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#1Once Upon a Dawn Empty Once Upon a Dawn Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:44 am


As the sun would slowly begin to break over the top of the buildings, a slight breeze of fresh air would ride the beams of sunlight. Pouring on most of the still sleeping town and a young man that would sit with his back placed firmly against the walls of the old school building. His eyes would slowly peek up as they would flash a emerald color before returning to to their normal haze-green shades. He would slowly force himself to his feet as he would allow a soft sigh to break his lips before brushing his pants off. He would causally stretch his hands up to the sky before making his way towards the inner city for his normal stop of coffee and breakfast. The details of the night would slowly fall into a blur as he would glance into the windows of shops that were sealed up tight with chains hanging from the doors. His body would float from side to side as each step he took seemed to be filled with purpose and an estrange reality that he was still alive.

He would causally walk a few more blocks before looking up towards the the still grayish blue sky. The sun would shine a awful orange color that was still pleasing and irrating to the man. He would finally make his way to the door of the coffee shop and embrace the warm smell of coffee and food. He would make his way over to a small booth and place a carryig case on to the table. He would slightly lean his head to the side as he would pull off a small pouch full of money and remove enough change from his bag to cover his meal and tip the waiter the usual amount. He would side it towards the empty side of the booth as he would place his head down on the table and await for the waiter to bring him, his coffee, eggs, fried ham, rice and toast.

His face would causally roll across the table as the sounds of heels pounding the tile floor would get louder and louder. He would manage to fake a small as he would say in the most cheerful voice as possible, "Good morning Chi..." He would lift his head from the table only to see a woman dressed in a slim fitting skirt and apron. She would softly return the greeting and place the food and coffee on the table. She would than pick up the money and place it into her pocket before finally breaking routine and asking a different question than normal. "Say Riku, why havent i meet any of your friends?" Riku would slightly place his chop sticks into the rice and pinch off enough rice to be considered a bite. Riku would slowly look up as he would allow the sticks to hang from over his lips while still grasped firmly in his hands and strugged.

#2Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:01 am


Mizuko had been sleeping in an abandoned hotel she was able to get into. The sun soon crept up and into the room she was in. It was like a natural alarm clock. Mizu groaned as she sat up. She stretched a moment and then got dressed, still wearing her division 8 armband. After making sure she is dressed properly she heads downstairs from where she was at. She then walked outside and began to walk around, looking into different buildings in the area. She soon came across a small coffee shop that seemed to be open. Curious, she walked in and looks around. She was not in a gigai so only those who are spiritually aware could see her. She walked in far enough for the door to close behind her. She quietly looked around to see if can recognize anyone in the shop.

#3Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:37 am


The young lady that Riku had identify as Chi would slightly push his shoulder and call him a meany. She would joking giggle as he would gain a rather shocked face and break his pace of eating. She was than tell him to call if he needed anything before returning to the kitchen to get her next customers meal. Riku would slightly withdraw from the table as he would allow his back to press up against the back of the booth and look up at the ceiling. His eyes would stay fixated and on the small details of the ceiling tiles as he would think to himself. It's not that I wouldn't mind sharing breakfast with someone at my favorite spot, but how could i? It's not like i haven't tried to explain to her before that the person she sees everyday is nothing more than a shell. Riku would allow his consentration on the ceiling to break as the presence of a young lady would make it's way into the shop. Riku would adjust his body as he would wait for the manager or Chi to break his suspions. Although Riku could pin point off of first glance that she was not human. His hopes would be that she was a girl with a strong spiritual presense.

His eyes slowly move back towards his food as he would watch as everyone who had noticed the door open seemed to be unaware of the girl. At the risk of not seeming crazy he would slowly stand up and make his way to the restroom making sure to cross in front of her and give a little eye contact. He would notice the badge hanging from her arms as he would make his way into the restroom. He would quickly wash his hands and return towards his seat. His haze-green eyes would softly flicker as the sunlight from the still rising sun would catch his eye for a moment.

#4Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:03 pm


Mizuko would keep looking around the little café for a bit till a person had passed before her, seemingly able to see her. She watched as he made his way to the bathroom and then back to his seat, passing before her each time he did. She saw that only one or two other people besides him could see her. She was curious, however, as to why this man seemingly went out of his way to get her to notice him. She adjusted her lieutenants armband on her arm and moved to take a set opposite of the man. She then looked up and her sapphire eyes met his haze-green eyes. She looked at them for a few moments and then smiled. She did not, however, say anything just yet. She wanted to make sure that the man could see her first. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself if he really could not.

#5Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Sat Mar 16, 2013 10:08 pm


Riku would slowly place his hands over his mouth as he would begin to speak, in a low tone that would barely be loud enough to carry over the table. He would allow his eyes to slowly lift up as would look the young in the face and question her reason for being here. "So what brings a eight divison soul reaper to the world of the living?" Riku's eyes would flicker slightly as he would turn his head sideways and take a sip of his coffee. He would have questions to why the woman was not in a gigai. Could she be on a errand to make contact with him? Could she have gone rogue? All of these questions would flood his mind as he would slowly look back to the girl and slide his plate over to her. "You look a little hungry. You should have a bite." Riku would shift his eyes slightly as he would yawn. Although he wasn't sure who this girl was, he would be able to get anywhere if they couldn't talk freely without him looking like a fool.

#6Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:18 am


Mizuko smiled as she realized that he could see her. Knowing he’d look a little weird talking to someone who is not there she got up and left. After a short while she walked back through the door, this time in her gigai. She was dressed in a loose fitting pair of blue plants. She is wearing a loose fitting blue shirt. Around her is her bag as well. She smiled and took her seat once more across from the gentleman. She waited a moment to see if the person would recognize her at the person from before. Weather he does or not she takes a piece of toast and begins to eat it. She smiles and says, ”Hello. Thanks for sharing and thanks for seeing me before. I know we’ve not met before so I shall introduce myself now. I’m Mizuko Ichikawa, Lieutenant of Division 8, if there were still any that is. Pleasure to meet you.” She would then continue eating the toast, waiting for the other person to speak.

#7Once Upon a Dawn Empty Re: Once Upon a Dawn Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:13 am


Riku's eyes would slightly lower as he would nod. "I guess that puts us in the same boat." He would allow his head to turn sideways as he would go on. I'm Captain Riku Kato of the Tenth Divsion." He would sigh softly as he would take another sip of his drink. He would find it odd that this woman would walk around without her Gagia in the first place. He would what as the waitress Chi, would make her way over to their table. "And might who this be Mr. Kato?" She would carry an enthusiastic face as she would pour him a little more tea. Riku would allow a soft smile to drag across his face as he would say. "You asked to meet one of my friends and now you have... Chi meet Ichikawa... Ichikawa... Chi." Riku would allow his hands to move from one girl to the other as he would continue. "Chi please give us a moment she, just arrived and we have some catching up to do." The waitress would nod and turn to leave, and with a soft bow she would disappear back to the kitchen.

Riku's eyes would fall over to the woman as he would continue, "So why do you walk around without and Gagai? Don't you know how dangreous that is? I mean are you trying to get yourself kil..." He would pause and stop his lecture. For a moment he would be thrown back into one of his lectures that he use to give his Lietuentant. His eyes would drop down to the table before readjusting himself in his seat and looking towards a few guest that had set their sights on the two. Riku would slightly chuckle as he could hear a couple next to them disscussing what is or is not a gagai, and hadn't he bought her one. Riku would remember mind his tone as he would begin again. "Well Miss Ichikawa, how are you?"

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