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#1Takamura, Kakushi - by Duquin Empty Takamura, Kakushi - by Duquin Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:37 am


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

    Name: Takamura, Kakushi
    Alias: The Quiet Beast
    Age: 24
    Age of Appearance: Early 20's
    Gender: Male
    Character Alignment: Neutral Good

    Takamura, Kakushi - by Duquin ___The_Sword_and_it__s_Master___by_alatherna

    A simple man with traditional values. Kakushi has a sense of justice and whats right, however his apathetic nature causes him to rarely follow through. He will walk past a thief without batting an eye and doesn't like to get involved in conflicts unless he has to. However, when he receives orders to eliminate a target, Kakushi is known for acting swiftly and using an overwhelming amount of violence to end the battle as fast as possible. For this he has been nick named, "The Quiet Beast" in reference to his usually passive nature.

    Kakushi really just wants to live his life as a normal human and seeks to have a family one day. This does not mean he lives in denial of the responsibilities he has thanks to his powers. On the contrary, he is very aware of it and treats it like a curse which must be begrudgingly shouldered. Having lived this kind of life for almost half a decade now, Kakushi is becoming desperate for an escape and considers suicide by battle from time to time. However the nature of his missions usually mean someone else's life is dependent on his victory. This makes him hesitate in his resolve for death. Despite all the suffering of his life, he does not like the idea of having the blood of innocents on his hands.

Pre-Evolved Fullbring

Pre-Evolved Fullbring Name: Boring Bomber - This name is a play on Kakushi's apathetic and "bored" nature. But the real meaning is to "bore" into something like you do with a drill.
Pre-Evolved Fullbring Appearance:

Kakushi's fullbring takes on the form of an elegant blade and a pair of white gloves that seem to possess black nails on the ends of the fingers. This is mostly for aesthetic design and serves little purpose, however the gloves can also be used as a medium for Boring Bomber's ability. The weapon itself is made from two types of metal. A lighter grey that almost seemed to be tinted with a hint of blue color for the blades edge and parts of its guard. Then a darker grey that makes up the handle and the core of the guard. Speaking of which, the guard itself takes the shape of insect legs and resembles a beetles legs in particular.

Boring Bomber is also capable of producing small metal beetles. They emerge from the flat end of the blade or from the palms of the gloves and have a fully metallic look despite possessing life-like beetle movements.

Pre-Evolved Fullbring Ability:
Boring Bomber possesses the ability to produce up to 3 beetles per turn. The beetles possess only two traits, they will burrow into whatever spiritual matter they come into contact with, including barriers and spiritual attacks such as a cero. Then, at the start of the next turn they will explode. The explosions themselves are fairly small and if detonated externally deal damage based off AR differences. However, should the explosion take place while burrowed inside of a target they take "off guard" damage as mentioned in the AR system. Thus, it is impossible to lower the damage from a blast with reiatsu if it takes place within your body. But even then, the explosions can hardly blow off a limb by themselves and they are hard to aim making it near impossible to strike vital organs unless they are released at point blank range.

Technique Name: Incubation
Technique Description: Boring Bomber can keep the beetles it produces inside it's blade and let them incubate there for up to three turns. While in the incubation state, the blade can no longer produce new beetles. However for each number of turns incubated, the number of beetles inside the sword double. No new beetles can be produced until all incubated beetles have been released. While incubating, the beetles do not explode. However, after incubation, the beetles become more volatile and will explode on impact thus losing their boring capabilities. In exchange, their explosive strength increases.
Cool Down - 6 turns from start of incubation.
Range - 5 meter blast radius.

Technique Effect Chart:

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Blasts can deal 1st degree burns and leave behind a numb sensation that dulls movements for 5 turns.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Blasts can deal 2nd degree burns and leave behind a numb sensation that dulls movements for 4 turns.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Blasts can deal 3rd degree burns and leave behind a numb sensation that dulls movements for 3 turns.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Blasts can deal minor burns and leave behind a numb sensation that dulls movements for 2 turns.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Blasts hardly do any damage beyond dirtying the target with smoke and leave behind a numb sensation that dulls movements for 1 turn.

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