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#1The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Empty The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Sun Jun 01, 2014 4:10 am



Identity of a Soul

Name: Unknown
Alias: The Keeper
Age: 680
Age of Appearance: 56
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Shinigami
Character Alignment: Neutral Good


The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Another+-+02+-+Large+09


Kazuo Matsuoka was born with amber eyes, in a small cottage on a hill covered by pines. His father, The keeper was an officer in Division 12, a place for genius intellects like him, resulting him to be away a lot. Since his birth, Kazuo had white hair, because of his low immunity against diseases - this meant he had to spend much of his childhood in bed, reading books and listening stories of his father's most recent experiences. Kazuo was prodigal child, but his parents were too busy taking care of him to notice his tremendous ability to store information and understand complex things. Whenever his condition got better, Kazuo would run outside and borrow books from their neighbors and ask them if they knew any stories about the shinigami. The boy craved for knowledge, resulting the people around him to believe he was possessed by a something. One day, his father would bring Kazuo documents about science and some medicine to his diseases, the father asked his son if he would want to come with him to the Division 12, his laboratory, to see the result of his hard work and meet somebody very important to his father... and out of his curiosity, Kazuo accepted his request, only in age of seven.

He would travel away from their family home, enter the halls of vast institute, dedicated to research and development, as well as location where a lot of shinigami information was kept. Kazuo would meet the vice-captain at that time, head of research unit and a friend of his father, Yuusuke Kagamine. After studying to his father's work, which was to be kept in extreme secrecy, the son convinced his father to let him stay in the institution, saying he could work as an assistant to him. The captain of division was a kind person, having a weak spot for small children, and as Kazuo was not the first youngster in institute, he allowed his presence there. The son moved to his father's place in barracks, which was quite big as he worked as an eight seat, after he was given the permission from his father. Kazuo began to study everything and anything, becoming a bank of knowledge within a few months, while he was a good help for his father, applicable to carry out simple tasks in his laboratory. The boy was never suspicious or doubted his father, while he was well-aware, that his father was plotting something with the vice captain Yuusuke, whom visited him more than often.

Kazuo grew up slowly, and he had spent only a year in the institute - his age was just eight, when he was signed officially in Gotei 13, as an assistant in Division 12. He was educated to become a scientist, not a weapon to be used in war, by his father and in race occurrences, by Yuusuke. For a few months, he also attained a special access to libraries of Division 13 and record halls of Division 12; he learnt a lot about the world surrounding him, understanding the concepts of reishi and reiryoku, as well as the reiatsu. Flawlessly recalling soul anatomy, Kazuo, just like his father did in his youth, focused on studying biological sciences, gathering documents about it. Becoming more and more ambitious and filled with knowledge, he had only one goal in his mind; to become a scientist in the institute of SRDI. Now he would ask his father's approval for that, which would lead his father to sent a special request to the shinigami academy. Kazuo was sent to school for a month, where he attended an aptitude test, and finished both oral and written portions of final tests, resulting him to become a researcher in Gotei 13.

Kazuo became an unseated member of Division 12, while he had barely been nine years old. He continued to help his father, whom was amazed by the ridiculous development of his son, that he had never noticed to be smart. When his father was promoted as an vice-captain, the former vice-captain Yuusuke becoming a captain after the sudden death of their former chief, Kazuo took his father's place as eight seat. His father started to feel more and more sure, that he should reveal the secrets they had been working on to his son... but not yet, they still had plenty of things to do, and now, after their promotions, he and Yuusuke had all the time and all the resources they needed. Kazuo became more and more intelligent and wise, learning a lot new things for having practical experience of research now, rather than reading a document or a historic source. Finally, his father and Yuusuke invited him to the captain's laboratory, where the majority of their research were located, hidden from suspicious eyes.

After Yuusuke was exiled from soul society, The keeper joined him as his assistant/ second in command although he keeps to the soul society but comes comes to Yuusuke's aim when he needs it with his kido, zanpakuto and his doll that he created for his personal use

The keeper's Zanpakutō: Kagami (鏡) meaning “Mirror”, it a katana with an oval-shaped guard, the ends of the oval splitting into a thin C-shape with a small, straight piece in the middle, making more like a E-shape, it also has an Ice-blue wrapping round the hilt. the keeper keeps Kagami in a back-mounted holster with an ice-blue silk sash that wrapped around his right shoulder with the sheath hanging next to his left hip.

Shikai: Kagami’s Shikai release is “Reflect”, when the release command is spoken when the wielder puts the blade in front of them, the flat of the blade facing them, the blade glows a bright white, blinding anyone temporally within viewing distance, when it dies down, Kagami takes the form of mirror-plated armour that forms on the wielder’s arm (the user’s right arm in this case), with a mirror-like shield fused to the lower arm of the armour.
Shikai Special abilities:
Kagami’s ability is to reflect oncoming attacks in its mirror shield and reflect it back at the user, just as strong as it received, its armoured state allows it to be used as armour, the armour surprisingly durably, the glass, although looks easy to break, is more like steel, able to brush off most ranged and close-quarters weapons without the mirror becoming damaged.
- Shōjikide hansha Kagami (正直で反射 鏡) “Honest Reflection mirror”: The user faces their palm facing in a upright position, their arm out stretched, a mirror then generates in front of them, but with the added bonus of a halo, generated behind the user’s back, free floating, which takes the form a ring, with two small angel wings near the top and an ornate lily with a lily pad at the top of the ring. The technique then enters the mirror, which will glow blue with the glass reflecting that glow like water, before blasting out whatever technique/weapon enters the mirror.

Noted that the technique can be counter if another attack if fired pass the mirror once it is up since it can only deal with one attack at a time.

Bankai: Yata no Kagami (八咫鏡) or “Eight-hand mirror”
It’s released when the wielder takes a meditative pose, with the legs crossed, the arms spread wide with the thumb and index finger on both hands touch at the tips, making an O-shape.
The user is then enveloped by a bright white light that forms a twister around them, once the twister dies down, the user now has full, mirror-plated armour that covers their entire body, this armour also gains six additional arms in conjunction with the user’s normal arms, the user fully able to use these arms like their normal arms, either to attack or for other uses like making hand seals or doing other tasks independently while the user focuses on other tasks.
One “side-effect” of the Bankai, although it’s not technically bad, the bankai also forces its user to take on their “True self” or “Mirror Self”
Bankai special abilities: The Bankai’s abilities surpass its Shikai state with the following:
- Shinri shinsei Kagami (真理神聖鏡) or “Divine Mirror of Truth”, allows the user to fully use the Honest reflection mirror to its best, by using the different arms to generate their own mirror, therefore more than doubling the amount of attacks that can be redirected back at its user.
- Chishiki shinsei Kagami (知識神聖鏡) or “Divine mirror of Knowledge”, allows the user the ability to store an attack, that the user then can use as long as the technique is stored within the mirror, although this cuts down on how many mirrors can be used to reflect attacks, the user can wield and fire the technique from small, round mirrors, fitted into the palms of the mirror armour.

This technique can be cancelled by releasing the technique, making the mirror useable again to reflect, although the user losses the ability to use the technique, this can by use if a mirror that cannot reflect is attack, can be saved by releasing the technique it sealed and firing it at whatever comes in its path.

Kido Master:

The keeper has the entire range of hado/bakudo techniques, with both parts of the 99 bakudo to all hado from #88 below, which makes him versatile in all ranges and having great reiatsu control to make the most of his kido

Shunpo master:

The keeper is able to cover great distances with little effort and appears to be standing still but he made of just be moving around so quick that you don't even notice him until its too late

Genius intellect:

Being the creator of the dolls and co creater of the bounts, The keeper is highly intelligent as well as a great analysis of people and techniques and being able to quickly counter most techniques with a short space of time


The release name for his doll is: Zeige Dich: schwarz Seele Wölfe (“Show Youself: Black soul wolves)
In its sealed form, it takes the form of a wolf-shaped piece of finger armour that goes on the ring finger of the keeper's right hand
Doll abilities: the doll when activated, explodes into black mist, then reforms into a wolf-type form, if the wolf if cut in half or by choice, the wolf then multiplies into two and if it continued, it can become an entire wolf pack, capable of holding off even captain-level fighters for an extended period of time.

Merge form name: Mantel der tausend Wölfen (“Cloak of a thousand wolves)
The doll merges with the master by jumping onto the body while in its Alpha form, which when it has soul clones which merge with the original to create a massive soul wolf.
There is a big explosion of black spiritual pressure going upwards in a tornado shape, after it clears, the user is now donning a full-length black mist cloak in the shape of the soul wolf, like a wolf skin cloak only if it was made entirely made out of black mist. Also wolf leg “skins” are connected to the user’s arms with mist like claws coming out of them which can used in combat.
The cloak can make as many as a thousand wolves (hence the name) out the sides of the cloak and it also augments the user’s physical strength and spiritual pressure.

Intended Role: NPC shop seller for when people go to buy equipment like soul candies to wrist band explosives to Gigis, you name it, the keeper has it, just don't ask where he gets it from or how he gets it, you will never hear the answer and the assistant to Yuusuke

#2The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Empty Re: The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:35 am


There is already an NPC fulfilling this role.

#3The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Empty Re: The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:38 am


sorry, my apologizes, although is it really so bad to have another one? especial since this one isn't exiled from the soul society? I don't think it would really hurt tbh

#4The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Empty Re: The Keeper (item Seller NPC) (WIP) Sun Jun 01, 2014 5:42 am


Having one defeats the purpose of having the other, and despite being exiled, Kagamine has a deal with the captain commander and works along side the gotei 13. So his exile doesn't cause any problems or complications. He's basically the one backing the human world organization described in the forum plot guide so making him obsolete would be kind of destructive to the IC plot that has already woven through the threads Kagamine has been in.

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