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#1Yoite Tohaku [finished] Empty Yoite Tohaku [finished] Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:18 am


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

    Yoite Tohaku



    Age of Appearance:
    Late teens/early twenties



    Character Alignment:
    Chaotic Neutral

    Division: Six

    Position: Sexta Espada

    Yoite Tohaku [finished] Flute_arrancar

    Yoite isn't just your average everyday Arrancar. Many enjoy random spurts and excitement. However, 'he' isn't one of those...

    Allow me to entertain you by explaining Yoite's rather different personality. He likes to stick to a strict schedule, and follows a daily routine. Kare no rūchin wa nanidesu ka, you may ask. Well, it starts early in whatever morning Hueco Mundo has to offer, sipping tea, ordering subordinates around, then of course his daily chores, whatever an Espada may have. He isn't quite one for adventures, and prefers his 'self-employment', or 'working at home'. Yoite is one who enjoys mentoring, teaching, and training his followers though. When it comes to aiding the weak, his usually reserved personality ceases and traits become more lively.

    Yoite's everyday mood and attitude towards work is somewhat solemn and reserved. He considers most things 'classified', and doesn't enjoy opening up to others all that much. If he could, Yoite might retire for an easier life that isn't so demanding and social. However, for now one must deal with it. He prefers to be alone, except in the course of being 'above and respected by the other'. Yes, he defends his pride vigorously, hence his quiet behavior. This is the ultimate drive for him, and how he plays when around others. Unless you respect him and his ego, Yoite wants nothing to do with you.

    Role Suggestions:
    Yoite would make a good trainer, I think, for those trying to achieve higher tiers. The dude wants respect, and so long as you give it to him he's fine in any thread. If not... well, he'll just ignore you, not even looking ya in the eye. Prefer him with newer or shy characters over those proud, powerful ones. I'm hoping he can also be a mentor for Yuki enough for her to possibly take his place in the distant future.

    Yoite will have abilities in the form of Bubbles for his flute, which is his weapon basically. Anything the bubble touches will explode with scalding, hot water. This is a natural ability, and not just for release. His resurreccion is snake/lizard themed, as his limbs grow dragon like with green scales. Simply think Hitsugaya with no wings, and a long serpent-like tail. He also grow fangs and his mask completes around his head, but not growing over his face. Yoite's elements are water and poison.

#2Yoite Tohaku [finished] Empty Re: Yoite Tohaku [finished] Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:09 am


If this is finished, please post it in the proper area

Please also submit it for this months NPC jam Wink

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