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#1The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:02 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
The day of all days, one certain female had to be late to open her own small business. Damn delivery trucks, always late. Normally she was on time to open her store and be waiting for her shipments of art supplies, but no, today she over slept and was kicking herself and mummbling how she shouldnt have stayed up all night painting a bedroom wall that was bugging the hell out of her for days now. She didnt even have time to really plan out what she was going to wear or how she was going to do her hair.

She found something quick and beautiful to put on. She outfit today was a simple pink corset style top with two parrallel black strings crossing eachother straight down infront of either of her boobs. lace hide the holes the strings went through. she put her arms through the spaghetti straps, retieing the bow that held them along with readjusting the scrunched up purple ribbon that outlined the top trimming. She held her boobs adjusting them in her top, making sure they were secure for the trip there. She tugged at the bottom of her top then she adjusted her mid thigh purple skirt that outlineed her figure elegantly and flawless. She grabbed some thigh high panty hose as she hoped on one foot getting each one on as she spoke what she was going to do next.

She went to the bathroom quickly brushing her hair that reached down to her waist. it looked to be a strawberry pink pastel that had a darkish tone to it. She closed her big blue eyes picking up her signature hair piece that her older brother had given her for her birthday before she had opened her store. she adjusted it and the top layer of her hair to the left side as it was huge but just right.

She ran to the kitchen making some butter and jelly toast putting it in her mouth. She moved to the door slipping her shoes on and grabbing her roll around bag that held several paper bags. she digged through it finding her paintbrush before she adjusted that into her hair piece. she checked herself one more time before heading out of her house taking a quick walk towards the inner city limits.

She closed her eyes as she knew and was right about being a considered show stopper. some guys literally stopped and watched her move by. She heard several whistles...which was annoying as hell to her cause it happened every day, nothing new was going on for her today. She stopped on a straight corner waiting for the cross walk light to go green, to let her get across the street.

#2The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:22 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel was walking down the street Of Karukara town as usual. He was in his gigai body, he didn't want people dying as he went pass them. Every human was watching him, admiring his visual appearance. Some girls were whispering to there friends about his looks. Udarsha, didn't blush all feel proud. This was a common thing, everyday he goes out, people would stares at him, like if he's a ghost or something. It's the usual...

Udarsha had Black coloured hair,Which quite comes into his eyes.Mostly his hair covers his face. His eyes are blue in colour.His body his quite slim and worked out. His skin is quite white with a brownish color mixed with it. Today, he was wiring his two piercings on, that got alot of people watching him and admiring him. Keep it coming folks...

As he was crossing, he saw a beautiful young human, who had pink colour hair, large blue eyes and a beautiful cloth-wear. And mostly, what got Udarsha's attention was her big breasts. They were quite huge. He could here the whistles of other boys flirting at her, by the looks of her, she did not care. Udarsha signed frustratedly. "Oh,well. Lets just give a try..." he thought as he slowly started walking near the girl.

#3The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:42 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
She sighed as her right hand reached up and scratched her shoulder where her rose tattoo was that had spirals and alot of others cute things. She adjusted her hair around her neck, mostly hiding the butterfly tattoo without much thought of wanting to. She sighed turning to the boys talking behind her. She both her hands on both of her hips bending forward some "You know acting like you could win a girl over by whistles and flirting is not going to work with me, So you might as well save your breath, Cause I do not find any of you boys cute or as hansome as most of these other girls are speaking."She said not in the mood like she normaly would.

On a good day for her she would tease and if anything have a crowd of boys carry her and her things to her store. She loved messing with them cause she didnt even have to try hard for ones she liked. She has yet to find the one that really would be the one she would work to get. No one here seemed to meet her standards and she has very high standards.

"Oh come on, it is harmless fun and we are really not that bad of guys once you get to know us."Commented one of the males "but you are cuter when yours angery. The word 'cuter, cute or any other word that would describe a little girl really pisses her off as she wasnt a little girl she was a teenage female that had no family and lived on her own and even owned a store.

Her eye twitched but she quickly calmed herself down, time to put on a show. She giggled spinning around once putting her hands behind her back. "You right, you are a nice guy and very very hansome. I have a present for you Just moved over here and close your eyes. No peeking or you will ruin your suprise."She commented giggling winking. The dumb teenage boy had no clue what was about to be the present as he did moved over to her leaning forward. She took ahold of his hands lacing their fingers togather, she giggled before suddenly grinning "got you scumbag."She commented turning their fingers down before she pushed his hand back hard, tightening his elbows. She Laughed as he let out a cry of pain "If there is one thing i hate in the world It is being called cute or pretty...I am not a little girl, I am a teenager that makes more moeny then your parents do combined...If you ever think of calling me cute again I will break your arms and your jaw."she growled pushing him to the ground letting go.

As ast as the change was she giggled "oh my, I am so sorry did I hurt you?'she asked as if having no clue what had just happened. the males were scared and confused of this display as they got the teen up quickly and moved from her."I am so confused.'She commented scratching her head "I hope he is alright to whatever harmed him."she commented. She turned back to the crosswalk pulling her bag along humming

#4The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:45 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel was walking towards the girl now. Even though he could see her quite clearly, she was a a hundred or more feet ahead of him. Seeing that if she misses him, it won’t be good, he started to run towards the beautiful young girl. Passing towards a small pub, he got blocked. There was an enormous crowd blocking him. And they were all punks with red, blue and purple colored long hair folks. The people were all teenagers’ of the age fifteen and twenty. Trying to pass through, Udarsha started pushing them, but it was no use at all. The crowd was much enormous. Well then, let’s just wait shall we???

Udarsha could see a lot of teens in his age passing by. “What’s with the hair?” Udarsha asked one of the passing teens and motioning his head towards the others. “Judas taboo” the teen said matter-of-factly. Udarsha looked at him bewilderly. The teen spat in the floor, obviously disgusted with Udarshas ignorance. “Judas Taboo? Greatest punk since Sid vicious? Was born here at this very day. It’s his anniversary. Udarsha nodded vaguely, obviously missing the connection. The teen looked at him, and frowned in a few seconds he disappeared inside the pub with the enormous crowd with him. Udarsha exhaled as he started to run full speed towards the girl. I hope she’s there...

Finally, Udarsha arrived towards his destination. She was still there! He could see that the boys were making themselves useful by flirting towards her. Udarsha leaned towards the wall and started watching the scene. "Oh come on, it is harmless fun and we are really not that bad of guys once you get to know us."Commented one of the males "but you are cuter when yours angry. The girl giggled spinning around once putting her hands behind her back. "You right, you are a nice guy and very, very handsome. I have a present for you! Just moved over here and close your eyes. No peeking or you will ruin your surprise."She commented giggling winking. The teenage boy had no clue what was about to be the present as he did moved over to her leaning forward. She took hold of his hands lacing their fingers together, she giggled before suddenly grinning "got you scumbag."She commented turning their fingers down before she pushed his hand back hard, tightening his elbows. She Laughed as he let out a cry of pain "If there is one thing i hate in the world It is being called cute or pretty...I am not a little girl, I am a teenager that makes more money then your parents do combined...If you ever think of calling me cute again I will break your arms and your jaw.” She growled pushing him to the ground letting go. What a girl....

Udarsha who was amazed with this scene began to move towards her. He could see one teenage boy slowly getting up in quite an agony as he took a small knife from his pocket and started charging it towards the young girl. This Ain’t good, Udarsha thought as he took a few running steps and jumped in the middle of him. The boy looked at him and growled “Get the F**k off, you son of a bitch!” Udarsha grinned but said nothing. The teen started moving the knife towards Udarsha, trying to cut him. But Udarsha, dodged easily. He was an expert in hand to hand combat. The boy aimed the knife at his chest. Udarsha blocked it and took hold of his hand and with his right hand he started hitting the boy chest powerfully. The teen boy started vomiting blood, but Udarsha didn’t stop. After a few seconds Udarsha took him by his neck and lifted him some feet up high and with powerful forced, he slammed the boys head on the ground which made a small sound of “crack”. Rest in Peace, dude...

Udarsha looked at the girl. She was shaking but he could see that she was not scared at all. Udarsha moved a few steps towards her and patted her shoulder. “Are you alright?” he said as he forced a romantic smile on his face. That was the smile, which he usually puts to hook up girls. But he was isolated; he never had a girl friend in his life. “What’s your name?” Udarsha asked her without hesitating.


#5The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 10:27 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Yukiluna watched thinking she won when her eyes widen seeing the boy she just embrassed infront of his friends and the crowd see one teenage boy slowly getting up in quite an agony as he took a small knife from his pocket and started charging it towards the young girl. Yukiluna reached up holding her paintbrush pulling it from her hair piece I cant show my abiltities...what can i do? As if like a prayer was answered someone moved infront of her. She had no clue how this teen was but just this act of bravery caused her to blush greatly.The boy looked at him and growled “Get the F**k off, you son of a bitch!” Udarsha grinned but said nothing. The teen started moving the knife towards Udarsha, trying to cut him. But Udarsha, dodged easily. He was an expert in hand to hand combat. The boy aimed the knife at his chest. Udarsha blocked it and took hold of his hand and with his right hand he started hitting the boy chest powerfully. The teen boy started vomiting blood, but Udarsha didn’t stop. After a few seconds Udarsha took him by his neck and lifted him some feet up high and with powerful forced, he slammed the boys head on the ground which made a small sound of “crack”. Rest in Peace, dude...

She gasped cupping her hands over her mouth as she watched the fight scene infront of her. She watched him turning towards her and patt her should. She closed her eyes trying to stop her slight shaking "I-I am f-fine."she commented gasping gently "She watched him giggling as the smile on his face made her knees feel wea as her face became beat red "Y-Y-Yukiluna...what y-y-yours?"she asked as she couldnt help but studder as her big blue eyes looked up at his since he was taller then she was. she put her paintbrush back into her hair place "Thankyou...s-s-so much for saving me b-b-back there."She commented sweetly trying to calm her racing heart. what a man...

#6The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:16 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
She closed her eyes trying to stop her slight shaking "I-I am f-fine."she commented gasping gently "She watched him giggling as the smile on his face made her knees feel weak as her face became beat red "Y-Y-Yukiluna...what y-y-yours?"she asked as she couldn't help but studded as her big blue eyes looked up at his since he was taller then she was. she put her paintbrush back into her hair place "Thank-you...s-s-so much for saving me b-b-back there."She commented sweetly trying to calm her racing heart. Udarsha looked at her and forced another romantic smile on his face. Your more than welcome....

Udarsha looked at her, and started to admire her visual appearance. He noticed that her strong big blue eyes seemed shakedown today, and her shoulder length, pink coloured hair looked newly blown dry. Trailer her was the faint scent of Johnson's baby powder. Udarsha's eyes fell the length of her slender torso- to her corset top with pink ribbon spaghetti straps in it. Her breast were barley visible, but her nipples were very visible. She was not wearing a bra. This so damn hot !!!, Udarsha thought in excitement as he hid his wide grin. And now he started to admire her purple skirt, that was not to her knee-length (It was very short) , and finally to her legs... Yukiluna's legs. Shes more than worthy, udarsha amused to himself. He started after her a long time. Finally he shook his head as she started to cough. Wow, its getting better and better...

Udarsha, gazed at her large blue eyes. He could tell that she was going to tell him something interesting. Udarsha coughed and cleared his voice and blurted out "Will you go out with me?" He said without hesitating. What? wrong,wrong,wrong, he thought as he moved a few steps towards her. "I meant would you like something to drink? Udarsha said as he grinned at leaned towards the nearby wall to support his back. Lets see....

#7The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:24 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Yukina watched him blushing at his questions as she giggled and blushed a deep red at the question of asking her out all of a sudden. it was just so sudden but heck it isnt like she just blush at every guy, only one guy had seemed to mak her blush so much. She was about to reply the expect yes, but she decided not to say it once he changed his question on being out on a slight date by going out to get a drink, possibly to know eachother. She noticed his eyes sizing up her body "Uh...S-Sure but i need to get my shop open so I can recieved my shipments of art supplies for the lessons and classes I must teach today."She replied sweetly scratching her head

#8The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 11:58 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
She giggled and blushed as she said "Uh...S-Sure but i need to get my shop open so I can received my shipments of art supplies for the lessons and classes I must teach today."She replied sweetly scratching her head. Udarsha looked at her with a blank look on his face. "Classes ? what kind of classes ? don't tell me, that your a prostitute ?" udarsha said without stopping as he raised his arm and checked then time, from his digital watch. 11.00 am "Good." he thought as he glanced back at Yukiluna.

#9The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:04 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Udarsha looked at her with a blank look on his face. "Classes ? what kind of classes ? don't tell me, that your a prostitute ?" udarsha said without stopping as he raised his arm and checked then time, from his digital watch. 11.00 am "Good." he thought as he glanced back at Yukiluna.

"No. I am an art teacher and I run an art store and an art studio. I teach classes on various kinds of media like painting, pastel, pencil and Such. I give group lessons and private lessons. I hope artists with protfolios for college. I even help out at karakura high with various art students with modeling or whatever they need help with. I run a store with supplies and such."she commented. "I am not a prostitute, I do not find that an art as same females do. I am dressed this way cause I was running late."She commented putting her hands on her hips. How dare him think she sells her body at lessons. there been many times more then art lessons could have taken place, but she was not interested so none has happened.

#10The Meaning of Art (Ichigo  and Amaya) Empty Re: The Meaning of Art (Ichigo and Amaya) Wed Dec 21, 2011 12:27 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
"No. I am an art teacher and I run an art store and an art studio. I teach classes on various kinds of media like painting, pastel, pencil and Such. I give group lessons and private lessons. I hope artists with portfolios for college. I even help out at karakura high with various art students with modeling or whatever they need help with. I run a store with supplies and such."she commented. "I am not a prostitute, I do not find that an art as same females do. I am dressed this way cause I was running late."She commented putting her hands on her hips. Ichigo smiled warmly and said "Well, then I will not make you late. Its nice meeting you here!" he said as began to walk away slowly.

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