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#1Ad contest Empty Ad contest Tue Dec 24, 2013 4:20 pm


I was thinking why not let the members join in the promotion campaign? May be we could make it a contest. How about rewarding them for their campaigns? with another tech or skipping a training cool down? Or having to add a certain mansion or residence they want to any location they want? Well of coarse they can't just add a mansion in hueco mundo, but you get the idea. So? Suggestions?

#2Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Wed Dec 25, 2013 3:48 am


I thought of this a while back. Once I figure how to reset the BS-Cash system, or perhaps generate a manual monetary system, members will receive 'points' for advertising, bringing in new members, activity spurts, etc. =]

The thing is, posting an ad isn't hard, and imo not worth skipping a cooldown or whatever. Now perhaps if they advertise on 20 sites, an ic something or small reward may work.

One idea Ginsen and I put thought to is a 'title' system. This is where when members complete OOC or IC tasks, such as events, plots, etc, they receive a 'title' on their account. Like if we have an OOC game to promote activity, they may get the title 'Gamer'. This can be used on one character or just that roleplayer as a person. Either way, it will be a little bonus we can add to profiles just to help the community stay involved. ^.^ Any opinions?

#3Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:02 am


Well, yeah I know the rewards I suggested are a tad bit too much. I couldn't think of something more compelling to get the very few members that are still active to join in on the ad campaign. The title thingy is kinda cool, don't get me wrong, but I don't think members are going to have a go at it just for a title.

So, we need think of some better rewards. And, as for suggestions, atm, It's 4.32 am in the morning, and I'm tired and sleepy as fudge, so totally blank.

#4Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:25 pm


Hmm, what if we made a sidebar for member highlightings? Udarsha suggested bringing back 'of the months' once we get active again. But highlighting members for certain reasons could be fun. =] They get highlighted based on objective tasks, not nominations.

For example,
Most Active Roleplayer
Most Active Advertiser

#5Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:43 am


oooo shiny. I like it. I admit it has an appeal to it, there's no harm in trying it out. As we do desperately need activity to kick up already v_v

#6Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:02 am


Amen to activity. ^.^

Have any title ideas?

#7Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Mon Dec 30, 2013 8:06 pm


Well, we could make something more interesting than the same old boring titles. I mean, they should have some more appeal to them right?

So how about something along the lines of,"The Loveable one", "Mr/Miss Jolly Poster", "Captain Poster-enstein"

I know, they're silly & funny and weird, but you gotta love em right? lol

#8Ad contest Empty Re: Ad contest Tue Dec 31, 2013 3:39 am


Well, I love 'em! Why not?

Can you come up with creative titles to...

Top Poster [rp posting]
Best Advertiser
Most Popular Member 'lovable one'. [answering questions, overall most active]
Best Chatter/Gamer [on game threads, etc.]

Any other ideas?

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