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#1 New Technique Empty New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:06 am


Technique Name: Concealment (Passive)
Technique Description: This is a passive technique that mezuki has mastered which has allowed him to greatly reduce the amount of reiatsu that he gives off in combat or even completely conceal it allowing him to hide himself from the enemy. Though if mezuki uses any technique/attacks besides camouflage or if he sonidos his presence will be revealed completely for a post. This technique is also acts as a scent blocker to prevent himself from being detected by those with heightened sense of smell by blending his own scent in with his surroundings almost completely concealing him however this technique does not take effect until he reaches ressurrecion.

Sealed State

Same Tier: Cannot be detected unless the enemy has a special tracking tech

Lower Tier: Cannot be detected no matter what

Higher Tier: His reiatsu is greatly reduced making him seem like a normal human however if the person has a tracking tech he can be detected

Ressurrecion State

Same Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a human but can be detected by tracking techs

Lower Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a human at all times

Higher Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a hollow but can be detected with a tracking tech

Segunda Etapa State

Same Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a low rank hollow but can be detected by tracking techs

Lower Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a low rank hollow at all times

Higher Tier: Gives off the reiatsu of a gillian but can be detected by a tracking tech

#2 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:28 pm


Hmmm a good idea but i think that you need to have different guides for the different forms like the ress that tapping into the sealed away powers so that means that you be pumping out more reiatsu then normal. also with the segunda etapa in cannon it put out a massive amount of energy maybe not all of it reiatsu but there a lot of it there no way in hell that you be able to hide all of it. once that done i look at it again also there are some sensing tech here which don't relay on reiatsu just so you know so they would not be effected by this but it may confuse the senser FYI.

#3 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 1:57 pm


Also. You won't be able to Sondio, or use reiatsu based techs while you do this. as a drawback.

#4 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:00 pm


I edited the ability to make it cleared as well as added weaknesses.

#5 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:11 pm


it look good to me now so i approve now you just need another approval.

#6 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:47 pm


Segunda Etapa is not an auto form. It must be earned through a hard thread. Also make it that you can do no agressive actions or the cloak comes down(like any cloaking tech would)

#7 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:29 pm


Lord Marshal Koshi wrote:Segunda Etapa is not an auto form. It must be earned through a hard thread. Also make it that you can do no agressive actions or the cloak comes down(like any cloaking tech would)
I don't understand how or why a physical attack would reveal my character since it doesn't use reiatsu at all unless it's a technique. It's bad enough I can't sonido or use reoatsi based techs which is actually understandable but not being able to attack at all even with attacks that don't require or reveal my power makes this tech a waste of space

#8 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:04 pm


In a sense, if you do strike, or do somethign agressive, the blending in would go away. that's Imo, I have a similar tech, once I attack, physical or rei, I become visible.

#9 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:40 am


See I do know what I am talking about....or this could be considered OP for basically allowing perfect cloak. If you can got cloak and just attack physically at will then you could go cloak and slowly walk around autohitting at your choice now

#10 New Technique Empty Re: New Technique Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:43 am


If you say so...I edited it. Also for the segunda part of the ability i have it there because since it is passive after all it will be able to be used once it is obtained.

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