be with, he already knew the answer to that as his thoughts turned back to Misoka. They had become so close in such a short time and he didn't want that to end. His attention was brought back down to earth as Anamist spoke again. He then heard the true reason Anamist wanted Hikaru to join. It seemed he wanted other vizard to join as well. He just wanted to make sure he heard Anamist correctly, however. "Alright. Let me see if I understand. You have a girl you wish to protect, but if she is found out by the current CC then she would basicly end up in the same boat I'm in since she seems to be a fullbring. You want to help me take out the current CC thrgouh a rebellion to help the little girl, if I understood what you just said. Well, you can say I've learned something new today. I do have one question, however. Whats going to happen to after the current CC is gone?" he said.


Arekussu was sitting in his room at the top tower of Los Noches, music slowly drawling from the small speaker he had set up on the bedside table. All that was in the room was a bed, the side table, a bookshelf, and the TV screen that sat on the opposite wall. Arekussu had had a huge atrium when he was Segunda previously, although he had never truly liked the huge room. It was perfect in every way in regards to acoustics, but it was also too empty. He had felt lonely in such a large room. This small tower room suited him much more, and he had to be honest with himself in saying that the sound quality did not change that much if it was not live music.

His eyes switched focus from the roof to his screen when a message indicator flashed across it. “Open and read.” said Arekussu, the computer picking up his voice pattern and relaying the commands through the system. Before him opened a letter, one from Anamist the Quatra Espada, or as Arekussu liked to call him, the Butler. A soft female voice began to read the letter, and the contents legitimately surprised Arekussu. Overthrowing the Soul Society’s regime? The was by far the most ambitious scheme he had seen the arrancar concoct for some time. However, the letter did little to convince Arekussu that it would be a good idea. He would need to go and meet with Anamist to find out more. Hopefully Anamist would have a good argument; otherwise Arekussu might be forced to take action to stop such a violent proposal.

Arekussu stood up in his room, and after stretching for a moment, tore a hole in space and time, a gargantia to the human world. Soft melodies spewed from the hole, all distinct and yet with strange unfollowable rhythms. Arekussu had never understood the source of the music, and oft times it would haunt his dreams aswell. He could have sword that some of the sounds he heard in the songs were unearthly notes, notes that did not fit in the normal spectrum of hearing. He shuddered to think of what produced the sound, and as such made his trips through gargantias as quick as possible.

In a moment, Arekussu was in the human world, his eyes adjusting to the brightness of the area. Even at night it seemed brighter here, as if Hueco Mundo was always covered in a veil of black mist. Arekussu felt out with reitsu and immidiatly located Anamist, near the Karakura high school. He sonidoed in that direction just in time to hear the shinigami who was there pose a question to the arrancar. It was a good question, something Arekussu had been considering himself.

Instead of waiting for Anamist to respond, however, Arekussu simply butted in, saying, “Mass chaos and destruction I suppose. Isn’t that the case with all leaderless armies?” His clothing settled from the end of the high speed movement as he removed the headphones from his ears, something he only did when he was completely serious about a conversation. “There is no true purpose to this, just massive destruction. Imagine the lives that will be lost in just breaching the Sekkiseki gate. Sure, perhaps a few races are oppressed at the moment, but it has always been that the lives of the many outway the lives of the few.”


From out of the black of night,i speakSo what does a shinigami,a vizard heretic,an arrencar possibly an espada,and myself all have in common? I say stepping out of the darkness before everyone assembled. My stark white hair gently moves in the winds of night. The armored vest I wear now is clad in grey cotton. My long white jacket blows back from the same wind as my hair. The long white head band I wear tied around my forehead drops down my back. The black gauntlet upon my right hand makes a subtle unsheathing sound as several blades retract.

Standing before the men assembledand to answer your previous question. When Soul Society is returned to normal,a new and just Captain Commander will be assigned I say as I take two steps towards the group. Across my back my zanpacto is positioned and upon my right thigh,my soul splitter. now lets see what plan you lot are working on?i say holding a ball of light floating in my gauntleted hand

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