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#1Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Thu Mar 13, 2014 11:20 pm



It was one of those days, a day full of battling and according to the captain’s orders Epizon did his part in the battle to take out the target they were sent to take out. The battle wasn’t long, actually it was one sided after the captain of the 6th squad joined himself. Making short work of the opposition, the members of squad 6  began to make their way back, triumphant and exhausted. Like all the others, drenched in sweat, Epizon decided to stay with the squad 4 members who were supposed to take care of the injured. Having little to do but just stand and watch. Epizon fell asleep, while he slept and rested a well deserved rest, the other shinigami  did what they had to do and left. Leaving behind a sleeping Epizon, since he wasn’t in plain sight.

This had happened somewhere in the north, in the green mountains where little humans passed. Who knows how long had he been sleeping there when he woke up and found no one around him. ”Hmm? Where did everybody go?” Scratching his head, while sitting up he thought to himself. Having no clue that he had been sleeping there all by himself for quite some time now and the shinigami had already left. May be the captain had decided to take it a little easy on him since he fought bravely like he was supposed to as a member of the 6th squad.

Still dressed in his black hooded uniform, the hood covering most of his face, as the wind blew with a gentle warning that Epizon didn’t really pay any attention to. He was just happy to finally have a few moments of peace, or so he thought.  While he was still in the moment, a very loud “bang” kind of noise, echoed in the mountains, heard only by the spiritually aware, leaving behind a huge dust cloud in it’s wake. Epizon felt as if the sky had suddenly fallen on top of him, though there wasn’t anything on top of him just around him. Huge, no , gigantic walls all around him where there were beautiful green mountains just seconds ago.

Confused by what had just happened, Epizon stood, looking at the walls, as he moved his gaze along the height of the wall, his hood fell back from his head revealing his face to which he didn’t pay much attention. The wall just didn’t end, it looked like it lead beyond the skies. ”What’s just going on ?” Having no idea of the latest occurrence, Epizon used the reiatsu detection skills that are common among shinigami of his rank, realizing that the structure was actually based of reiatsu.  So finding his way using detection skills won’t be an option, he began to walk in the long hallway having little idea where he was heading. Considering his options, just sitting there, wasn’t going to be of much help.

#2Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:02 am



Mass Confusion


Sekhmet sighed heavily as she walked alongside the never ending wall that had decided to ruin her relatively perfect trip to the Human Realm. Despite having lived for a while, the sudden appearance of walls was not something she had seen before. Yes, she had seen plenty of barriers erected, but such barriers were only put into play when danger crept to close to the opponent for their comfort. Never had a barrier been formed without reason. What made things even worse was that she had dragged poor Mr. Raphael out from Hueco Mundo into the realm for fun. And she highly doubt the man would consider this to be fun, nevertheless come out and play with her again. Unless he really did not care about the sudden predicament they were in at the current moment.

Every ounce of her being wanted to summon up her zanpakuto so that it could punch through the wall, but Sekhmet doubt that would work. For the walls that suddenly trapped herself and her companion were not ordinary, not in the slightest. It was fueled by reiatsu, which meant breaking it would not be easy. It also meant that her only option would be to find a way out of the area, if there was a way out to be exact. But whomever was so bold to summon forth the walls could not possibly maintain it forever, and that was all the reassurance she needed.

A smile spread across the features of the child's face, her eyes flickering over to the man she had gracefully dragged with her on her trip. Nikolai had things to do in Hueco Mundo, and Sekhmet did not feel like making the journey to the Human realm alone, though she had done it plenty of times before. It was a good thing Raphael was not doing anything when she had appeared before him. How did she get the lazy bum to accompany her, well that was something that would stay between herself and Raphael. But she wondered if the man was regretting agreeing to come along with her. And wondering would not give her the answer, thus she would have to ask him.

"Having fun Mr. Raphael?" Sekhmet asked with the biggest smile on her face as she continued to walk. And though she walked, her eyes did not face forward, instead they were glued onto the form of the taller, but younger Arrancar. It was perhaps a bad idea for she had no clue who else had the fortune of being trapped within the never-ending wall prison, having not bothered to use Pesquisa to figure such a thing out. But there was nothing for her to worry about, for she very much believed that the two were alone, though she could always be wrong. It wouldn't be the first time.

WC: 469

#3Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:41 pm


Sekhmet had dragged Raphael along to the human world. He was just the second option to be brought along, but he didn't want to come. Sekhmet had used "methods" to get him to come. He yawned loudly as they walked along a giant wall. His eyes were almost closed. If someone saw him now they would think he is sleep; his body was relaxed, so it would also seem that his guard was down. When Sekhmet stopped paying attention to him he would lay horizontally in the air propping his head up with his hand and begin to doze off. "........." was his answer to her question.

#4Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Sat Mar 15, 2014 3:25 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Pandac10Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Pandac10

An abnormally small dwarf panda cub, Xiao Xióng, was rather a hilarious sight. This panda cub barely stood in the height of a half feet, and seeing such an adorable and cuddly creature, no one would guess it is actually a cannibal hollow. He had just got his meal, and was quite full of eating a two meters tall newborn hollow, which had leaded him falling asleep and finding himself in a labyrinth. The walls were generally too big for him to break and the floor seemed to be so solid, that he could not dig his way away. This left him only one option. The small panda cub sat to the ground and took out his lunch, waiting for someone really cleaver and strong to rescue him. Then he spotted an arrancar coming his way.

#5Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Sun Mar 16, 2014 4:54 pm


The Scene

While the shinigami and the two arrancars and hollow figured out where and how they had ended up in the labyrinth of walls. The walls will begin to shift, arranging they’re paths so that they continue to lead further and further inside the labyrinth. The sound of the shifting will echo throughout the structure. But little will be visible as the labyrinth is dark and the path in which each character is present has little range of sight, unless someone is capable of seeing in the dark, they can only see a few feet ahead of them.

After a few hours, everyone will end up in the centre. Since it’s dark, without using some kind of technique, one won’t be able to deduce that they are actually heading in the centre of the labyrinth until they are actually there. The centre will be the only place with light. The centre will be a huge open space, if someone would try to get out by just flying above, they will eventually run into a ceiling, based of the same indestructible reiatsu as those walls.


Epizon had been walking blindly for some time now having no idea where he was headed. Suddenly, he stopped, when he heard a sound. It felt like something huge, moving in the distance. Puzzled and confused what was happening, Epizon stood still for a while as he heard the sounds that didn’t seem to stop at all. Waiting for them to stop might not be a good idea, and who knows what was happening? So he drew his zanpakuto from it’s sheath and continued to walk ahead.

The sounds didn’t seem to end, whatever was going on it just didn’t had the right feel to it. He felt like a rat, trapped in a puzzle, knowing not where he was headed.  With his zanpakuto firmly held in his hands, he would continue to walk for what seemed like ages but were a few hours. In all this time, he would try to talk to daimanos, but daimanos wasn’t in the mood to reply today. Not a single word did the zanpakuto spirit utter. Why was it so? Epizon didn’t have a clue.

Soon, he would see some light piercing through the dark, he would begin to follow it until he would come to a huge open space unlike the narrow hallways he had been walking for quite some time now. Looking around, he would see the dark and tall walls, still with no ceiling visible. There, having no idea of what to do next, he would sheathe his zanpakuto, and sit with one leg over the other, placing the sheathed zanpakuto in his lap. May be it wouldn’t prove useful to bash around these walls, may be it would be a good idea to wait and see what happens.

#6Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:37 am



Mass Confusion


Sekhmet frowned at Raphael, clearly displease with his lack of an answer to her question. It would had bothered most that the Arrancar had decided to take a relaxed position when trapped within a barrier constructed by an unknown entity and for some unknown reason. It would had really irked some that on top of being relaxed, he had decided to take a nap rather than find a way out of this place. But not Sekhmet. No, she was only irked for his lack of an answer, and for a moment she considered bashing his head in with the fist of her zanpakuto, but the thought left as quickly as it came for there were more pressing matters.

For one, the labyrinth she had unwittingly found herself and Raphael in had no clear exit, though what labyrinth did? It was not like one constructed a labyrinth just to mark the way to the nearest exit. From what Sekhmet knew about humans, labyrinths were made for purely fun or to prevent people from getting something. It was sometimes used for disorientating the enemy, but she could not be sure what caused the labyrinth to be formed. And breaking her way out of the labyrinth was clearly not an option. Thus she can only walk and hope to find her way out of the labyrinth.

She sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a bit as she contemplated how she would get out of this situation. And upon reopening her eyes, she saw the cutest thing ever. Without even thinking, she ran up to the small panda, scooping the creature into her arms before hugging him tightly. "Aw~ he's so cute," she said, "Raphael come see what I found!"

"Hey little guy, what's a cute and adorable panda doing out here?" she asked the Panda, holding him up at arm length so that she may analyze him better. The panda was indeed cute in her eyes, and she wondered how he managed to get here. She thought it unlikely that the panda could talk, but could not resist the urge to ask the question. Unbeknownst to Sekhmet, she had found herself mere yards from the center of the labyrinth, and she would had arrived within a minute if she had not become distracted by the panda.

"No matter. You are coming with me, Mr. Panda," Sekhmet exclaimed, bringing the panda close once again to rub her cheek against it's face. She quickly glanced at Raphael, making sure he was still following before she began to walk once again. A grin crept onto her face as she continued to walk, until she reach what could only be assumed as the center of the labyrinth. It would had been a place she could had settle in, but too bad that someone else was there.

WC: 469

#7Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:21 pm


Yuki Seika ;; 3-2 ;; Arrancar ;; Female    

Yuki Seika enjoyed her visits to the human world. The place wasn't dull and drab, but instead bursting with color. Even though she preferred the dark and quiet of night, no one could resist the sunshine once in a while. The Arrancar was far off from civilization right now, being close to the mountains and open blue sky. It wouldn't be long before she grew tired of the unending green and blue, but for now it was enough.

However, things had a sudden change. She hadn't been asleep or zoned out, but merely took a couple of blinks to adjust her eyes to the growing brightness of the sun. But then things got dark. Upon adjusting those deep azure orbs the scene switched. Where there was grass, there was dark. Where there was sky, there was dark. All around her seemed dense, dark and solid. Having to adjust her eyes once again to the different light patterns, Yuki put all of her senses on alert. Something was going on, and the hollow wasn't certain what.

Keen vision could help her see in the dark, but Seika was certain she was more in a room of sorts. Taking a step forward, the Arrancar knew she couldn't stall. Moving forward was treacherous, but staying in one place was deadly. There was no sound, but she would know before long if there was. Right now, the only thing she could do was feel, and barely see.

Resolving to be bold, Yuki then decided it was worth addressing her unknown enemy, if one had put her in this situation at all. "Whoever is out there, show yourself!" she called, unafraid of the danger. Gripping her chisa katana, and keeping black claws on dainty hands flexed and ready, the Arrancar prepared herself for whatever or whoever would answer. Though, it may or may not be who she exactly expected. If the enemy was going to pose a challenge, he or she would remain quiet. Perhaps right now what was worth looking for were other poor souls trapped in this dim maze or labyrinth.

Location;; In the Labyrinth
Muse;; 7/10
Word Count;; 535
Tags;; Yuki Seika, Mass Confusion, Labyrinth

#8Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:22 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Pandac10Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Pandac10

The small panda was surprised by reaction of girl's, and it surely freaked the small thing out, when she plunged towards him. Instinctively, he swallowed most of his belongings, that would make him look like non-ordinary panda, leaving only a stem of bamboo in his hand. Before the small guy could do any other preparations, the girl picked him quickly from the ground and squeezed him violently against him - or at least, that was what he felt, even though the smile on girl's face told the panda, that there was nothing to worry about. Her presence had rather playful taste, and she radiated good intentions, making her a perfect protector for the panda, whom seemed to have his low-class powers sealed away. He noticed also a sleepy man walking with the energetic girl, and assumed, that he is an arrancar too.

This girl was indeed the one, that was supposed to save him, and whom could figure a way out of the labyrinth. He was still suspicious about her, but seeming trustworthy person, the panda gave up on his fear of abandonment and betrayal. Even though this small organism was able to think like human species, he lacked the ability of speech, due leading more towards animal. He could communicate with this girl by telepathy, but it would need a lot of concentration, and his intuition told him, that he should stay as 'an ordinary panda'. It was not nice to deceive people like this girl, whom were nice to him, but survival of his required him to get away from the labyrinth. What wouldn't he do for survival? So, as the girl promised to took him with her and brought him close to her, rubbing her cheek against him, the panda showed her his approval of action, giving her a soft kiss and growling playfully.

[[[OOC: This is a part of my full post, the unrelevant part. I will post the actual actions of his, after Sekhmet and Raphael have posted, as my characters acts would largely be dependant on theirs.]]]

#9Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Wed Mar 19, 2014 7:59 pm


Raphael had begun feeling all kinds of presences showing up, but none seemed hostile so he remained in a lounging position. He heard the voice of sehkmet begin to talk about something that he didn't really care for. Honestly this whole situation he one he did not care for, but Sehkmet dragged him along like always. She was underhanded even though she looked like a child; well she acted like one to even though she was one of the oldest Arrancar. "Yeah Yeah it's nice." The eyes of Raphael were closed the whole time he was speaking to Sehkmet.

#10Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Empty Re: Mass Confusion CLOSED COMPLETED Fri Mar 21, 2014 5:54 pm


The Scene

In the center, the 4 beings there will notice a buzzing sound, very slow to be noticed by normal ears. If no one speaks a word, either one of them will be able to hear it, but they won’t be able to find the source of the sound. The sound will be originating from a wall, separating the shinigami and the three arrancars. The location of the arrancars is at the other side of the room, whereas the shinigami is in front of them at the other side of the room.

The wall will be invisible and made of reiatsu and will be detectable only by some visual technique that enables one to see very dim reiatsu changes. If anyone runs into that wall, they will experience a reiatsu based force capable of throwing them quite a distance depending on their tier. Also they will experience a loss of motor control of their limbs for one post.

On the other side of the labyrinth, where other beings are still trying to find their way. Small lights will begin to appear, showing them a path that will lead them to the center, if they choose to follow those lights.

The shinigami’s reiatsu has been sealed due to unknown , other species have not been affected at the moment.

Epizon Psychi

Epizon had been sitting there for a few minutes when he saw two figures appear at the other side of the room, right across from him. ”Humans?.. no.. rescue team perhaps? Doesn’t seem like it.. thinking to himself, when he realized that the figures standing right in front of him were neither of those, they were.. ”Arrancars?!”, he thought as he saw the female arrancar followed by another tall male arrancar, with her she had a strange looking panda but that didn’t seem important. Right now, he was caught in a labyrinth, there was no place to run or hide, and he was outnumbered.

With his hand on his zanpakuto, he stood, calling out to his zanpakuto spirit in his mind, ”I’ll be needing your help again, daimanos”. For some reason though, Daimanos did not respond. That wasn’t usual, in case of a battle, even the quiet zanpakuto spirit would say some piece of advice or would have at least replied with a “hmm” or something, but he did not hear any response from his zanpakuto. Troublesome indeed, caught with his enemies without the only aid he could count on at the moment. As a precaution he did not unsheathe his zanpakuto, so to avoid looking hostile. Now his gaze was focused on those arrancars that were in front of him. He had to think of a way to deal with them, getting out of this situation wasn’t a possibility, so what could he do? Try a diplomatic approach? He wasn’t the type .

Before he could take a step towards them or away from them, he realized something that sent shivers down his spine. He felt nothing, no reiatsu from his zanpakuto, neither his usual reiatsu. Something or someone had somehow made him incapable of using his reiatsu, as if it was sealed or something. In a situation like this, being powerless was the last thing he wanted. Shocked from his current predicament, he just stood, silent and motionless, looking towards the arrancars.

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