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#1Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Yuki Seika [finished!] Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:52 am



Who are you?

Yuki Seika 精華ゆき

The Fire that freezes and the Ice that burns.
Fire and Ice


Age of Appearance:



Character Alignment:
Neutral, but leaning towards the evil side.

Yuki has a well-made shape for any Arrancar. Standing over five feet and six inches tall, she is a good height for a female of her race. Her build is lanky, slim, and strong, as she can move quickly, stealthily, and quietly with ease. With strong hands that look delicate and limber arms and legs, Yuki enjoys and excels at custom martial art moves.

On her delicate in appearance hands are what one would not call finger nails. Instead, they are more like black claws starting from the root of where a nail would be, and stretching out about half an inch from the tip of the finger. At the tip, the claws curve similar to a dog or cat's claw. Yuki's toes are the same as the fingers with ivory black claws. She can use her claws for fighting or for anything useful she can find. However, at times they can be a hindrance. Yuki prefers not to look at them that way, and takes pride in them. One of her favorite time passing activities in the real world is painting or dying them navy blue.

Yuki has short, layered hair, which is straight and slightly wild. With a silky texture, she prefers to keep it combed evenly. The color of it is a shiny blue-tinted black. From her bottom, back layer, however, is shorter 'fur' that travels down to a point at the center of her back. Seika usually keeps this hidden by her clothes, but does not seem to mind to much about its appearance.

Azure eyes light up Yuki's otherwise simple face. The eyes are a sapphire blue color that compliment her hair and skin tone. Seika's skin is a slightly tanned olive color. To match, she prefers wearing neutral colors, such as the white that most arrancar wear. Her lips are a natural color, her cheek bones are high, and her face has an overall good complexion.

Yuki likes many different styles of clothing, but most are very tomboyish. However, in the real world she doesn't mind dressing more as a woman. In Hueco Mundo, Yuki usually wears a standard Arrancar's uniform customized to her liking. She has a Mandarin style jacket with a small opening in the chest area, sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and an upturned collar. Her hakama is very close fitting, leaving fewer creases than normal hakama. If she isn't wearing her normal Arrancar uniform, Seika wears a white-colored shihakusho with a navy blue obi.

Another favorite clothing style of Yuki's is wearing black capris with a tight fitting white top. The white tip is usually either a cameo or a shirt with three-quarter length sleeves. Sometimes jewelry may be added onto her 'style'. Apart from her appearance and clothing choice, Yuki Seika has two white bands around her wrists with a designed engraved throughout it.

When Yuki battled the Cuatro Espada for the position, she was damaged and wounded in battle. After defeating her opponent, completely healing up took about two whole months. However, Seika has a large scar on the back of her right ankle that is a slash that travels down to the right. Around the time she completely healed, Yuki also tattooed the number '4' on her left shoulder in the Gothic fashion of all Arrancar. Other than this, Yuki has normal skin and features.

Lonely is Yuki's middle name, figuratively. Having lived, suffered, and enjoyed life all alone, the aspect of death and life that is closest to the Arrancar is loneliness. However, many other traits make up Seika's personality, both in negative and positive ways. But in the end, they all direct to the same place.

Villainous is a word seldom heard around Hueco Mundo. Hollows are not a true meaning of an evil villain, but Yuki is. Hollows and Arrancars alike are driven by their hunger, and they must eat to survive and evolve. However, Seika enjoys tyranny and killing for no reason at all. Making others feel torture, agony, provocation, despair, death, and loneliness is a grand activity. You do not kill to eat. You kill to kill. Dying alone, despairing, and being put through the true meaning of hell is what all opponents experience upon being slaughtered by this Hollow. Her words seep into the victim's body, mind, soul, and very center like poison. The venom tears apart their reasoning and their will for existing. In short, Yuki drains all hope and sanity from someone using nothing but words and inflicting agony.

Tricksters and jokers are those who do naught but telling lies and planting deceit. However, what about innocent fun and mischief? Yuki enjoys causing trouble and wreaking havoc in any way possible for her own sick amusement. Creating catastrophe, inflicting disasters, and making the worst things happen is a favorite pastime in the World of the Living, Hueco Mundo, and even Soul Society. The goal is to make as many things go wrong as possible without getting caught. The game is relatively simple, and is one of the very few things Yuki does not mind being social with. After all, in the end it causes more than just loneliness for the others.

Being a fox, or a thief, is another easy deed done by Seika. Looting Hueco Mundo and Soul Society just for the purpose of stealing is considered fun. Taking for provoking others, causing mischief, and perhaps even for using something even if she doesn't need it is more than enough reasoning. Her favorite goods include sealed zanpakuto, favored hollow possessions, and even people and subordinates. Once something is in Yuki's grasp, it is considered gone right then and there.

One of Yuki's biggest traits is her ambition and greed. She yearns for more power, and will do almost anything to get what she wants. However, at the same time she knows when something isn't worth it at the time, but will continue in other possible ways. Using her deceptive tongue and playing innocent acts are prime techniques used. And best of all? They work. Seika can easily use flattery, vanity, deceit, lies, and dancing around the real truth to work her way up the ladder.

Despising those who look down on her, the usually patient Yuki will lash out with both her tongue and weapon if someone hurts her pride or shames her in any way. Keeping a strict code of honor made by yours truly, she will tolerate anyone she doesn't find worthy with her big ego, but will crush anyone else. No-nonsense when it comes to this, Yuki is very unforgiving, and once she has been hurt or ridiculed, she never lets anyone take it back. Even in her human life, Seika has not forgiven one person for the smallest deed done against her.

Apart from all these rather depressing traits, Yuki is surprisingly sarcastic, and enjoys making cracks in the midst of battle. Her reasons for doing this are unknown, but she always has a comeback for anything said to her, either good or bad. Her quips are often used as taunts for an enemy, or simply a defense against her rather small amount of pride. Another trait caused by sarcasm is her need to chime in on every little thing said. It can come off as rude, annoying, or obnoxious, but that never seems to faze her. Many times, this trait turns on Yuki, getting her into pointless or amusing arguments that she usually never wins. As an Espada, this can also come off somewhat annoying to subordinates, but then again, some may not mind or may purposely get into an amusing argument with her.

To sum up all of her personality, Yuki is extremely deceptive and cruel, laughing in the face of danger, but still fleeing at the last possible moment like a coward. Unforgiving and manipulative, Seika will do anything in her power to get what she wants, and skip around anything that falls in her path. A thief and trickster, this Arrancar will not rest until what is done is done, even if she is stalled or held back in the middle. To mix an ingredient in with all of this, Yuki is sarcastic and obnoxious, placing herself in the middle of stupid arguments and sometimes pissing others off. Nothing gets past her, and Yuki intends to keep that reputation, and smash anyone in her way; all while avoiding getting destroyed by someone else while staying solitary.


  • Torment
    Yuki Seika is a skilled torturer. The enjoyment of inflicting pain and agony on others is a favorite of her's, and she does rather well at it. Her enemies face painful and slow deaths when defeated by this Arrancar. In fact, many of Yuki's abilities are used for torture and tormenting foes.

  • Night
    From the moment she become an Adjuchas, Yuki figured out that she always enjoyed the nights rather than days. Lonely like her, it was a time when she could find something she was truly related to. The secluded moon is another close friend of hers, posing almost as a sibling or twin in her solitary life.

  • Winter
    Coincidentally with her name being the Japanese word for snow, Yuki prefers the winter over any other season. Cold weather never seems to affect her, and she loves the ice and temperatures of wintertime. It being a lonely season without life, Yuki considers the winter a synonym to herself.

  • Music
    Even as a Hollow, Yuki still adores music and the latest hit songs in the World of the Living. Her favorite genres include pop, soft rock, and anything with a decent tune.

  • The taste of Vizard.
    On lucky days, Yuki can manage to find and hunt down a Vizard. Though difficult prey, she enjoys the unique taste of the mix of Shinigami and Hollow, considering it a 'delicacy'.

  • Exploring
    Whenever she is not hunting, fighting, or anything that she deems important, Yuki enjoys exploring Hueco Mundo, the World of the Living, and if she can, Soul Society and Hell. Her hopes are to know each place inside and out, and learn which terrains she is weaker in.

  • Foxes and similar canines.
    Being a fox-like Hollow, Yuki has taken a large liking to the foxes and canines in the World of the Living, feeling like she is one of them compared to a Human or Hollow. Her favorite breed is the Silver Fox, which her ressurrecion is very similar to.

  • Making Fullbringers.
    A nasty habit, but enjoyable pastime is attacking pregnant mothers, but allowing them to live. With this, she creates more Fullbringers whom can share her loneliness.

  • Mischief
    When in the World of the Living and bored, Yuki enjoys causing trouble and pain, such as explosions, airplane crashes, and anything else she can do. Mischief such as framing some innocent person for something or wrecking a small town brings sickening enjoyment to her.


  • Summer
    Yuki loathes the warm weather of summertime in contrast to the cold weather of winter. In this season, she can be found only at night or in cool places, but never out in the sun.

  • The taste of Fullbringer.
    Humans with Hollow power disgust Yuki's arrancar-appetite. Having been one of them in the past, she considers it similar to eating her own body. Of course, this does not make much sense considering she happily eats other Hollows.

  • Sake
    Yuki hates the taste of Sake and other alcoholic beverages. She states she doesn't like the after-feeling it gives, which is understandable. Thankfully for her, Arrancars are rarely in situations where one would drink rice wine.

  • Crowds
    Having been alone for so long, Seika despises being in crowds with others other being social. If caught up in one, Yuki attempts to get out in any way possible.

  • Cats
    Like any fox or canine, Yuki loathes and hates cats and any feline-like Hollow or Arrancar. Whenever around one, she has the sudden instinct to want to crush them to bits.


  • Family
    Yuki's most powerful and secret ambition is to have a family of those who truly love her. However, with loneliness being all she had known in life and death, she knows it will never happen.

  • Power
    Being an Arrancar isn't enough for Yuki. She craves more violence, torture, blood, respect, fear, and power more than anything. With this, she believes she can finally escape her loneliness.

  • Personal Fullbringer army and comrades.
    Currently having no Fraccion or subordinates, Seika hopes to gather all the Fullbringers whom she had attacked while they were in their mother's wombs for her own personal army and companionship.


  • Martial Arts
    Skilled since human life in Kung Fu, Yuki still excels at her martial arts and uses them rather often in combat. Having been a black belt while alive, it is still something she can brag on. Aside from this, she enjoys creating custom martial art tecniques.

  • Silence
    Very silent and observant, Seika makes a brooding assassin and spy, able to keep her reiatsu down and her breathing quiet for long periods of time. Being a very patient individual, Yuki can wait on an objective for hours without losing focus.

  • Strategy
    Yuki is a very good strategy fighter, relying on wits and intellect over brute force and defense. Her style involves making a quick attack and escape plan on each of her moves, as her endurance and defense is a weak area of combat.

  • Words
    This Arrancar is a terrifying source of poison, but not from venom. Her very words are venomous, and manipulate the last bits of sweet emotion right out of a victim's body, mind, and soul. So much, in fact, that one with little willpower or reasoning will take their own life.

  • Sarcasm and Arguing
    As stated before, Yuki enjoys getting into heated arguments and pissing others off with sarcasm. Not only does she like it, but she is surprisingly good at it too, and gets along well with those who encourage it or behave like herself.

  • Stealing
    Yuki is a thief by trade... or at least that is one way to put it. Skilled at sneaking into places and stealing anything that she deems 'interesting' or 'useful', Seika is an excellent thief or 'criminal'. Once she sets her eyes on something, you may as well consider it lost.

  • Escape Artist
    Seika is very good at dodging trouble and escaping sticky situations. Back in real life, she would mess around with ropes and anything that could bind her, only to figure out how to get away. She continue this hobby when fighting Shinigami as an Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde. Even today, many of her current techniques and abilities are directed towards escape.

Fears & Weaknesses:

  • Loneliness
    One of her biggest weaknesses is her loneliness; the aspect of death she represents. Having lived alone and been alone for so long, it has left a sinking hole inside her and made love something unreal. In other words, Yuki cannot feel the emotion or sensation of love. It is only an illusion.

  • Low Defense
    Yuki has had to learn to maneuver around this weakness over time. Because she has a lower defense and endurance, Seika must move quickly and attack hard in order to fight someone as an equal.

  • Anti-social
    A reason Yuki despises social situations is simply because she is anti-social and awkward when in settings where one must do a lot of conversing. Seika prefers working and acting alone, but as an Espada, this is somewhat hard. Self-consciously, she has mentally dubbed herself as the "most awkward Arrancar".

  • Cowardice
    Hence her fighting style and worldview, it is obvious that Yuki is somewhat of a coward, not taking on enemies she knows she cannot face. Not only that, but she flees any battle that she is not gaining the upper hand on with a stinging excuse.

  • Laziness
    When a job that Yuki doesn't like needs to be done, there is probably no way it ever will get done. This doesn't hinder her position as an Espada, but with anything that she doesn't feel is important, Seika will slack off or push her duties onto others.

  • Defeat
    The fear of defeat keeps dreams from becoming realities. Yuki fears for her current position, and being defeated as to where she will literally become nothing. This fear is the reason for her cowardice and some other negative traits she carries.

Hollow Type:
Vasto Lorde Arrancar

Hollow Hole Location & Appearance:
Yuki's hollow hole is located on her core right below the sternum. The hole is small and round, only about three inches across. It benefits since if anyone pierces her center, she will not be harmed. Other than that, it remains hidden.

Mask Fragment Appearance & Location:
Seika's Arrancar mask remains are a round area on the left side of her head with a large feather sticking up out of the middle.

Number & Location:
An Arrancar gothic-font '4' is imprinted on her left shoulder, but is covered by her jacket.

Aspect of Death:

Reiatsu Color:
Freezing Blue

Battle Specs

List of 'Auto-Known' Skills:

Fighting Style:
Yuki considers her fighting style a mix between unique and average. When she fights, her strategy is to inflict as much pain as possible to weaken the opponent. Torture and agony is a lovely sight to behold in her right mind, and many of her techniques revolve around tormenting an enemy physically. Rarely killing quick as she did in the past, this Arrancar will make deaths slow and bloody.

When unable to inflict pain, Yuki prefers a series of attacking and instantly dodging. Basically, she does short, fast jabs and slashes, and leaps out of any harm’s way if she can. This clever fox strategizes where she can get her blade to draw blood, and then figure out a way to quickly escape. Seika rarely clashes blades with anyone or stays close enough for a weapon to cut her.

When Yuki does not have a weapon on hand, she prefers the martial arts that she learned as a human. Combining them with bala and reiatsu, she fights with a series of dodges and attacks in her range similar to what she does with a weapon. Her favorite maneuvers are kicks and fast jabbing punches. Overall, Yuki Seika is a medium range combat and strategy fighter with a lower defense and body endurance.

When in doubt, or if she fears the battle cannot be won without losing her life, Yuki has many techniques and abilities solely based on fleeing and escape. This attribute reflects on both her personality and thoughts towards combat. If in doubt, die in a hole. That is one way to look at things, but Yuki prefers "If in doubt, RUN like hell".

Personal Abilities:

Name: Samui-hi (cold fire)
Effect: Samui-hi is Yuki's reiatsu in its own special form: cold fire. Anyone who feels the reiatsu may find a confusing heat with both a scalding and freezing sensation. If condensed and concentrated, Samui-hi can wound others if combined with use of a weapon.

Name: Tākoizuchi
Effect: Takoizuchi is the name given to the odd mutation of Yuki's blood. When cut, her blood is not crimson in color, but rather a blue-green, or turquoise. The blood absorbs heat, or energy from any object/person it touches, eventually taking enough to inflict frostbite if someone touches it enough. After three posts of getting the blood on them, the victim could have frostbite.

Elemental Affinity:
Fire and Ice

General Techniques:

Technique Name: Hú shénzhǎo
Technique Description: Concentrating reiatsu into the claws on her hand, Yuki can swipe the air and have the spirit energy cut through the air in ‘slices’, capable of cutting and slashing opponents. The razor sharp slices can travel up to one hundred feet when used with effort. They can only travel for up to fifty feet with moderate effort, and only twenty feet with little effort. Yuki can use two Hu Shenzhou per post for two posts. After that, there is a one post cooldown. The techniques are all assumed with maximum effort.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The opponent can rarely dodge the attack in time, and will have five big and deep parallel gashes on the impact area.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The opponent can possibly dodge if very fast, but if hit, will have five big and deep parallel gashes on impact.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The opponent can dodge, but if not, will have five medium and deep, parallel gashes.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The enemy can dodge and will have five deep medium gashes if hit.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The enemy can easily dodge, but will have five parallel cuts if hit.

Technique Name: Kyosei
Technique Description: Kyosei is the technique in which Yuki combines Bala with her martial arts. She can use this for four posts until she gets tired and needs a five-post cooldown.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Major bruises, burns, and dislocated or broken bones.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Bruises, burns, and dislocated or broken bones.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Bruises, sprains, and dislocated or broken bones.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Bruises and sprains.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Minor injury.

Technique Name: Aishī Chūsha
Technique Description:
This frightening technique is difficult, seeing as the tip of the blade must be inside the opponent in order for the ability to work. Once inside, the weapon releases her Samui-hi that starts freezing the enemy from the inside out. However, it feels like a burn as the energy is injected. If it hits a vital organ effects can be worsened. This technique has a five post cooldown.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:
Once the freezing 'fire' is injected into the victim, the enemy's spirit energy slowly starts to freeze. As it continues freezing and burning, the victim could lose limbs/organs within two posts.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: With the freezing substance inside, the enemy's spirit energy slowly starts to freeze. As it continues freezing and burning, the victim could lose limbs/organs receive severe injury  within three posts.
Opponent is Equal Tier: With the freezing substance inside, the enemy's spirit energy slowly starts to freeze. As it continues freezing and burning, the victim could lose limbs/organs or receive harsh injury within four posts.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: With the freezing substance inside, the enemy's spirit energy slowly starts to freeze. As it continues freezing and burning, the victim receives harsh injury from freezing effects within five posts.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: With the freezing substance inside, the enemy's spirit energy slowly starts to freeze. As it continues freezing and burning, the victim receives harsh injury from freezing effects within six posts.


Zanpakutou Type:
Chisa Katana

Sealed Zanpakutou Appearance:

Released Weapon Appearance:

Yuki Seika's weapon, Toketsu-en, is a short, close-combat katana. It is cyan in color and the blade is coated in the Arrancar's freezing blue fire reiatsu. The hilt is slightly darker blue, and right above the guard is the shape of a snowflake. In all, the entire sword is twenty four inches long.

Favorite Technique:

Resurreccion Name:
Raposa (fox)

Resurreccion Representation:

Resurreccion Release Phrase:
Steal, Raposa

Resurreccion Appearance:

Yuki Seika's Ressurrecion appears very fox-like, sharing similarities with her normal, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lorde forms. The ears on the side of her head vanish and the remaining area is replaced with long locks of hair. On top of her head are two fox ears that match her hair color. The soft hair on her head, neck, and back grows longer and more flowing. The overall upper body appearance makes her appear very fox-like, and in her mind, prettier.

With fangs instead of normal teeth and pupils as slits, Yuki appears very canine. Her hands and arms up to the area between the shoulder and elbow is covered in fur. The color of the fur is the same as her natural hair color. Sharper, longer claws replace the shorter ones she has in her unreleased form.

Out of Yuki's tailbone is a large fox tail with the same color as the rest of her fur and hair. Human feet are now replaced with canine feet and longer claws. It remains this way all the way up to the area in the center of the tibia. The Arrancar's clothing is now replaced with the black fur, covering the skin all the way up to the place right above Yuki's breasts. Each elbow has a fang-like point poking up a few inches out of the black fur, which can be used for a painful elbow-jab.

Ressurrecion Ability:
In her Ressurrecion, Yuki's resistance and affinity to fire and ice increases, and manipulating those elements is easier and she can do more of it, hence her techniques. Though weak offensively, they give her advantages by delivering minor wounds and throwing out distractions. Her weapon that she had while a Vasto Lorde Class hollow also reappears, its name being Toketsu-en. It can be used for combat like any other Arrancar's weapon, along with helping to deliver powered attacks.

Ressurrrecion Techniques:

Technique Name: Samarukaba
Technique Description: Yuki's black fur has cold and heat resistance. It can protect her to an extent from fire, plasma, ice, snow, and similar attacks, basically anything thermal. It can still cut through the fur to the skin to wound her if concentrated, but she will not feel the pain of burns or frostbite.

Technique Name: Toketsu o Konryo
Technique Description: This technique can be used in two posts. It has a three post cool-down. Yuki can manipulate the reishi and/or dihydrogen monoxide in the air and freeze it. Doing this, she can freeze the air around an enemy's attack to stop it.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The opponent's attack, whether melee or kido-based, is completely frozen.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The enemy's attack is frozen.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The enemy's attack is frozen.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The enemy's attack is frozen, but Yuki has to time it perfectly.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The opponent's attack is slowed, but not frozen.

Technique Name: Yakedo
Technique Description: Yakedo is an automatic technique that happens on every slash from Toketsu-en. It targets the pain receptors and creates an extremely agonizing scalding and burning sensation on wherever it cuts through the skin.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The enemy will feel extreme pain and agony each time they are cut by Toketsu-en. Focusing is made extremely difficult and their speed will be greatly hindered.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The opponent will feel severe pain upon being sliced and stabbed by Yuki Seika's blade. Focusing is made difficult and their speed will be greatly hindered.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The opponent will feel severe pain from being sliced and stabbed by Toketsu-en, and will be slowed down.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The enemy will feel severe pain from the blade.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The enemy will feel moderate pain from the blade.[/list]

Technique Name: Han'ei Suru
Technique Description: For up to two posts, Yuki can create ice mirrors that reflect her appearance all around the enemy, making her seem as if she and/or the target is everywhere. Usually, the enemy attacks the mirrors instead of her, as she is hiding among them. It is also very difficult to navigate around altogether.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The opponent is disoriented by the mirrors and cannot find Yuki.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The opponent is disoriented by the mirrors and cannot find Yuki.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The opponent can possibly locate Yuki with sheer willpower and using other senses if they are skilled in that.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The enemy can possibly locate Yuki with willpower and using other senses.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The enemy can navigate through the mirrors and possibly find Yuki.

Technique Name: Kosetsu
Technique Description: After a cool-down of four posts, Yuki can make it start snowing. The falling snow will burn anything it touches in an acid-like fashion. The snow lasts for two turns.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:The opponent receives major, almost fourth degree burns from the burning, as it is nearly impossible to escape the snowfall. They can lose limbs, etc, with prolonged exposure and no shielding, depending on the clothing they wear.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The target gets major third degree burns and injury from the falling snow.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The enemy gets third degree burns and wounds from the snow.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The target receives at least second degree burns and wounds from the snow.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The opponent takes on many small burns and wounds from the snow.[/list]

Technique Name: Mizore
Technique Description:This technique is similar to Yakedo. Although while Yakedo is automatic, Mizore requires effort. Each time the blade slashes the opponent, Mizore freezes the skin and wound, including the limb, causing frostbite on opponents. The limb itself slows down by one AR. She can use it two times in a post, and for two posts. After that, it needs a two post cool-down.
Technique Effect Chart:
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The enemy's wound will freeze and cause extreme pain and frostbite. The affected limb will slow down for four posts.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The opponent's wounds will freeze and cause severe pain and frostbite. The affected limb will slow down for three posts.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The target's wounds will freeze and cause severe pain and frostbite. The affected limb will slow down for two posts.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The opponent's wounds will freeze and cause severe pain and frostbite. The affected limb will slow down for one post.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The opponent's wounds will freeze and cause moderate pain and frostbite.

Tell me your story...

No one expected it. No one heard the howling outside and the small groups of Hollows that evening in Karakura Town. The sun was setting, and breath fogged up a window as two blue eyes gazed outside at the cold sky and fading light. Howls could not be heard by the ears of that woman, but something was definitely wrong. Suddenly, there was a loud crash as the walls started caving in. The sunlight was nearly gone, and there was no warmth seeping in through the broken structure, but rather naught but cold air.

However, there was a hazy form. The woman could not see the figure completely, but made out the image of a humanoid monster with dragon-like wings and a long tail. Paralyzed with fear, the pregnant women only stared at the vague sight, unable to shout or run. All of a sudden, the woman felt a jolting zap of electricity. Still unable to move, the soon-to-be-mother heard the sound of two swords clashing together. All she could make out was a man wearing a black kimono, and the dragon-human monster that had attacked her. Senses blurring, the woman suddenly passed out from the pain of the lightning and the unreal sight before her.

When azure eyes re-opened, all was silent. The air was warmer, and it was somewhat comfortable. Finally, Seika-san realized what had happened. She was either struck by lightning on a clear evening, or perhaps the monster attack wasn’t just a realistic nightmare. Her husband explained everything though. It wasn’t just an explosion from the electrical wiring in the house, but indeed a monster. However, no one would have believed her if she told them. What was important right now was the birth of the child. It was the end of nine and a half months, and so forth the birth of Yuki Seika. The couple had decided upon the name long ago before it was determined if it was a boy or girl. However, the name was common and gender-neutral, so it really wouldn’t matter. Their hope was that the baby girl would grow up to make them proud.

Their hopes were short lived. At the age of four, Yuki unknowingly discovered her strange ability to manipulate Dihydrogen Monoxide, or water. However, in short, their baby was manipulating the soul of the liquid. At the age of seven, their little girl figured out how to drink water herself without even using a glass or cup. The strange ability dumbfounded and somewhat frightened the parents, but the mother was certain she knew what happened. That monster seven years ago had done something to her unborn child! It was time to tell Yuki the truth.

From that day forward, the little girl knew that she would be separate from everyone else. She did her best to hide her Fullbring, knowing that using it only marked her as a monster. Despite her efforts, mistakes were made and the one sitting in the middle of the schoolyard all alone with Yuki Seika. Years passed… eight to be precise. The kindergartener was now ending middle school once and for all. However, High School posed a series of more loneliness. Each day after a tedious seven hours, Yuki finished her homework, and then sat in her room alone until dinner and bedtime. Nothing could comfort or cure her loneliness in life. Perhaps death could end it once and for all.

Year sixteen of life was ending. Yuki’s parents neglected her feelings, and she drifted away from true life and happiness. The closest sibling and friend that had ever known was her loneliness. However, on the evening of September seventh, blood stained white sheets and a body rested lifelessly on the bed. The chain of fate had been severed, and it wasn’t long before Yuki realized that her resolve was short-lived. Loneliness would follow her, and never release the poor girl from its deathly grasp. A few days later, Yuki’s stomach growled, and she felt sudden hunger and starvation. Her chain of fate was eating its way to the center of her being, and minutes later, it had completed its long meal.

The Plus, Yuki Seika, had her shape and being painfully twisted and transformed into the form of a large fox with many tails, and a white mask. So she had become the source of what her power was. Yuki was a hollow, but maintained her azure eyes unlike receiving the golden, pupil-less eyes of a monster. But still hungry, the large, blue-ish black fox devoured everyone it had deemed somewhat close. The parents of a sixteen year old girl whom had ended her life were now dead, their souls eaten by a Hollow.

Pretty soon, the monster was transported to Hueco Mundo, a different sort of hell. Hungrily devouring anything in her way, she merged with many Hollow to become a Gillian, or Menos Grande. Almost losing her sense of individuality, Yuki used all the strength and effort of her consciousness to take control of the Gillian. Wanting to evolve and became more than a mindless animal, Seika made the Menos attack and eat others, using sheer willpower to not lose herself inside the beast. At the end of it all, Yuki amazingly pulled through. Soon enough, there was another evolution.

Her appearance changed again. It was not that of a large, black Gillian, but a large blue fox with one large tail and bat-like wings. Her mask resumed its original form, but now had a large, black, feather-like piece of the mask sticking through behind the ear. This reminded Yuki of a Native American that she had learned about so long ago, and her quest again for humanity. Though like always, she remained lonely. However, Yuki was going to search for her original form first. It was impossible for a monster such as herself to truly fit in with an appearance such as this.

Now an Adjuchas class Hollow, Yuki continued her hunt throughout the Shattered Desert for others. Her hunger always remained unsatisfied, and after each meal, she was starving once again. This wasn’t enough! No one could regain their physical and mental form of humanity with just this! Desperate and now having that ever-growing fear of regression, Yuki would now murderously kill and eat Hollows. She discovered a newfound enjoyment while at this, however. Her new hobby was now giving her prey a long and tormenting death to remember. Oddly enough, Yuki only went for weaker prey such as normal Hollow and new Adjuchas. Her prime fear was getting wounded and having her evolution stop.

Soon enough, she had come upon her fear. A group of Adjuchas was at hand, and her only option was to fight. After a long, stressful battle, Yuki realized her growing power and soon destroyed the few weaker Adjuchas. Straight after this, another evolution took place. Her body was no longer that of a large canine, but a human with a big, fluffy fox tail, long claws, and other excess animal features, yet her wings had disappeared. However, this wasn’t enough for Yuki. After all, she was still considered a monster with this mask covering her face. At least for now she could finally take on others without any fear of regression.

These were her first thoughts on becoming a Vasto Lorde. She continued on, slaying and hunting down others, but now found more freedom. Opening a Garganta was much easier than before, and Yuki suddenly found a joy which included attacking pregnant mothers and placing Hollow power on their unborn babies. This now caused new Fullbringers to come into existence, whom would most likely share and feel the loneliness that Yuki had felt upon learning of her own Fullbring so long ago. However, after twenty years of doing so and continuing on with dull Hollow life, the Vasto Lorde resorted to other things, such as finding her way into Soul Society and thieving.

It still wasn’t long until she got bored again. It was the same thing day after day, and nothing could cure the loneliness she had felt now for one hundred fifty years. On another average, gloomy day in the Shattered Desert, Yuki sat with her knees to her chin on the pale white sand. Her back was against one of those stone trees, and her posture exactly like how she would sit on her bed back in life. The fun had long been over. Loneliness had haunted her since life, and never once was she able to run away from it. Well her time was up. Each day that went by was all the same. There was nothing else to look forward to, and no fear to keep her pumped and on her toes.

Just as in life, there was no choice but one. Putting her right hand on the bottom left rim of her mask, Yuki took a sigh before closing her eyes and ripping at the mask, attempting to pull it clean off and end her sorry life as a Hollow. However, what followed was not planned. Immense pain took over her entire body, and the blue, fire-like reiatsu seeped from her entire body. This was her final evolution. She was becoming one of the Arrancar which were rumored throughout Hueco Mundo. Her power was separated between her body, and her Vasto Lorde weapon, Toketsu-en. Not only was that occuring, but the katana itself becoming more of a zanpakutou, not just a Hollow’s tool. Toketsu-en now had the power of Raposa, and was part shinigami, part hollow's sword. After the painful transformation, she was no longer an ordinary monster or Hollow, but a fully evolved Arrancar.

Exhausted from the sudden event, Yuki collapsed on the pale sand of the desert floor. But upon opening her eyes, there was a figure above her. It was obviously another Arrancar, but had offered her have her follow him. With nothing else to do, and half wondering why she didn’t die, Seika followed the one who called himself Saelien. She sat herself low as simply his apprentice, or maybe even subordinate, but Yuki was looking alive and large now. One day, she would be the one standing on top of Hueco Mundo. And what better way to achieve that and become an Espada? Indeed her partner was correct, it would be a shackle, but maybe in the end she could use that rope as something to climb, not to be bound by.

After excess training and preparation, a stranger appeared out of the blackness in the midst of Las Noches. The one whom was to be challenged was the Cuatro Espada. A long battle lashed out, and freezing fire was pitted against scalding water. Finally defeated and devouring the enemy, Yuki Seika was left with some wounds to think about, and the newly opened slot for the Espada position. It was months later when the Arrancar now had fully recovered from the gruesome fight with naught but a nasty scar on her right ankle. Fortunately, her black tabi covered the symbol of battle, even if she was somewhat proud of it. First being a numberless Arrancar, Seika now had the number ‘4’ tattooed on her left shoulder, a sign of a full-fledged Espada. This was it!

However, the sight weeks later startled Yuki somewhat. One-hundred and fifty five years ago, a human mother told a seven year old daughter about what had attacked her days before young Yuki was born. A humanoid monster covered in scales, and owning dragon-like wings and a long tail. The one whom had forced loneliness and terrible fate to befall Seika was now standing a few hundred yards away. The Segunda Espada: Manda Marlez. Of course, this Hollow was no longer a Vasto Lorde, but the details were what Yuki expected from the monster made Arrancar. So right now, she had an ally, Saelien, and a new rival whom she swore to one day kill, Manda Marlez. It was time to rise to the top as she promised herself, and take her place where she belonged.

Roleplay Sample:
No one could expect this except her. Another average day which was supposed to be boring. Hueco Mundo offered little to nothing for an Arrancar in a simple-minded mood. Ripping open the dark sky and entering that world, Yuki felt the moon looming behind her and the quiet sound of night peaking her creativity. Looking around carefully, the Espada recognized the place as Canada, a cold and somewhat boring country. Sighing, Yuki gazed at the ground below her, eyeing as an engineer left his train for the night. Grinning, she flexed her fingers and popped each knuckle one by one, ending with the thumbs. Swooping down with Sonido, the Hollow landed a few yards away from the human.

Bitter winds gently licked the Canadian lands, giving a frozen crispy feeling in the air. The night was cold, ranging somewhere in the lower temperatures. Clouds blanketed the sky, tucking the atmosphere in bed and allowing nothing but the moon to push through for light. Below the skies was earth, with grass shivering from the freezing breezes. Thin snow patched certain areas, but other than that, all was dry and silent. Even the crickets, which made the most distinct sound in the night, were quiet. Naught could be heard except the natural motion of still life in the vast blackness. Suddenly, the air stilled and the shallow noises stopped. This place was a synonym to her; quiet, lonely, solitary, and nothing but a dark shadow slithering above the ground. But right now, it was time for something else to happen.

The train engineer was moving closer, obviously going towards the town to find a hotel, inn, or motel. Unfortunately, this was to be his last stroll. Sensing a rich spirit inside of the man, Yuki darted forward, her hands and fingers aimed at the human's face. All of a sudden, the man was blinded and could not cry for help. This was simply because all of the blood from his eyes was flowing into his mouth. Giving an amused chuckle, Yuki Seika dug her claws into the man's two shoulders, ripping them down all the way to his stomach. Pulling a hunk of skin off and examining it for a moment, she tossed it aside and licked the oxygen rich blood from her ivory black claws. Now that they were clean, she quickly kicked the man in the gut with her right leg and approached him once more as he lied there, suffering.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Dying all alone like this with nothing but the night to keep you company," she said softly and cruelly, even though she knew the human would not hear her. Opening her mouth, the Arrancar gruesomely devoured the soul while the man still was alive. Once it was done, the body stopped moving altogether, and Yuki made a quick deed of mauling it so it was indistinguishable from any dead creature.

Now there was his train. Licking the blood off her claws and cleaning any traces off of her clothing and face, Yuki walked in the direction the meal came from. The train looked like it was carrying oil, and was parked on a hill. Most of the engines were off, except one. The one engine was keeping the air brakes locked on the track. Leaping inside of the locomotive, the Espada glared at the sole engine silently working alone.

"Hu Shenzhou!" she announced quietly, raking her claws through the chilly air. With that single swipe, five small 'slices' of spirit energy combed the air and went straight through the engine as if it were a knife cutting cheese. A fire instantly started inside of the train car, and Yuki quickly leaped out. The fire got bigger and bigger until she heard sirens in the distance. An emergency vehicle quickly pulled up and the men sprang into action, putting out the fire professionally and diligently. Once they finished, the firemen turned off the pretty much demolished engine and retreated. However, Yuki was not finished just yet. What she had seen was somewhat amusing, but she had not even scratched the surface yet.

Dashing into another car, Seika located the handbrakes, one of the locomotive's safety measures. Easily turning them off like any other human being would, the Hollow felt the train jolt. Instantly leaving what was an accident waiting to happen, Yuki watched from the sky. The train began rolling down the hill, as clearly expected. Following it, Yuki watched it gather speed and momentum as it raced onward. Estimating it was moving at about sixty-three miles per hour, the Espada watched it dart in the direction of a town. Stopping where she was to watch the show, she gazed as the locomotive leaped off of the tracks. As the train flew and hit the ground, there were many explosions from the oil and train itself. Silently laughing to herself, the Arrancar saw as firefighters instantly went over to fight the fire and rescue civilians.

After about two hours of watching the chaos from where she stood, Yuki began once again getting fidgety and bored. Yawning, she decided to take shelter someplace where no other Hollow, Shinigami, or human would find her. After all, the Soul Reapers were sure to find that this was no accident pretty soon. Using a Descorrer, Yuki Seika opened the Garganta between the World of the Living and Hueco Mundo. With nothing to do here, she slipped inside, allowing it to close behind her and to return to the gloomy sands of her home. And that was just today, she thought with a smug attitude for once. Right now, it was time to cause some disaster someplace else. However, she would not brave Soul Society without some help, even if she despised it. Maybe Seika could find someone other than an average Hollow, such as a Fraccion, for help. Perhaps it was time she started looking for the perfect Fraccion.

#2Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 2:50 am


Okay, legit bump. ^.^

#3Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:20 am


Overall Quality: Well written and lacking in errors. A good character that definitely springs to life. But it falls into several cliches and doesn't do anything to make them stand out from the crowd of most mischievous characters.
Appearance: 3+
Personality: 3+
History: 10+
RP Sample: 6+

Despite your nomination for leadership tier, I'll be approving this for 3-2 as the character just didn't shine bright enough to get a perfect grade. Several off your techniques don't have much work into them(such as Kyosei) which also hurt your chances to get a higher tier.

I'll now grade your powers on a pass for fail basis.


Takoizuchi is the name given to the odd mutation of Yuki's blood. When cut, her blood is not crimson in color, but rather a blue-green, or turquoise.

This is currently kind of useless aside from aesthetic affect. Why not make the blood sap heat from whatever it touches causing eventual frost bite if someone is exposed for several turns?

Technique Name:
Hú shénzhǎo

Technique Description:
Concentrating reiatsu into the claws on her hand, Yuki can swipe the air and have the spirit energy cut through the air in ‘slices’, capable of cutting and slashing opponents. The razor sharp slices can travel up to one hundred feet when used with effort. They can only travel for up to fifty feet with moderate effort, and only twenty feet with little effort.

Mind giving this a max number of uses per turn and a cool down? For example, you can use this attack up to 3 times in a post, but any time you use it, you must wait 1 post to use it again.

Technique Name:

Technique Description:
Kyosei is the technique in which Yuki combines Bala with her martial arts.

This needs a turn limit for how long you can maintain it and a cool down around the same amount of posts it was used.

Resurreccion Appearance:

Yuki Seika's Ressurrecion appears very fox-like, sharing similarities with her normal, Adjuchas, and Vasto Lorde forms. The ears on the side of her head vanish and the remaining area is replaced with long locks of hair. On top of her head are two fox ears that match her hair color. The soft hair on her head, neck, and back grows longer and more flowing. The overall upper body appearance makes her appear very fox-like, and in her mind, prettier.

With fangs instead of normal teeth and pupils as slits, Yuki appears very canine. Her hands and arms up to the area between the shoulder and elbow is covered in fur. The color of the fur is the same as her natural hair color. Sharper, longer claws replace the shorter ones she has in her unreleased form.

Out of Yuki's tailbone is a large fox tail with the same color as the rest of her fur and hair. Human feet are now replaced with canine feet and longer claws. It remains this way all the way up to the area in the center of the tibia. The Arrancar's clothing is now replaced with the common Hollow's armor, fitting tight to the skin all the way up to the place right above Yuki's breasts.

Each elbow has a fang-like point poking up a few inches out of the black fur, which can be used for a painful elbow-jab. Overall, Yuki Seika has truly become the Kitsune-shin.

Keep in mind that your armor wont really offer extra protection. To increase your defensive powers your release ability would have to be used up towards that end.

Ressurrecion Ability:
In her Ressurrecion, Yuki can cast illusions that effect sight, hearing, feeling, and even taste and smell. The illusions can be large or small, but touch the enemy's mind, feeding opponents bitter emotions and exposing the victim's weaknesses. Seika plays on this and drives her foes insane. The illusions can also be used for escape attempts or manipulating the enemy's vision so Yuki seems invisible. Raposa's Ressureccion ability is mainly used for escape or stealing, but rarely fighting. This gives her a disadvantage when trying to win fights.

You don't have an element related to illusions is the first problem with this ability. the second is that it seems to be an auto hit. Without doing anything you're able to induce illusions that are personal for your opponent. You should probably replace this with an ability more related to your characters element of fire the freezes and ice that burns. Or use it to increase an attribute while released such as the defense that I mentioned before.

Technique Name:

Technique Description:
For up to five posts, Yuki can turn invisible and be completely unseen by an opponent. The enemy can still hear, smell, and feel though.

Your element has nothing to do with bending light and turning invisible. Please replace this with a power that fits within your elements. You could for example, make a bunch of mirrors with ice that all reflect your image no matter where you are.

Technique Name:

Technique Description:
Yuki can completely save herself from a risky attack from an opponent by creating an illusion of herself and hiding. This can be used for ONE post in the thread, and is used as a last resort if in the case of a painful attack. It is usually used for escape.

More or less the same problem as Inpei. Honestly, if you really want something like this, use one of your technique slots for Gemelos Sonido, the technique the arrancar who fought byakuya used to leave behind a clone to take an attack for him. Any replacement technique like that should be limited though so be sure it has a cool down that is at least 3 turns long and you shouldn't be able to use it more than a few times in a single thread.

Technique Name:

Technique Description:
For up to four posts, Yuki can cast an illusion on her opponent that can completely manipulate their senses.

I don't know where all these illusions are from, your element is supposed to be fire and ice >.>

But even if you did have illusion powers, complete manipulation of your opponent's senses for 4 turns without any kind of action required is godmod. That is an auto hit which is not allowed. Moves like this require some kind of activation and infection method so your opponent has a chance to dodge.

Technique Name:

Technique Description:
For the time she is in Ressurrecion, Yuki can cast small illusions. Though not as vast as Sakkaku, are very distracting and give her a huge advantage.

More of the same problem with illusions. Even if you did have illusions as one of your elements or an element that could create illusions such as light, this technique is way too vague and had autohit potential.

That's everything. Please make these changes and rework your res form. You could use ice reflections for some illusions. You could make an ice mirror that reflects someones fears for example. But you can't just freely cast illusions everywhere when your powers are fire and ice. You should have techniques related to those elements instead.

#4Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 3:31 am


I believe it was the Hollow's weapon that threw me off a bit. xD Toketsu-en was fire and ice, but it was not to be used in her Resurreccion, and her Resurreccion was illusion-based. At least this is what was approved back then. =]

I can go back and replace those Illusion things. Indeed it did get very cluttered and I was mostly focusing on the history above combat and everything else. Also, Pallas told me I could put her becoming an Espada in her history and just see how the grading went. =] I saw her Segunda Espada approved for 3-3, but am not quite sure if she still gets it or not? xD Either way, I had side plans. I actually was somewhat aiming for this tier so she could work with Saelien instead of the Espada. ^.^ The Espada are to be formed IC anyways.

I'll go back and fix it up. ^^ Thank you!

#5Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:01 am


Le bump! ~

I hope I didn't miss anything. xD I have a tendency to.

#6Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 7:39 am


Approved for 3-2, thank you for being co-operative!

#7Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:21 am


Name of Character: Yuki Seika
Race: Arancar
Ready for Approval: yes
Changes Needed: None
Comments: Good job on the app

Approved: Yes

    Tier Assessment: 3-2

      Appearance: 3 + Paragraphs
      Personality: 3 + paragraphs
      History: 10 + Paragraphs
      RP Sample: 6 + paragraphs

Yuki Seika [finished!] HanataroApproved

#8Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:21 am


Thank you! ^.^

#9Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:03 am


I'll let you decide to an extent since I can't decide, 2-1 or 1-5 up to you. Interesting app Yuki.

#10Yuki Seika [finished!] Empty Re: Yuki Seika [finished!] Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:04 am


What about the trainings Seika has done and the other Tier-Ups she has earned? Do I include those?

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