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#1Seika Shiba Empty Seika Shiba Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:21 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Name:Seika Shiba
Alias: Sei
Real Age: 150
Phys. Age: 7
Personality:Seika tends to mimic her sister when it comes to appearances to keep up the twin aspect that the two share. When they arn’t in the spotlight or care to keep appearances Seika tends to be quiet and prefers alone time with her books. She will follow her sister just for enjoying the existence of her twin sister and family. Seika doesn’t have much care for anyone or anything that isn’t a book for the most part. A book is quiet and gives all the interactions she wants as to her people are plain exhausting along with some efforts being exhausting. Seika also has a slightly anger issue when it comes to her sister and people harming her. Seika can be determined and lord helps you if you get on her shit list.


Weight: 70
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style:  [How does your character prefer to fight? Are they a more ability-oriented combatant, or do they rely on their knowledge of martial arts in combat? Do they know some special combat styles, or do they have an uncommon weapon - basically anything but a sword? Do they rely on stealth and speed, or are they defensive fighters, who keep their distance? What range do they prefer, and how they act when faced with an opponent of higher, equal and lower tier - what if they are sparring with a friend?]
Strengths: [What are your character's strengths in combat?]
Weaknesses: [What are your character's weaknesses in combat?]

Ability Name: Flame Step
Ability Description: Himika and Seika’s own form of Shunpo that leaves a fiery footprint where they last were.

Sealed Appearance: Her blade is pretty ordinary for a zanpakuto with a orange hilt
Zanpakutou Name:Sakura
Call Out Command: Thousands of cherry blossoms, Dwindling in the light, once your song can be heard, we'll dance with all our might, Sakura


Passive Ability Name: Clematis
Passive Ability Description:Himika and Seika can control and creats fire from either themselves or other sources. They can create various objects, weapons, and creatures. All under their control

Ability Name: Infernal Hellscape
Ability Description: Seika forms a fireball of sorts before slamming it on the ground. From within fire like smoke encases the battlefield enhancing the twin’s senses but messing with the enemy’s senses

Ability Name: Cherry Blossom
Ability Description: Seika launches cherry blossom petal-shaped flames at her foe, surrounding them in an abundance of them. These are harmless individually besides some slice burns and cuts but given enough can really do damage

Ability Name: Cherry Blossom Snowstorm
Ability Description: After scattering her Cherry Blossom around her opponent, Seika uses the flame petals to swirl around her target rapidly, cutting them with the sharp petal-shaped flames granting a Cero worth of damage and burn damage for 2 posts, 1 post cooldown

Ability Name: infernal Armor
Ability Description:
Seiko Manipulates the Fire to spin around her until she is covered by an armor of flames This armor does not only increase her defenses but assist with making her fire -based attacks stronger. Can block up to a gran Rey cero has a three post cooldown
Ability Name: Sakura’s Grace.
Ability Description:
The cherry blossoms of Seika’s choosing or creation will form and fellow on to her selected target insta healing her targets.Cooldown depends on the healing of the given wounds. 1 post for minor cuts and bruises, 2 posts for Moderate cuts, bruises and breaks, 3 post for near fatal wounds and limb regeneration.

Ability Name: Nisshabyō
Ability Description:Using this technique, Sakura moulds Seika’s Fire to create a copy, or “reflection”, of a specific person or thing. To use this technique, Seika turns her Zanpakuto vertically with the point facing down while the chain and ribbon form a three-quarter circle around the blade. Stating what she creates clearly, a flash of flame covered Cherry Blossoms forms around the edge of the circle, then spreads to the blade before the clone springs forth. These copies have only a slightly tangible form, almost shell-like, and dissipate upon being struck. They cannot attack, and may only perform a simple action of movement and noise if Seika states each respectively. This technique can be used instantly, and has three charges. Each charge takes 2 posts to cool down before she can use the ability again. If these reflections come within 1 meter of an opponent stronger than Seika, then it becomes intangible and will dissipate like cherry Blossoms in the wind




History:Anna and Okami’s daughter
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Seika Shiba Empty Re: Seika Shiba Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:51 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Approved 2-1

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