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#1Hana, Eliyan - By SAGE Empty Hana, Eliyan - By SAGE Thu Oct 24, 2013 6:19 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Healer of Division 4

Hana, Eliyan - By SAGE Tumblr_m5wjbtjcux1qj2emko1_1280

General Identification

    Name: Eliyan Hana
    Alias: none yet.
    Spiritual Age: 54
    Physical Age: 8
    Gender: Male
    Race/Species: Shinigami
    Alignment: "Neutral Good"
    Division: Division 4
    Seat: Seated Officer 7

General Description


Eliyan Hana is a well-known member of Division 4, because of his small height, petite structure, and because of the fact, that he is physically still a child. He has black chin-length hair, and as all members of the Division 4 are required hygienic structure and healthy background, his skin is flawless and he doesn't posses any contagious diseases. Eliyan's eyes are pure jungle green, described wide, and he has long, but thin, eyebows and tiny mouth, that is often decorated with a smile. He is far from muscular, and is so specialized to healing, though practices the swordplay too. The power he lacks physically, is payed back socially and mentally. Eliyan's has a pale skin with a small taste of blush and warmth.

Eliyan seems to wear the ordinary shinigami uniform, shihakusho, with three minor differences from the original form of the cloth; he has black kosode and hakama, as in the ordinary shihakusho, light-green hakama-himo and shitagi, which are supposed to be white, jade obi-sash, which is originally white, and black uwabaki shoes, instead of wooden waraji shoes, plus the ordinary pair of white tabi-socks. He also always has a jade scarf with him, covering the neck of his, and carries his division badge in the left arm of his.

A scar on the right side of his neck, hidden by the green scarf. It seems to be caused by claws, and Eliyan is ashamed of it; to him, it's a symbol of his weakness and incapability, in terms of physical combat.

[OOC: Going to rewrite this at some point]


Eliyan could be considered one of the most humble and hard-working members of Division 4; he has rarely been spotted out of duty and chores, and when he has been, he had a permission for a small break. He is well-known for love of helping and aiding others, which is a trait, that some others may take advantage of. Eliyan's medical health test, supervised by Division 12, has shown, that Eliyan has a special, physical trait, that allows him to store and generate energy more, than an adult body could never do. He himself admitted, that working is the way, he releases energy; this is the main reason, that other divisions ask for Eliyan's help in some minor works, such as paperwork or cleaning, whenever they are too lazy to do that.

Described loyal and humble, he never could imagine to leave a job undone, and never could refuse from a job, that is given by his superiors. However, he never could be described as a extremely lawful person, as he does only that, what he can, not trying desperately to complete a job, that he simply is not capable of handle. In combat, he often shows hesitation before attacking, making a open spot and a great weakness.

Eliyan is always silent, rarely talkative person, who has a reserved personality, dedicated only and always to the working. He talks, when he has to, when he doesn't, he will not. Inside, Eliyan is still a bit of childish person, positive and cheerful in nature, and extremely emotional, though it doesn't always seem to be so. The shyness is Eliyan's most ruling trait of personality.

It's hard for him to recognize, who is good and who is evil, and is easily manipulated and controlled. It may be hard for him to follow the laws strictly; while most times, he can see the true colors, but can still end up healing the enemy. Eliyan may find himself in a trouble, because of this naive trait. Because of his small size, others usually ignore and disrespect him, teasing and ordering him around, and doing nasty tricks for Eliyan. If he is on the way, usually he gets pushed away. Eliyan is said to have no anger; he has never been agitated, but it is just because of his strong patience. He rarely laughs or cries, when others are near, but does, whenever they are away. He could be considered to be bad at making friends, though never being alone, and though he is social and known.

[OOC: This is the spot for the personality update, that I am going to finish soon]

Not much is known about dreams of Eliyan, as he has adapted a way of living with that, what he has. One of these dreams could definitely be getting stronger and mature, considering his disadvantage of physical condition. Other could be getting a bankai, aiding more people or getting a title of captain.

Intended Role:

Duquin suggested this to me, so I am going to try it out; I will make this NPC, to test, if I want to roleplay him more, or do I want to leave it to the NPC database. It may take a week or a month, and I am asking, that you wouldn't roleplay him, without asking permission first. Okay, I am planning him to be 7th Seat of Division 4, in the start. He is a support-type of healer.

Read History-This-Far:

Click this sentence, to read Eliyan's background this far.

Read First-Thread-Sample:


General Combat Information

General Combat Style:


Healing Kido Spells: 10

Name of Spell: Kaidou: Kyūsoku (休息, Relaxation)
Details & Description

It calms a frantic or a dangerous patient, regardless what his or her tier or rank might be, with a therapeutic light emitted by the hands of user. It is capable of stunning a individual, with weaker health, erasing their emotions for a moment, and then returning them; the dramatic change can confuse the brain of the person, and he may fell to state of sleep. Turning possibly hostile patients into a peaceful condition, it is used by many other healers of Division 4. The spell is of course based on reiatsu of course, and how stressed the person is; some rare cases are shown to be immune to the effects of spell, because they are in so stressed and frantic state. Enraged patients with immense amount of reiatsu, such as captains, are required a bunch of people using the spell, until they are calmed down. Fierce fighters are extremely hard and complex to calm, because it's in their blood and nature, not in reiatsu, and require some actual struggle to be tranquilized. The potency of spell, depends how much the user wants the individual to calm down, not in their reiatsu, though a higher reiatsu is indeed better in usage of spell. It is purely for enraged individuals, not for battle-strategies, so offensive usage of it is a punishable crime, and the consequences horrible. It last as long as the healer needs it to last; for a days or for a minute.

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