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#11Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:07 pm


"I guess your right, but this is an order from my captain." Yuki unsheathed his zanpakuto, someone was hiding their spritual pressure. Yuki can sense it because of the closeness and the great sensing he had. He didn't know why Udarsha unsheathed his zanpakuto also, but he just assumed he sensed the thing also.

#12Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:07 am


Mizuko see's both Udarsha and Yuki pull thier swords and figures that they have felt her presence. She quietly curses herself out as she stands up and hops down next to Yuki. She says, "Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten either of you two. I was sent here looking for someone and a hollow. I just missed the hollow and found you two. If you both don't want me here I can leave."

#13Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:20 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha looked at the woman with wide eyes. "Frighten? frighten? Ha! Don't make me laugh. I'm not frighten for the likes of you." Udarsha said sternly. His voice coming out all rough.

Looking back at Yuki, Udarsha said slowly, trying to speak as calmly as he can "And who is this captain of yours, may I ask?" he said.

#14Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Wed Dec 19, 2012 9:49 am


"I wasn't really frightened at all and you are who?" Yuki asked Mizuko. "Well, I don't really have a captain, I'm basically the highest rank in my division. I should've said that I got the order from Captain Commander. I don't know why he chose me for this mission, but I guess it was probably because I didn't have any orders." replying to Udarsha's question. Yuki sensed the hollow nearby with a soul, he quickly unsheathed his zanpakuto and starts talking. "Umm, hey both of you, I sensed the hollow nearby with a soul. Mind if I take off?"

#15Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:06 am


Mizuko looks between Udarsha and Yuki and says, "I'm sorry. Where are my manors. I'm Mizuko Ichikawa. Division 8 Lieutenant. I'm here looking for someone from Division 3. I was told to help this person out if I could."

She hears Yuki's request to take off after a hollow and says, "Mind if I join you?"

#16Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:33 pm


((Udar due to your absence for around 48 hours or 2 days, I will post and if you don't post for another 24 hours, I will just keep posting like its only me and Hiraku ok?))

"Ahh you must be looking for me. I'm the lieutenant of squad 3, nice to meet you. I don't mind you following me, but I will be moving quickly so you have to catch up." says Yuki replying to Mizuko. Yuki shunpos to the top of a roof and starts shunpo'ing towards the hollow's spiritual pressure. Yuki finally gets there watches as the hollow just devoured the soul. "Damn, I was too late. Should I just pop up in front of the hollow and kill it? Yuki thought. Yuki decided to just go right in front of the hollow.

As Yuki got in front of the hollow, it said "Ahh a soul reaper, a delicious snack right after a soul." All Yuki thought was that this was his mission and he had to kill it. Yuki unsheathes his zanpakuto and gets ready to fight the hollow.

#17Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:08 am


Mizkuo nods, happy she found the person she was looking for. She then watched as Yuki took off in the direction of the hollow. She turned to Udarsha and began to wonder why he did not say anything. Shrugging it off she shunpo'ed after Yuki, catching up to him just before he appeared before the hollow. She watched quietly to see what Yuki would do. When she see's Yuki draw his sword she begins to wonder if she should join him or remain out of the way. She dras her sword just in case and keeps watching Yuki to ensure he's alright. She know's he's a lieutenant like she is, but she was sent to help. She wants to make sure she does not let anyone down.

#18Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Sun Dec 23, 2012 11:19 am


Yuki decides to not use his shikai on such weak hollow. He decides to just use his sword without any abilities. Yuki shunpos behind the hollow, the hollow was slow, it couldn't catch up with Yuki's movements. It decided to use his spitting technique or something ad spits on Yuki's eyes. Yuki couldn't see anything as if he was blind.

The hollow yells out "DIE SUCKER!" Yuki didn't know what to do, but then he felt Mizuko's spiritual pressure, Yuki thought tha maybe she can save him. He stood there then te hollow slashed Yuki on the back with it's claws. Yuki was hurt. He falls to the ground just thinking that Mizuko will save him..

#19Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:34 pm


Mizuko sees Yuki in trouble and her eyes begin to glow blue. Water begins to form around her and she softly says, "Hatsuden" Once she has said this she begins to make the water into missles and tosses this directly at the hollow. The water covers the hollows hand and then surrounds Yuki. Mizuko, her sword still drawn, comes up behind the hollow and slices it, causing it to disappear. She then removes the water shield from arround Yuki and says, "Are you alright?"

#20Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege - Page 2 Empty Re: Die Mähmaschine-Anstiege Sun Dec 23, 2012 8:00 pm


"Yes, thank you very much. Without you I would be dead probably!" Yuki said. After replying to Mizuko, he wipes the spit of his face with his sleeves of his shihakusho. He then shunpos on top of a roof and tells Mizuko to come too. He laid onto the roof and looked at the sky. It was so beautiful to him, the clouds and everything. Then suddenly looking to the right, a gargaranta.

Yuki quickly stood up and tells Mizuko "Look up right, a gargaranta!" 5 hollows flew right out of it, seemed like they were the same hollow he fought with just few minutes ago, but stronger. He unsheathed his zanpakuto and said "Rise, Shingestu!" His sword began to turn into darkness covering the whole blade. He then says to Mizuko "Let's go." and shunpos to the sky.

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