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#11Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:20 am



Mass Confusion


Sekhmet turned her back on the Shinigami to see what the newly revealed hollow had launched his/her cero at. From her years of experience attacking an unknown assailant that outclassed you in power was never a good idea. It would be a lesson the panda would learn today, or at least she hoped the panda would take the difference of power between himself/herself was far inferior to the likes of the creature he had so boldly decided to attack. For the cero had been easily destroyed by the counterattack launched by the unknown figure. To drive home the point that the hollow should not have launched that cero, the Arrancar's attack advanced towards them without any signs of having been weaken by the hollow's attack.

Sekhmet considered the panda to be lucky to have come across her, for she had ways of dealing with such attacks. With a wide grin on her face, she held her left arm to her side before uttering four words. "Narmer, rise from Limbo," she said, as the command had been given, a black circle formed a couple inches from Sekhmet and her companions. Out came the form of the bulky mecha that resided within the pit of nothingness, the Zanpakuto that she rarely wielded in battle for she usually had no need to. But this time around, she was not summoning Narmer for offensive purposes. No, the bulkiness of the Zanpakuto would serve as a shield, and she knew that the mecha was strong enough to take the hit.

As it continued to rise from the purple tinted black circle, the attack launched by the retaliating Arrancar hit the mecha. The chest had been the place the mecha had been hit, but it did not stop it from coming out of limbo. Soon enough, the nine foot Zanpakuto was standing before her and her companions. A black mark adorned its chest plate, the mark left by the launched attack. Narmer stayed put, keeping the lone Arrancar and the two companions plus one separate. Its orders? To strike down the Arrancar if it dared show another sign of hostility.

With protection presented, Sekhmet took the panda down from her shoulder, holding it in her outstretch arms as she shook her head. "Now, now Panda-chan. We don't fire dangerous attacks at unknown people," she chastised, though she honestly did not look angered by the actions of the hollow. She smiled instead, setting the panda back on her shoulder, believing that was where it wanted to be. Her eyes briefly drafted towards the Shinigami, flashing him a smile before turning her eyes forward once again.

"No need to fight today. All of us present here today can be great friends. Why don't we sort out our differences over a game or a cup of tea? Ooo~ once we done getting to know one another, why don't we devise a plan out of this area?! Does it sound good? Fun? I think it's an excellent course of action, for I am open to making new allies. So, why don't we all promise to not attack one another," Sekhmet babbled out, the biggest smile on her face. But as those words left her mouth, her smile suddenly dropped and her voice grew serious. "Unless of course, you would like to meet your end here in this labyrinth. Pick now, or face Narmer. And as for the Shinigami, how bout that game of tag?"

Sekhmet's words were clear. If either side showed hostility, she was more than ready to put them down. Though the Shinigami was safe behind that invisible wall, unbeknownst to Sekhmet. But the other Arrancar, well she was not as safe as the Shinigami.

WC: 619

#12Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Mar 28, 2014 5:21 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Interesting twist, thought the small panda. Two more reiatsu signatures had been picked, while Panda-chan was nearly asleep, resting in the shoulder of his protector, pretty young arrancar girl. Being a panda hollow, he was in advantage, when it came to sensing things; Panda-chan had ability to sense emotions on human beings, he had primal instinct for survival and intuition to danger, he could pick up spiritual reiatsu signatures, and finally, he had enhanced five basic senses too. He could only hear and smell things better though, weakening his field of vision and quality of sight greatly. An arrancar, whose reiatsu signature was rather leaking all over the place, and whom the panda determined to be a female of her species, picking up a feminine smell, that did not belong to his guardian. The other one could be felt spiritually for a moment, enough to recognize it as a seated shinigami, but then it vanished into thin air. It was not masked or suppressed, it was either sealed away or removed permanently; or then the shinigami had considerable power to mask his spiritual energies with such a precision.

Seeing that his protector did not pay attention to the female arrancar, Panda-chan chose to act before they would be attacked. He could hear her sheathing a sword, preparing for an ambush. The small animal did hear a buzzing sound clearly, but ignored it, thinking his protector would perhaps notice it too. Panda-chan could feel Sekhmet talking to someone in her mind, but it was just a feeling, and unimportant kind of a feeling. The panda stood up in the shoulder of arrancar girl and measured the exact location of female arrancar, and opened his mouth. Only source of light there, a sphere of red light was easily noticeable in dark labyrinth, as the tiny bear shot out a cero, directed to damage this arrancar woman. Panda-chan drained his own reiatsu to make cero bigger and bigger, charging it for about 2.5 seconds, blasting a burst of red energy, which's diameter was nearly three meters.

#13Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:21 am


Yuki Seika ;; 3-2 ;; Arrancar ;; Female    

Two figures and the shape of a tiny animal were directly in front of her. Blinking as she still attempted to get her eyes adjusted to the abrupt change of lighting and brightness, azure optics noticed a bright red light many meters away. Immediately knowing what was about to happen, Yuki removed her hand from her chisa katana and flexed her hand with black-clawed fingernails. Raking those clawed hands through the air, the Arrancar murmured the words needed to unleash this power. "Hu Shenzhao!"

With those words, as her claws raked the air they left behind five blue reiatsu 'slices'. Breaking the red cero, they were heading right towards the small panda who Yuki guessed had fired the weak blast. Of course, then there were the two Arrancar next to him. But Seika could deal with them. Why two distinguished hollow like Arrancar would ally with a hollow was beyond her. However, maybe they had answers. She could faintly tell that one was more powerful than her, and the other about the same in ability and power. This could prove difficult, but surely they could find a way to stop the Hu Shenzhao. It wasn't her fault she had needed to fire it. If anything, that panda-formed hollow was lunch for attacking her without question. Moving forward warily, yet boldly, Yuki kept her blue gaze on the three.

Location;; In the maze
Muse;; 5/10
Word Count;; 229 /fail
Tags;; Hu Shenzhao, Yuki Seika

#14Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:30 pm


Epizon Psychi

What the arrancar had said, did actually had truth to it. It wasn’t that he intended to attack her or anything. Putting his hand on the hilt of his zanpakuto was intended to be a purely defensive act, just so that if she intended to attack it he would be ready, but well that was interpreted completely wrong. Though, he wasn’t sure what to make of what the arrancar had said, despite the fact that she saw him as an enemy and as someone who had hostile intent, she wanted to play a game with him? Now there’s nothing about this in the shinigami rule book. Whatever their taught in the shinigami academy goes against all of this.

By the time she was done saying what she wanted to say. He had already calmed down and accepted the fact that right now, his reiatsu was not available to him and daimanos was on a vacation or something, so he was completely on his own. Still, processing the arrancar’s words, of coarse he wasn’t going to play a game of tag with her but the problem was he didn’t know what to say or how to react. Of coarse he couldn’t rule out the possibility of an arrancar being not so evil as they are usually interpreted to be, wait that can’t be right? Obviously she’s an arrancar and she’s become an arracnar because she has consumed enough souls to make her what she is now. There is no good side to something like that and that is something shinigami are made to eradicate and restore balance to the spiritual realm. No, he would not even consider becoming an ally of such a creature.

Before he could say anything, or do anything besides removing his hand from the hilt of his zanpakuto and smiling just a little bit. The panda, that didn’t seem to be alive moved on to the arrancar’s shoulder and fired something that resembled a cero or was it a cero? Well whatever it was, it was clear that the panda was not an inanimate object but actually another arrancar. Just not like the usual arrancars, it was different but nevertheless another threat he would have to include in his calculations of the possible outcomes when and if he had to go against these enemies he had come across. Little did he know, that these figures that stood right before him weren’t the only one’s in this labyrinth. Just as soon the panda fired the cero, something else came from the direction it had fired the cero, something blue in color headed straight for the arrancar.

It appeared that he was the only one whose reiatsu was sealed for some reason and the arrancars that stood right in front of him were perfectly capable of using their normal abilities. ”This isn’t going to be a walk in the park, is it?” stating the obvious in his mind, he looked at the events that were unfolding right in front of him, without doing actually anything but just standing there.

#15Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:46 am



Mass Confusion


Sekhmet turned her back on the Shinigami to see what the newly revealed hollow had launched his/her cero at. From her years of experience attacking an unknown assailant that outclassed you in power was never a good idea. It would be a lesson the panda would learn today, or at least she hoped the panda would take the difference of power between himself/herself was far inferior to the likes of the creature he had so boldly decided to attack. For the cero had been easily destroyed by the counterattack launched by the unknown figure. To drive home the point that the hollow should not have launched that cero, the Arrancar's attack advanced towards them without any signs of having been weaken by the hollow's attack.

Sekhmet considered the panda to be lucky to have come across her, for she had ways of dealing with such attacks. With a wide grin on her face, she held her left arm to her side before uttering four words. "Narmer, rise from Limbo," she said, as the command had been given, a black circle formed a couple inches from Sekhmet and her companions. Out came the form of the bulky mecha that resided within the pit of nothingness, the Zanpakuto that she rarely wielded in battle for she usually had no need to. But this time around, she was not summoning Narmer for offensive purposes. No, the bulkiness of the Zanpakuto would serve as a shield, and she knew that the mecha was strong enough to take the hit.

As it continued to rise from the purple tinted black circle, the attack launched by the retaliating Arrancar hit the mecha. The chest had been the place the mecha had been hit, but it did not stop it from coming out of limbo. Soon enough, the nine foot Zanpakuto was standing before her and her companions. A black mark adorned its chest plate, the mark left by the launched attack. Narmer stayed put, keeping the lone Arrancar and the two companions plus one separate. Its orders? To strike down the Arrancar if it dared show another sign of hostility.

With protection presented, Sekhmet took the panda down from her shoulder, holding it in her outstretch arms as she shook her head. "Now, now Panda-chan. We don't fire dangerous attacks at unknown people," she chastised, though she honestly did not look angered by the actions of the hollow. She smiled instead, setting the panda back on her shoulder, believing that was where it wanted to be. Her eyes briefly drafted towards the Shinigami, flashing him a smile before turning her eyes forward once again.

"No need to fight today. All of us present here today can be great friends. Why don't we sort out our differences over a game or a cup of tea? Ooo~ once we done getting to know one another, why don't we devise a plan out of this area?! Does it sound good? Fun? I think it's an excellent course of action, for I am open to making new allies. So, why don't we all promise to not attack one another," Sekhmet babbled out, the biggest smile on her face. But as those words left her mouth, her smile suddenly dropped and her voice grew serious. "Unless of course, you would like to meet your end here in this labyrinth. Pick now, or face Narmer. And as for the Shinigami, how bout that game of tag?"

Sekhmet's words were clear. If either side showed hostility, she was more than ready to put them down. Though the Shinigami was safe behind that invisible wall, unbeknownst to Sekhmet. But the other Arrancar, well she was not as safe as the Shinigami.

WC: 619

OOC: So tired that I ended up editing my previous post instead of posting it. x.x But here's the post. Ignore post 11, since it really doesn't matter anyways.

#16Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED - Page 2 Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:37 pm


Rudolph Norman ;; 3-1 ;; Arrancar ;; Male    

He had been there all this time, in the dark, looking at the rats that had made into his cage. This was all but an experiment, consider it a social or more like behavioral experimentation of both hollows/arrancars and shinigami. Since their had only been one shinigami caught in the labyrinth so that data was still questionable, but arrancars being so many in number had provided him extensive data. It was time for the conspirator of this event to show himself. The labyrinth would begin to shake, as if like an earthquake of rector 7 was happening, the ground would open, and from it would emerge, the arrancar, sitting on a chair comfortably, as the floor beneath him raised him above the ground, right where the invisible wall was, the wall was already removed before he appeared.

“Clap clap”, clapping his hands he stood from his chair. ”Thank you everyone, for being so amusing, it was very entertaining” He turned towards the shinigami, a rather familiar face, a former friend and now a foe, Epizon Psychi. ”Surprised shinigami? I did not die then, no, I only entered a domain that welcomed me with open arms, giving me such strength. Way beyond your comprehension. Ahahahahaa” finishing his sentence the mad genius laughed as his voice echoed throughout the labyrinth.

Meanwhile, he had restored Epizon’s reiatsu, since he wanted him to react to him so that he could show off his power. He had been envious of both Gary and Epizon for so long, but now, they would be the one’s sitting in his position, he will be the stronger of the two and there will be nothing they can do about it.

Epizon “Oneiropolos” Psychi ;; 3-1 ;; Shinigami ;; Male    

As the ground began to shake, he slammed his sheathed zanpakuto on the ground, standing by holding it trying not to fall. He felt as if his reiatsu had made it’s way back, ”you there?”, he asked to his only friend, Daimanos, who replied, ”Hmm”. That wasn’t even a word, but it was a reply and a reply that breathed life back into Epizon’s heart and soul. But then before he could rejoice, he was startled to see the face of a dead friend, right before him, sitting comfortably in a chair, and in the form of an arrancar. ”Rudolph?”
A sudden pain pierced his heart, the tornadoes inside the spirit world of his began to subside, he was depressed, more like in despair. How did a friend of his had ended up like that? Did the thirst for power drove him into such madness? He could not say a word, he dare not say it. Thinking that he wanted to relieve his friend of his pathetic existence, he did consider withdrawing his zanpakuto, but then he’d be helplessly outnumbered, he turned his face down not looking at Rudolph.

Meanwhile in the sereitei, the captain of the 12th squad was on the move, Oleg Atanasi, he had a report stating an abnormal existence in the world of the living and what was more intriguing that the cause was an arrancar, how could an arrancar be possibly be capable of making such an anomaly he was so interested that he decided to make his way to the world of the living, but he wasn’t going to go on his own, by his reports the shinigami that was caught in the predicament, was the 4th seat of squad six, the guy with a weird name. Oleg knocked on the door of the squad six’s captain, Juni’chi Nakamura, it was time that Gotei 13 got involved in this.

Word Count;;281 Rudolph,315 Epizon
Tags;;Rudolph, Epizon
OOC;;I think since not many participants are interested, for those who still remain, I’ll bring this to a close very soon.

Template (c) Yuki Seika

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