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#1Fuyu Hana Empty Fuyu Hana Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:36 am



Name: Fuyu Hana
Alias: Mama Hana
Real Age: 12 Canine Years / 72 human years
Phys. Age: 32
Gender: Female
Personality: Caring and warmhearted, she chooses to keep around others out of worry and her overprotective tendencies. She can be scolding and cold at times - but not without reason. Her bigger issue is the worry she has of her daughter growing up in soul society wanting to be a shinigami. The best she does is nurture her daughters growth and help guide her to be a shinigami that she can be proud of being. To others, she asks for nothing less of them.

Her other qualities include being studious and analytical. She often falls short of it from emotional decisions that fall upon her maternal instinct in the heat of conflict or argument. To her, she views it as a strength rather than a weakness. But her greatest anger is towards those who prey on the weak - be they hollow or otherwise.

Height: 6'5
Weight: 245 lbs in healthy weight
Physical Traits: Hana stands at 6'5 in height, broad shoulders, well built, and bears a top heavy structure to her curvacious zaftig body. Her Shihakusho is opened at the chest to expose some cleavage from her gracious bosom. The pelt of black and white fur adorning her is lush and vibrant in health. Her posture alone gives the sense of responsibility and etiquette from domestication.

Her facial expression is warm and welcoming from first glance. Her snout was broad yet supple in shape and angle. The cool crystal blue eyes bear a warmth behind them with a motherly heir. While her ears stand proper at attention in angle and position.

General Fighting Style: Her fighting style relies on Kido ability and up front hand to hand combat with unarmed and blade. She acts as a support line and defender for whoever she fights with while also using healing kido to rejuvinate herself and/or others with her spiritual control. When wearing her vizored mask, she goes into a more up front front line combattant style. She applies her sealing kido and bakudo more offensively along with her Hado. Her actions throw away reservation and opt for a more aggressive approach in grappling and unarmed combat.
Reiatsu Control
Ability Name: Wereclan Physiology
Ability Description:
Wereclan Physiology gives her x1 to strength, Durability, and Endurance naturally.
Ability Name: Freezing Reiatsu
Ability Description:
Her reiatsu generates a unique freezing aura that augments her Kido and Reiatsu use. Various Kido affects gain the cold descriptor or replace an elemental descriptor with it. Reiatsu platforming or Shunpo can leave trails of frost or ice with her steps. Her healing Kido in effect slows down progressive injuries or bodily polutants from progressing.

Sealed Appearance: A finely honed and well polished katana that reflects very well. The Guard is etched from a snowflake pattern with a deep navy blue grip.
Zanpakutou Name: Fuyu No Namida
Call Out Command: Cry For them

Appearance: The blade is replaced with a flow of liquid that emanates cold vapors as if akin to dry ice.
Abilities: Ice Shaping Blade, Freezing Touch, Ice Trap, x2 all
Ability Name: Ice Shaping Blade
Ability Description:
Passively - allows user to manipulate shape size and denity of the ice created from user's reistu and blade at will
Offensive- user can fire ice at cero speeds granting 1st degree frost burns 1 post cd
Ability Name: Freezing Touch
Ability Description:
This Ability allows Hana to freeze, and lower the temperature of, her targets. Upon contact, the target of her blade attacks can cause frostbite. Frostbite inflicts a 25% physical slowing of the body for 1 posts worth.
Ability Name: Ice Trap
Ability Description: Using Fuyu No Namida, she can detatch parts of it to encase an opponents limbs in ice upon contact. The ice lasts for 2 posts in any given scene. Her blade must make contact with the target in order to inflict Ice Trap on a limb.

New Name: Kesshou Fuyu No Namida
Appearance: The blade vanishes as Hana bursts from an encasement of ice. Her Shihakusho turns blue and white while her fur turns blue with braids of long hair down her back. Her braids end with rings of ice acting as decoration.
Abilities: Frost Breath, Winter Clone, Children of Winter, x3 all
Ability Name: Frost Breath
Ability Description: With her reiatsu manipulation, she can exhale a cone of freezing cold that frosts over everything in its path. Those caught in it fall prey to 2 D of cold that lasts for 3 posts worth. This can be used once every 3 posts. Further application every 3 posts increases the D of cold the target is inflicted with. Those caught in it could receive frostbite in some areas - slowing their mobility down 20% for two posts.
Ability Name: Winter Clone
Ability Description: With the use of her shunpo and Reiatsu augmentation, her bankai can freeze traces of her reiatsu to leave behind a beacon in her likeness. She can have multiple beacons of such up to 2 that last for 2 posts - with a 2 post cd period.
Ability Name: Children of Winter
Ability Description: Her ice shaping becomes advanced as it manipulates the shaped ice and cold into animated puppets. Children of Winter can act in tandem with Hana and attack at will - while also being able to be shaped by her Ice shape ability. She can manifest up to 2 children of winter at a given time.

Abilities: Freezing Aura, Diamond Ice Skin
Hollow Powers: Cero, High Speed Regeneration
Ability Name: Freezing Aura
Ability Description: With an area of exposure, her body permeates cold vapors that create sleets of snow and ice that surround her form. Prolonged exposure to her vast area of cold can cause those within it to progressively take 1 degree of cold and become slowed by 10%. The longer they are exposed, the stronger the degree and slowing effect. This also causes Reiatsu based abilities and effects to become slowed within the field. This means channeling reiatsu, projecting reiatsu, or so on. Healing abilities (Such as natural regeneration or Haido) other than hana's own are slowed as well.
Ability Name: Diamond Ice Skin
Ability Description: Her fur becomes lightly specked with flakes of ice and snow adorning her body. Her ability functions similar to Hierro in terms of strengths and resistances. Physical contact with her body causes 1 degree of cold. Further contact raises the degree of cold each time.

Appearance: Fur white as snow with streaks of blue highlights and snowflake patterns. Eyes glowing deep azure blue with red fangs and claws. Fur ruffled and wild in a mane with a hole through her chest above her heart. Her body becomes feral in form and abandons all semblance of human attire or symbolism.
Abilities: x4 all, Kita No Mori, Shimo No Kokoro
Ability Name: Kita No Mori
Ability Description: Her inner world becomes manifest as she howls out into the air. Anything within a 500 ft area (in length and width) becomes covered in winter while the sky becomes clouded and trees of ice and diamond manifest. All within the woods become affected by her freezing Aura ability at 1/2 its strength. It also gives her a home field advantage in increasing the power of her reiatsu and kido abilities by x1. As per usual, heat based effects that warm an area can also clear away parts of her landscape - which may cause pockets of 'safe zones' to be made.
Ability Name: Shimo No Kokoro
Ability Description: Her pelt of fur bristles and gleams with bright diamond illumination of blue and navy hues. Her Diamond skin is treated as a strong hierro rather than a normal Hierro in terms of strength and resistances. She also bares a stronger set of claws and fangs in form that can penetrate strong physical or reiatsu based barriers or objects.

#2Fuyu Hana Empty Re: Fuyu Hana Wed Mar 27, 2019 3:58 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-3

#3Fuyu Hana Empty Re: Fuyu Hana Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:35 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Re-Approved 2-3

#4Fuyu Hana Empty Re: Fuyu Hana Wed Apr 17, 2019 12:39 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-3, updating to 2-2

#5Fuyu Hana Empty Re: Fuyu Hana Wed Apr 17, 2019 5:20 am


Approved changes!

#6Fuyu Hana Empty Re: Fuyu Hana Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:25 pm



Reset Tier: 2-2

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