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#1Amano, Hiiro - by Duquin Empty Amano, Hiiro - by Duquin Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:07 am


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

    Name: Hiiro Amano
    Alias: N/A
    Age: 182
    Age of Appearance: 17
    Gender: Male
    Race/Species: Shinigami
    Character Alignment: Neutral Good


    Hiiro is considered to be one of the most laid back members of the fourth division. He is known to make excuses to get out of chores and tries to spend as much time not working as possible. He has a generally positive out look on most situations and often has a soft smile on his face. That smile helps his endearing nature to help people get through tough problems in life. He is almost like a counselor that shinigami can go to if they feel troubled. It is a mix of this desire to help the "normal" folk as well as to avoid heavy responsibility that Hiiro remains an unseated officer despite possessing a fully matured Shikai.

    When given the choice of battle, Hiiro will almost always inevitably flee using kido to make some kind of distraction. Instead he prefers to stay on the sidelines of a fight, providing assistance to his allies where he can through the use of his unique candy buffing zanpakutou. If he is forced to fight by himself, Hiiro would be in deep trouble as his hesitant nature in a fight would betray him often. Caution is useful, but a fear to move forward or hurt others is deep seated in Hiiro's psyche. It isn't likely that he would ever win a fight on his own because of this.

    When someone is pushing Hiiro's buttons he could possibly snap and get very angry. When he does, his hesitation and fears are deafened by his emotions. This can cause him to lash out and actually hit someone despite how out of character that would normally be. But Hiiro swiftly reverts to his normal self and apologizes over and over again for any trouble the loss of control over his emotions might have caused.

    Intended Role:
    A support-type healer and buffer whom is intended to be a useful helper for weaker rp characters. Created for a specific rp, but anyone is welcome to use him for healing wounds or training.

Shinigami's Partner

Zanpakuto Name: Ame Izumi (Candy Fountain)
Zanpakuto Element: Reiatsu/Buffing
Sealed Weapon Appearance: In it's sealed state, Ame Izumi takes the form of a simple kodachi. A short blade that is more accurately described as a dagger than a sword. It is a modest weapon with a black circular Tsuba and a light blue ito wrap around the tsuka.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Overflow!"
Shikai Appearance:
When released, the zanpakutou takes the form of a small pouch. It is a simple, light blue bag tied of with a black string.
Shikai Abilities:

    Name: Sweet Supplication
    Effect: The candies produced by Ame Izumi's techniques have an addictive nature to them. The more candy one eats, the stronger ones craving to devour more of them becomes. Below is a list of the effects after eating a certain number of candies.

    1 Candy - Not much seems to change.
    2 Candies - A desire to eat more candy starts to nudge at the back of the eaters mind.
    3 Candies - The desire to eat more candy gets stronger. If offered candy, the victim will accept on impulse, but they can still change their mind and refuse the candy.
    4 Candies - If offered candy it is now impossible to refuse.
    5 Candies - The victim's desire for more candy is now too strong to resist, they will actively try to take candy from Hiiro whether it is offered or not.
    6 Candies - The victim will now aggressively attempt to obtain more candy. They will be compelled to attack Hiiro out of desperation.
    7+ Candies - At this point the addiction peaks. Candy is now the only thing on the victims mind.

    If the character has a personality trait that increases their mental foritude, +1 to the required candies for each level of addiction. But if they have a trait that weakens their mental fortitude, -1 to the required candies. This means that weak minded individuals will suffer the addiction stronger and faster.

    Once Hiiro's shikai is sealed, any effects of his candies including the addiction fades away instantly. Hiiro must be holding his shikai in order to seal it however. Should he attempt to do so without it in hand, the bag will simply continue to drain his reiatsu to produce new candy.

Shikai Techniques:

    Technique Name: Bite Sized
    Technique Description: This technique is always active so long as Hiiro's shikai is activated. It will condense his reiatsu and at the end of the turn, 1 candy will be produced from his bag.

    Technique Name: Candy Rush
    Technique Description: Eating one of the candies will cause the person who ate it to receive a temporary boost in reiatsu. The number of candies it takes to increase your power by a full rank differs depending on how strong the person eating the candy is in comparison to Hiiro. Should any character eat enough candies to increase their rank, they will become extremely hyper and enjoy a short boost in power! However the price they will have to pay is that all the reiatsu they gained is forcibly ripped from their bodies once the candy wears of. This causes them to suffer a weakened state unless they eat more candy.

    Each candy eaten gives 2 turns in this hyper state. But it also adds 1 turn to the duration of the weakened state one will suffer once the candy boost runs out.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Eating 1 candy will give you a three rank boost. But you suffer a three rank weakening.
    Opponent is One Tier Lower: Eating 1 candy will give you a two rank boost. But you suffer a two rank weakening.
    Opponent is Equal Tier: Eating 1 candy will give you a one rank boost. But you suffer a one rank weakening.
    Opponent is One Tier Higher: Eating 2 candies will give you a one rank boost. But you suffer a one rank weakening.
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Eating 3 candies will give you a one rank boost. But you suffer a one rank weakening.

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