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#1An Eclipse In The Antarctic [OPEN] Empty An Eclipse In The Antarctic [OPEN] Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:31 am


Earth was peaceful and full of fun and laughter as the dogs barked the birds chirped and the people ran and played about yes it was a peeaceful day indeed until a certain person looked up and saw that a massive planet was approaching looking as if it was going to collide with earth from the planet small tendril like devices came from it and attached themselves to earth but on the far end of the earth in antarctica is where they made their arrival soldiers upon soldiers bearing the reiatsu mixture of a hollow and of a quincy made their presence known and thus went into formation the kingdom had made its home on the soft snow of antarctica and thus a shield began to form over the kingdom from the great doors of this kingdom came an elderly man hunched over

An ear to ear grin on his face as his reiatsu seeped from his body so thick it looked as if mist had filled the air and slowly it crept across all of the sea making it's way to the land it was a massive reiatsu signature and antarctica slowly lost its sunlight as the planet covered the whole of the sky that shined over the lands.

The Elder King's eyes were lit with a demonic glow and his teeth shined as brightly as the sun had the fellow soldiers had done the same their eyes glowing and their smiles ear to ear it was the beginning of a new, the beginning of the night.

#2An Eclipse In The Antarctic [OPEN] Empty Re: An Eclipse In The Antarctic [OPEN] Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:50 am

Rha' Chonchiyo

Rha' Chonchiyo
Rha feelt something was odd he was at this forge in rukon and thought nuthing more of it for the time.Do to his scare was buging him a bit and he reach into his cabenet and poped two pain killers and drink some water as he sits back down.

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