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Greetins Arekussu and half brother Koshi, it is a pleasure to have you here for this meeting. I can assure you that my intentions are true, Arekussu can attest to my noble actions in the past. As with all change comes rebellion and the conflict between those of current beliefs and those of future beliefs, all we can do is influence their opinions of those who are unsure themselves.

Anamist turned his attention to Koshi; the man was as intriguing just as he was powerful- It was hard to read such a man's intentions.

Before I reveal any vital imformation; I need your words-- from all of you, that I have your trust. For I do have a means to changing Soul Society without plummetting it into chaos.


Hikaru looks at Arekussu as he arrives. He pays quiet attention to what Arekussu has to say and begins to wonder if all that is true. He then turns to face Tazuma as he arrives. He jumps back a bit to give himself some distance beteen where he is and where Tazuma is. He only hopes that Tazuma is not that mad at him for what he did. He begins to wonder if he should just rejoin the Divine Family agian, but wants to fully hear Anamist out. He looks at Tazuma for one more moment, mulling over being called a vizard heretic. He hated what he did and only wished he could say as much. He then turned back to Anamist as he spoke. He then replies, "You have my word, but, I'm not sure about all of this still. I think I still need to know more."


Nodding slowly"you have my word as well." I say looking around reading the body language of those around me."to breach the walls of the inner areas of soul society more then just a group of arrencars,vizards,and rogue shinigami will be needed. A task like that would require a legion of thousands.....good thing I am amassing such a legion as we speak." I say smiling deviously"this new form has afforded me many bonus benifits." I add


Anamost nodded, truly it would need many beings to breach the walls and take the city- let alone defeat the defenders. Anamist smiled mischeviously.

I can get into SS undetected and cause commotion which would concern the Captain Commander, he would send out his captains to individual spots to confirm certain imformation and he would be waiting for their reports. This way, I can lead him to a secluded place where we can deal with him; an army or such would be very good to keep the captains busy.


Hikaru wondered just how an Arrancar could get in the SS undetected. He felt it maybe was best not to ask. He was curious as to what his part would be in all of this so he decided to ask. "That sounds fine, but how do I fit into all of this? I'm not sure that I fully understand your plan." he says.


Arekussu listened and watched as this group of beings talked about essentially sacrificing thousands of lives for some meaningless revolution. He sighed and rubbed his forehead with his palm, at the same time using the motion to check out the people in this group. With the power level he could feel here, he would have no way of cutting off this little war before it began. He hated moments like this, because he knew that he would eventually be forced to take a side. Still, he did not have to decide which side tonight.

When asked for his word of trust, Arekussu simply nodded, knowing that telling anyone else would just stand to further inflate the damage caused by these actions. He watched as they began to discuss strategy for the invasion, and talked about using a huge force simply to keep the captains busy. A grimace crossed his face then, understanding that the captains would slaughter them in bushels simply for a distraction. What horrible fate would befall any who joined this cause.

Arekussu had heard enough of this foolishness. However, he must not let them know that he was against the plan, lest he be snuffed out here and now. Waiting for a break in the conversation, Arekussu cut in after the weaker of the two vizard spoke, saying, “Unfortunately, I do not have time for a lengthy discussion. I have been levied tasks by Cross and he will wonder why I am away for so long.” He said the statement with a grin, his face not revealing that anything was amiss. He turned and created a gargantia by pulling aside the air, and before he walked through he pivoted his head to look back at the group and said, “Call on me again if you need any assistance, you know where to find me Anamist.”

As he turned back to the gargantia and began the walk back to Hueco mundo, his face turned to that of anger and annoyance. This could not be allowed to happen, the loss of life would be too great to handle. Either he must come up with a more efficient plan, or he will need to somehow stop them. He almost laughed at the prospect. As if he could even hope to stand against a group as powerful as them. Still, some people must share his trepidations. He would need to start networking again.



Anamist nodded to Arek- he was a good being, intent on only helping others; like anyone here- all questioned his plan and motives... it was in their right and Anamist understood the severity of revelealing his plan unnecassarily only to have it revealed beforehand. He had a means of preventing this however.

The vizards have been a point of confusion and mixed feelings for a long time; I need the face integrity of the Vizards and their combined strength along with the few of us Arrancar who seek to change the way things work. Basially it's a joint-force effort- and I can't reveal too much of my plan without having the utmost trust in each one of you.. for that matter-I've developed a plan to ensure no betrayels are to happen on either side.

Anamist paused for a moment while he let the weight of his words sink in, letting them know that if one were to betray the other- they would die.

I've heard some shinigami have a means of implementing a specific seal on members of a sect; ensuring safety of their secrets by putting this seal on them and adding conditions to its activation. The simple mechanic of the activation would be that if any one of us were to betray our "comrades" of this joint force- the seal would activate and take the life of the sealed being.


My army vast are the perfect warriors. They feel no pain,no fear,no doubt. They follow orders to the letter. None will perish here. hearing of the seal I smile,chuckling slightlySuch a seal does exist but sadly that seal would fail to effect me as i am now. We should not rush this legion needs a bit more time to grow. I add looking at everyone assembled. Locking my eyes with Anamist's. I know that he legitly wants to protect this human he speaks ofThis girl means alot to you doesn't she Brother Anamist? I ask calmly


Hikaru thought for a moment regarding the seal. He had heard of it, but was not so sure that he'd want to jump blindly into things. He wanted to know more first. He also knew that the group of people Tazuma was rounding up where people much like him. Vizards who were fleeing from the crazy CC. He, however, still seemed to be allowed in the SS at the moment. He began to wonder just how long that would last, however. He knew that some thought he was a vizard already and that may only be enough to have the CC after him. There was also the fact that he was once part of the Divine Family as well. He sighed and turned his attention back to Anamist. "I hear what your saying, but I'm not so sure on this seal you are talking about. Sounds kind of fishy to me. Who is to say that you or anyone won't just use this to take out anyone they don't like? I think I'd like to know more before I commit to anything." he said.


Anamist nodded, he understood the concern and disbelief.

Before I explain about the seal; i've decided to show you part of my plan- it is my ability.

Anamist's rietsu poured from around his body and encased him until he had become a solid block of hardened crimson rietsu. Moments later the mass of crystalized rietsu shattered to reveal a shinigami with glasses, pink hair and a standard shinigami outfit; though he still carried both of his zanpakuto on him. Anamist smiled mischeviously as he bowed before the others in a form of mock-respect; he pushed his glases further up his nose to adjust his view of the beings before him.

If they were gauging his rietsu levels, even if he flared all of his current power to their maximum levels; his tier was only so high as a 2-5, the traces of his holow powers & rietsu were completed gone and he had all the information of the shinigami he had assimilated a long time ago. When he spoke, he spoke with a richer yet deeper voice.

To answer your question, my half brother- the little human girl does indeed mean a lot to me; I would fight any one and any number of opponents to protect her safety and blissful happiness.

He pasued his speech as he regarded the ones around him, the two vizard- now understanding that his ability allowed him to replace his rietsu signature memories and basic abilities- it made him the perfect infiltrator.

He had raised his right hand in the air with his palm facing towards the moon, the serence moonlight illuminated a pink substance forming in his hand until a four-sided object rested in his upturned palm. White runes began to appear on the object as Anamist spoke a series of conditions into the runed object.

[/This rune is to be touched by those willing to abide by these conditions which are about the be read aloud and verbally acknowledged by those around.

As Anamist began to speak the next phrase that he read directly from the runes, the runes began to dance in the air so that the others around him could also read along with him and understand.

[color=redThe conditions are as such-Those willing to partake in the covenant are to abide by the rules: these rules prevent the members from betraying directly, indirectly or in any roudabout manner. In doing so of betraying the others, the seal owners body will self-destruct. once the conditions are created, it is irrevocable and unchangable- if the seal owner or weilders are to change the rules or affect of the current seal; it becomes nullified and loses the value of conditions, instantly activating the self-destruct protocol. Any intentional or roundabout "leaking" of information will also be considered betrayel and the same results will occur.[/color]

Anamist held out the seal object towards those present and he looked into their eyes- so piercing it seemed as if he were looking into their soul.

My intentions are not to decieve you nor to bring about your destruction; I myself will partake in this seal if we are to come to an agreement on it. The seal allows not one person to hold power over it, for it requires all of the willing/verbal acknowledgement of the affected ones for any change in conditions. Once the agreed plan is finished, the full affects of the seal will be nullified and it wil go away- whether or not you believe this seal will or won't affect you; it will. To make this seal, it requires the combined strength of those present- resulting in a type of self-destruct kido over level 98.

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