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#1Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:35 pm


Ok this topic is all about the listing of the Demon kido that the demons use called Demonic Arts now there going to be 4 type of kido called Paths with maybe more added on at a later time but at the moment there only 4 and the are with what type they are in brackets.

Path of obliteration (Attacking kido)

Name: Black sun Blade(kuroi taiyo buredo)
Path: The path of obliteration
Effect: the user focus' his reiatsu into the palm of his hand and condenses it into a hard black onyx like material. The disc is thick at the center and tapers off as it goes out to the edges. The user can then through the disc which is fueled with their reiatsu at an oppoinent.
Damage: To an equal tier or higher tier it does a cero damage/bala to higher tier.(a slight push to much higher tier 3 or higher)

to lower tiers 2 to 3 lower then the user- this spell does the damage of a gran rey cero
To much lower 4 or more this spell does damage equal to that of a cero oscos or a getsuga tenshu
Path of Binding (Binding and sealing kido)

Name: Nightmare cage
Path: path of binding
Effect: The user channels demonic reiatsu to form a "cage" around the target of the spell. The cage can be small to very large. The nightmare part of the name come from what happens to those who touch the edge of the cage. Those that do are lashed at by phantom whips that strike the one who touches the walls of the cage.
Level: medium. High level demons can do with no chant
Chant: rise from under.encase those who see the torment come and punish.
(if a high level demon does the chant the cage cannot be taken down by those of a lower tier)

The cage appears to be made of a solid dark shadowy mist. Those outside the cage that can see spiritual beings can see inside.those inside however may not be able to see out unless they have incredable spirit awareness

Path of the Soul (Summoning)
Name: Poe
Path: Path of the Soul
Effect: Summons ravens and the user can see through there raven's eyes. The crows form out of the element of the user. There must be a source of his element. Because they form with there users element they are able to burst with there users element.

example: My crows explode into a ball of blinding light.

Low: summons 1 crow
Mid: 20 Ravens
High: 100 Ravens

Chant: Never more, never more, never more

Path of Corruption (enslaving and demon enhancement)

Now on to the template for the spells

Name: what it called
Path: what Path is it in
Effect: What it does
Level: what rank demon can use it e.g. low, mid or high class demons
Chant: the trigger phase if it needs one

Now as a note only demon the same level or higher can use the kido of the same level kido. but there has been cases where demons who are low level using a high level kido but that in special cases.
Now the kido need to be aproved before it can be used in RPing and they can only be aproved by Me (if that alright), Tazuma and the admin of course.

#2Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:35 pm


Looks good to me ash

#3Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:24 am


First spell

Name: Nightmare cage
Path: path of binding
Effect: The user channels demonic reiatsu to form a "cage" around the target of the spell. The cage can be small to very large. The nightmare part of the name come from what happens to those who touch the edge of the cage. Those that do are lashed at by phantom whips that strike the one who touches the walls of the cage.
Level: medium. High level demons can do with no chant
Chant: rise from under.encase those who see the torment come and punish.
(if a high level demon does the chant the cage cannot be taken down by those of a lower tier)

The cage appears to be made of a solid dark shadowy mist. Those outside the cage that can see spiritual beings can see inside.those inside however may not be able to see out unless they have incredable spirit awareness

#4Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:47 am


^how do you escape?

#5Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:03 am


Name: Poe
Path: Path of the Soul
Effect: Summons ravens and the user can see through there raven's eyes. The crows form out of the element of the user. There must be a source of his element. Because they form with there users element they are able to burst with there users element.

example: My crows explode into a ball of blinding light.

Low: summons 1 crow
Mid: 20 Ravens
High: 100 Ravens

Chant: Never more, never more, never more

#6Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:12 am


Name: Hellfire cannon
Path: Path of obliteration
Effect: It calls up the fires of hell and focus them in the palm of the demon who cast this to aim and release.
Level: low with a chant, Middle level ones can do it with or with out chant and with chant it much more powerful. High level demon can do it with out a chant and it still more powerful then a mid level with a chant and with a chant high can change the path of the spell from a stright line to a more craved path so they can fire it around a shield with some skill.
Chant: I call to the fires of the sinners came forth and burn all those that stand in front of me to ash. burn, burn hellfire cannon

#7Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:13 am


Glass when the ravens explode do they do damage or is it more of a smoke screen effect?

#8Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:17 am


It depends on your element, if it is fire then yes. The fire would still burn.

#9Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:18 am


A strong enough burst of reiatsu in one point cracks the wall like glass

#10Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Empty Re: Umbra Ars (Latin for Shadow Arts) Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:33 am


i give my approve to both.

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