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#11"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:48 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
A fifth figure suddenly entered the hall. He couldn't see him at first, though the great ceiling crack he stood before was ever growing, as were others quickly spreading across the great dome. "What on earth?" The Surgeon's thoughts rushed after realizing that not only was the fallen figure the Primera, but the newcomer had tried to mangle the body. Did he think that he was still alive despite the fact that his spiritual pressure was gone? Did this newcomer completely lack any understanding of his prequisa ability?

The words he heard next made his inquiries irrelevant. The strange being who no doubt was responsible for killing the Primera implied that their was either some type of toxin or bacterial agent he exposed the Arrancar too. "Am I also infected?" He thought. "I don't have any of the symptoms that he described. Then again should I check just to be sure?" He seriously pondered this because it would mean that he'd have to reveal his reiatsu to monitor for fluctuations. He never would have thought that he would need to bring any sort of test kit; any equipment at all really.

This was far more than a fight for the position of Primera. This became apparent when an Espada he recognized in passing began to run away. The strange being with the odd mixture of Quincy and Hollow reiatsu types planned on attacking her. His reiatsu began to mirror his killing intent as he revealed two blades and began twirling them in an expert fashion. If what he said about the exposing the others to something that would kill them in a mere five minutes was true, this being was an all around dangerous one.

Did this being cause Hueco Mundo to begin its descent into the petrified world below? "No, he couldn't have." He thought. "His spiritual pressure is barely above my own. He would need help from-" He instantly pieced the situation together.

Since he arrived and laid eyes on the being, Yorudan had always noted the charging of some type of device on his back. It was storing and condensing his reiatsu. If this was indeed some type of Quincy weapon, that manipulated, or rather broke down reishi, someone with his level of reiatsu could easily level Hueco Mundo. Quincy generally were already the most reiatsu efficient beings he'd ever come across, doing much with generally so little. They were after all only human.

"I can maybe understand you Quincy attacking a Hollow looking to take a bite out of you, but coming here, bringing the fight to us?" This Quincy came to the home of the Espada, even though they weren't, they were known to all as a group which was comprised of all of the most powerful Arrancar in existence. Things truly made sense to him now. The Quincy had discovered something knew, something they were clearly confident in. At least this one who stood before him. He came here to make a statement, but that wasn't all. "He could have stopped at killing the Arrancar rumored to be the most powerful ever, but he's now attacking another that is far less impressive. But why? Why is he-"

The smallest of the Arrancar's below was preparing for something. "His reiatsu. . .it flickered minutely." An explosion of loud sounds echoed from below as waves of large, sharp, jagged pillars sprouted from the ground. They shredded through the stone walls and foundation.

Yorudan stepped into a sonido when a massive crack caused from the little one's attack met the crack he'd been using to eavesdrop. The giant stone dome came crumbling down into the massive room below.

Though his reiatsu was hidden, he only hoped that no one saw him avoid falling into the room with the others and being exposed to the alleged sickness or toxin.

#12"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:13 pm


Mithras watched in slow motion as the forest of bones spread toward them. Unsheathing his blade, he yelled at the Queen."GO! I'll cover you, just GO! Your survival is the most important thing here!" Holding the blade to his side, he stepped up on one toe and began to spin, effectively keeping the bones at a distance. He spotted enemies in the room, although one of the reiatsu in the room suddenly dissappeared. He saw Verda opening a Gargantua, and he turned towards the one called Kinder and Togira. He raised his blade high in the sky and yelled, "LAS TORMENTAS! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Black, lightning-formed, dragons shot out of the blade, aimed towards Togira. He flipped, landing no more than 3 feet and once again yelled, "Sombras Cuchilla" This atttack, which creates tangible blades formed from shadows, attack a target, aimed for vital organs and veins, he thought Using Togira's shadow, he directed the blades towards Togira's vital spots. Not looking to see the damage he caused, he followed the queen.

(OOC: Sombras Cuchilla means Shadow Blade)

Resureccion Stats:

#13"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:10 am


[ooc: No one posts until Cross posts, it may take time due to him being sick, but he is the keep player in this thread. Posting Order is as follows. Cross-Verd-Myself-Yoru-Mithras, though its not super important, we should keep some sort of order.]

#14"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Mon Dec 17, 2012 9:50 am



"Run, Run, Run away. I can still find you, Any Day!"

    Kinder smirked watching the queen try to make an gargunta to escape. Slashing up at the ceiling with his reishi slashes, 3 chunks started to fall. One, on the already Opening Garganta, then another falling in between the exit and Verda, the other in the middle of the bone forest that appeared. Kinder jumped from one tip to the next, spinning and laughing from each touch. "You come in here, saying you want to talk, now you're running? I like the little one. At least he has reason." Kinder slashed into the darts that came about, causing smoke to burst infront of him. his flared his resihi, making it scapel sharp, so that when Togira did slash into him, his arms would get gashed and he would gain Tuberculosis, A virus that affects the lungs. It would cause his lungs to fill up with his own blood, essentially drowning him.

    Kinder was only shot downwards into the bone forest, snapping into them and breaking them as he fell. Standing up, he wiped his chin, were blood dripped slowly."You arrancar are prideless things. Turning on your own. Killing your own. Pitiful. This is one of the reason why I want your kind, extinct." Kinder was a little more serious in tone than he has been. Having no expression on his face, He pulled his massive bow out, Placing three large, and long beam on his string. Aiming up , he let go, letting the three beams make a triangle in the air. Once in place, the beams slowly dissipated, but not in thin air. It rained down reishi spikes and disease smoke. The spikes have the same damage as a arrancars bala, but that is not where the power comes from. The smoke contains leprosy. Leprosy affects both the nerves of the body, and eye sight. It can make the clearest vision go fuzzy, or blind. He can make nerves slow or not react at all. This smoke would stack with the diseases, they already have Asbestos,Graves disease, and Meningitis.

    Disappearing into thin air, Kinder went into the middle of the area, letting out a loud sigh. Slowly, 2 clones, one that looks like Togira, and one that looks like Verda appeared beside him. They have none of their techiques, only filled with diesease and resihi. Basically walking bombs. They are only of 75% percent speed, but they can still fight back with hakuda and zanjutsu. The togria clone goes after Mithras, Appearing above him, slashing downwards. The verda clone goes after the real Verda, Sonido'ing around the area and then coming up to strike her left hip.

    "I don't think you two understand when I say Extinct. If i can kill the primera, I can kill anyone." Kinder appeared in front of Verda and Mithras, Slashing with his blades, sending reishi slashes towards them. He then places his blades on his hip, equipping his reishi knuckles, hitting the ground and throwing up shards of earth towards Verda and Mithras.

    Kinder wanted no one to run. No one to survive.

#15"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re Mon Dec 17, 2012 8:12 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
"I am really sorry Togira..." Queen said to the arrancar. She swinged her sword towards her own clone, and slashing it against the ruined wall. The disease-reishi clone cutted her left hip, and made her to fell her knees. Suddenly, Nosferatu appeared in front of her, and he shoot slashes towards her. If she wouldn't have reacted so fast, Queen would be dead now. First, using cero-like teachnique called 'El Fuego' to terminate the slashes, but also pieces of earth.

Then trying to touch slightly Kinder's hand, using a technique, called 'Monje Ciego', to make him blind for a small moment. She didn't need much time. Using almost instantly new technique, sonido variation called 'La Instate'. She didn't care if she would have missed the touch to Kinder, when the blinding spell wouldn't last. The sonido-variation leaved a clone of her to that place, so Kinder wouldn't get, that she isn't dead.

In one second, Verdadero was next to Mithras. She didn't say anything to Mithras, but whispered herself... 'La Fornicación'

The demonic release gived her a change to take Mithras away. Her new form, succubus, was horned and bat-winged, and with one slash, her wing cutted the cheek of Kinder. She didn't actually hurt him, but showed, that she could have hurted him.

Now using technique called 'Mapa el Mundo' to transport her and Mithras away. Actually, it just opened garganta, but the opening and closing was extremely fast. But just one second before the garganta got closed... there appeared a line to the area of Hueco Mundo. It cutted the realm to half with giantic black sword made from darkness itself. This was the last resort of Verdadero called 'Apocalypsis'. The desert of Hueco Mundo falled itself to canyon of dark, big hole. This was why Queen apologized for Togira. She left all those who trusted to her... saving only one...

They appeared to Human World exhausted, hungry and influced form the disease. Almost dead, but still... they were alive.

[OK. I leave this thread now as i escaped.]

#16"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Mon Dec 17, 2012 11:28 pm


You do know that post was full of godmodding right? You cannot auto hit Kinder. You cannot controls Mithra by dragging him into the garganta, he has to act his own way. Also, I checked your app on the techs. The black fire blast, and the apoc tech have no charging listed, but say they do charge.

So I suggest editing the post. Or it'll become null ;/))

#17"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Dec 18, 2012 4:21 am


[ Warning for Verdadero; this is your first instance of godmod. You auto-hit kinder without a sufficient advantage in speed and automatically determined the damage performed by the hit. If you godmod again, there will be consequences. ]

#18"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:06 am


[OOC: Verdadero, due to having failed to edit your post I will be disregarding it and following off of Cross's post.]

"Oh no! Looks like your escape was cut off my QUEEN..."

    Togira spat these words out, liquid hierro dripping from his face as he did so. Why would Togira speak these words? Because he happily watched as his bone spikes pierced the walls, and the ceiling of the structure. Already large pieces of Las Noches' structure were falling into the room, crushing Togira's bone spikes, and blocking Verdadero's path to her gargantua. Togira's joy was cut off briefly as he felt a flicker of reiatsu.

    Our young Arrancar turned to see black lightning dragons coming towards him. Togira smirked. The liquid bone hierro that made up his form solidified. Slowly Togira's arm seemed to grow, first a handle which Togira grabbed before ripping it from his arm. Following the handle, in a spray of liquid hierro, was a large cleaver shaped blade. This blade, although made of bone, hierro, and various metals, was as durable if not more durable than a Zanpakuto. Thus with Togira's superior strength the blade easily slashed through the first technique Mithras launched at him.

    Togira now laughed, he had just noticed the second technique. Blades had formed from his shadow, aimed for the vitals. With a yawn Togira's smirk grew, his orange eye's glinting with a predator's instinct. With a burst of speed and Sonido Togira cleared his position, and the ground, thus escaping the technique aimed for him. Togira's speed was superior to Mithras' thus it wasn't all that hard to dodge the technique, the Sondio was simply used for one thing.

    Once the techniques were dodged or blocked Togira continued on his original coarse. Launching his Médula Torment which Kinder easily slashed creating a smokescreen. Togira took advantage of this, his former blade having been retracted into his body Togira now used Dark-Steel Bond forming hierro/steel blades along his arms. What Togira failed to notice as he attacked Kinder was the scalpel like reishi around him. Togira's attack met with Kinder only for Togira's arms to be cut open, quickly healed by his Extreme High Speed Regen. Though the healing was not fast enough to counter Kinder's infection.

    Suddenly as reishi spikes fell from the sky Togira felt it, the blood flowing into his longs. This was quickly made worse by the arrival of smoke. Smoke that caused Togira's vision to blur. Through his blurring vision Togira watched as clones of himself and Verdadero appeared. There wasn't anything Togira could do about it though. Despite his regeneration his small body could not fight the diseases inflicted by the stronger foe. Blood was filling his lungs. His nerves were shot, hell he could barely move a finger right now. And he was slowly going blind.

    Slumping forward Togira's world was slowly going black. He was now coughing up large globs of blood. All the while muttering one thing.

    "At least I don't die a coward.."

    These words were spoken through harsh coughs. Gasps for breath that wouldn't come. And the blood spilling forth from Togira's mouth. With a final laugh Togira dropped to the floor. Dead. Drowned in his own blood. Blind. And wholely unresponsive.

Ressurrecion Stats

Speed: 270
Reiryoku: 260
Damage Control: 260
Reiatsu Control: 260
Physical Condition: 260

[ooc: Woot Togira's dead. One less charry to shuffle around.]

#19"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:39 am

Mushami Shuuryou

Mushami Shuuryou
((Cross said this is alright because Verd is dead already. I just depicted her nondramatic anticlimactic death.))

He only knew one thing with absolute certainty. As he watched the last of the flying hollows who abandoned Las Noches fade from view, he came to realize something. Whatever was killing those in his presence wasn't effecting the entire area. He wasn't being effected.

He focused his relevant senses on the invader, attempting to gain information with his Master Prequisa technique. It was unlikely to reveal anything he didn't already know, but anything could help him reduce his risk.

"It's something the Quincy like being is exposing them to." Yorudan thought while peaking around the corner of one of the last remaining pillars which once towered above the crumbling palace once known as Las Noches. It too was quickly sinking into the abyss that was Menos Forest. Still, this hiding spot was better than nothing, being the ceiling of the once great dome had completely collapsed allowing him to see the contents and all within it entirely.

He'd almost completely pieced the abilities of the intruder together, at least those which were responsible for killing those in his presence."I wasn't here when he brought down the Primera, so I can't completely contribute his death to any type of toxin or infection. However, I didn't notice his reiatsu spike and fluctuate on my way here like I would expect to see were an Arrancar in battle." He peaked around the corner once more as the little Arrancar fell to his knees coughing up blood. "Torn esophagus?" He thought as he noted blood come from his mouth.

The Primera's body also had blood that had pooled around his head. The blood pool merged with a smaller one caused from the neck wound inflicted by one of the two Arrancar still standing in his presence. "Make that one Arrancar." He thought, as he watched the female Espada fall to her knees, blood spewing from her mouth. "No, this isn't a torn esophagus. This problem truly is internal, and it likely has something to do with the cloud he created earlier. Those clones filled with a poison gas?" He almost had it, and he knew it.

"No, no way any poison acts that quickly. He did mention something about these effects before and those symptoms. It's something his body was producing." His curiosity was more centered around what the being was doing here than what his abilities were, but at the very least, if he were to grow bold enough to ask the Quincy like being directly, he would need to have some idea of what his powers were to avoid being made subject.

His right wrist twisted, bulged, and finally cracked. Of course the sounds were more than covered by the crumbling monolith. His skin stretched and eventually popped, like the structure of an overly stretched rubber band. He hand separated from his arm and began to climb down the pillar. This wasn't the first time he'd used his Autonomy ability to aid him in gathering information.

When it came into reach he had his hand leap from the pillar into the large room, catching a ride from a chunk of falling debris. It's presence would likely go unnoticed to all but him. The remaining Arrancar would aid him in assessing the potential enemy's strengths and weaknesses whether he wanted to or not. With any luck though, this Arrancar would survive.

The hand eventually settled behind a small pile of rock.

#20"Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: "Muerte Blanca" CLOSED COMPLETED Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:53 am


[OOC: I will be own my own now, since Verda is dead}

Mithras watched slowly as Togira died, not feeling the least bit of regret. However, he was broken over Verda's death, watching her die, crushed beneath rock, her last move, splitting Hueco Mundo in half, all for naught. However, her Gargauntua was still open. No longer contained by Togira's massive rampage, he sonido'ed to the tear in space. First, he thought, I'll have to clear this disease.
Out loud, he yelled "MAREJADA!" The electricity running through his body should clear out any harmful toxins. It then proceeded to expand outward in a 25ft radius burst. Grabbing Verdas' lifeless body, he jumped through the rip in space, heading toward the prospect of a new life.

[OOC: I leave topic, as I have escaped. Thank you all for a first great RP!]

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