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#1Unrestrained[Open] Empty Unrestrained[Open] Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:10 am


"Honestly," Stretching, the older demon felt as tense. His back, his legs, his arms...Everything felt so restricted. When was the last time he went out in the world? It had been ages, but it was definitely to something that was worthy of his attention. That was rare now-a-days. Things were so mundane that he felt as if he were stuck in some loop. He needed to exercise his mind and body before he fell away to become some lifeless statue.

Lowering his arms and fighting a unusually potent yawn, Cubix walked out of a human bar. Why was he there? To drink of course. Despite being an inhuman creature, Cubix could still poison his vessel quiet efficiently. It wasn't any harm to his own body or spirit and he enjoyed the sensation of being dazed and light. Truly, in these times of quiet and in which the various races had taken to themselves and their own, the boredom a demon is plagued with is insurmountable. Why not drink and take a night out on the town? That was the only thing that managed to force Cubix out of that dark hall waiting for something interesting to happen.

Boredom drew him here and, at the moment, he was pleasantly enjoying the benefits of his field trip. Unfortunately for Cubix, he also felt even more powerful than usual. He felt unbound and unrestricted by the ordinary aesthetics that kept him from just tearing into each and every human that he passed by. In fact, just looking upon them sparked some carnal violence deep within himself that begged to be released. Just a little bit here and a little there...

Cubix stopped by a hospital. It was large, more than a few stories high, with electric lights brilliantly piercing the shadows around. The clean smell permeating from it as well as the orderly line of humans heading in and out stole Cubix's attention. With his current thoughts scrambled, his inhibitions diluted, and his violent desires borderline savage...The demon couldn't think of anything else other than to, well, destroy it.

The demon, long black hair and bloody-red eyes, slowly lifted up his hand. Calling his power, running through the earth, his demon energy spiked likely catching every spiritual radar within a few miles of his position. Sure, it wasn't all his power, but the amount of power he summoned would likely be enough to give any Vice Captain a start.

In an instant the hospital crumbled, collapsing as support was destroyed and the entire foundation was shaken, causing the entire building to come down. It was headed straight for Cubix too, as if it were about to smash him, but he didn't move right away. It felt almost...Surreal. To Cubix it was as if he was and wasn't there, watching his destruction of an innocent hospital come right at him. The screams within and outside were exhilarating. They motivated him. He felt that desire for violence jump all the higher.

Just as a large portion of the hospital fell to crush him, he vanished. To any mortal spectators, it would have looked as if the long haired man was crushed. He was not. In fact, he moved with a superhuman quickness atop yet another building, only a few feet from the cataclysm that he conjured. It was delightful.

"I wish to fight...Or eat...Maybe both and neither..." He thought, slipping a hand through that long hair of his, "Perhaps something to play destroy-the-city with? Any entertainment would be nice," Cubix said, summoning yet another spike of power. This time it was larger and heavier.

Cracks appeared in the building he stood on. Cracks appeared on the streets below. Was he about to create an earthquake. "Whoops," Cubix said, stumbling over his own feet, losing control over his power, and fell right off the one story building to the ground. All the shaking and quaking went quiet as he hit the ground hard enough to almost sober him up some. Almost.

#2Unrestrained[Open] Empty Re: Unrestrained[Open] Thu Oct 25, 2012 2:34 pm


[May I join this?]

#3Unrestrained[Open] Empty Re: Unrestrained[Open] Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:56 am


Yup. Its open.

#4Unrestrained[Open] Empty Re: Unrestrained[Open] Sat Oct 27, 2012 2:18 pm


Several months had passed since Shinko had kidnapped Reina, and not to long after that Shinko seemed to disappear completely. It was a normal day in Naruki City. where suddenly a Garganta opened and suddenly there was a large reaitsu flare and the sky around naruki city became dark. From the Garganta Shinko appeared and slowly descended to the ground. "Heh...Things seem to be good here...for now", he said. Those who could feel spiritual power could sense a powerful being was now in Naruki city. Humans who sensed him would be afraid..and shinigami who sensed him could sense a dark indivisual whose spiritual pressure was over double a normal captains. However Shinko was still suppressing a great amount of his strength. Because of that day with Reina Shinko's power equaled at minimum the power of the Sotaicho...and with months of training under his belt after that day it seemed he had ascended his true power even further.

Shinko reached the ground and began walking, just looking for someone to find him. "Come out, come out wherever you are shinigami...I'm not here to fight...just yet", he said sadistically yet mumbled.

#5Unrestrained[Open] Empty Re: Unrestrained[Open] Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:09 pm


Cubix, still a little dazed, picked himself up from the ground. He held his head before running his hand through his hair, as long as it was, and dusted himself off. That had been quite a fall, still though he hadn't exactly realized that he was the one that fell.

Stumbling, Cubix started a stroll through the streets. The city was aflame with energy. Streets were blocked off thanks to the fallen hospital and people were in a crazed panic as they cried and screamed. The loss of the hospital was a heavy thing for all the citizens, even those who didn't know anyone in the hospital. Cubix couldn't understand such compassion or really even notice the emotional trauma he forced this small city to endure all because of his uncaring impulse. All the chaos was almost enjoyable though. As they ran about or just stared with tears in their eyes or when a few raged about terrorism...It was fantastic.

However, then something came to ruin this very human moment Cubix was having. The familiar feeling of a dimensional rift told Cubix that it was not a mortal creature. If Cubix were composed enough he'd probably been able to tell what sort of being it was, however he felt only dazed and bubbly from the rampant alcohol running through this human's brain.

Cubix strangely felt another desire for violence. Surely, his current mindset afflicted, there couldn't be anything worth sparing that just appeared in this world, right? Yet another insect or worm had made its appearance in this world and either would be easy to squash. As Cubix took step after step his wants became all the more concrete and the wish to pulverize whatever appeared here started to dominate his mind.

Now only to find it...Sensing another being wasn't easy when intoxicated. It was like trying to see in the dark to find one object admist a storeroom of various objects. Cubix couldn't really locate the newcomer, but that didn't stop him from searching.

Without paying attention to the various humans that could see him, Cubix used his high speed movement to warp from one place to another. In an instant, the tall man with the long black hair became a small after image of grassblades. Vanishing and appearing, over and over, Cubix would eventually reappear right in front of Shinko.

The older demon crossed his arms, struggling to stand straight, and would watch the boy with squinting eyes, as if Cubix needed glasses. "Just who are you?" Cubix asked, just now realizing how easy this man would have been to find. He was practically broadcasting his location to the entire city. If it had been that easy...Why had it been so difficult then?

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