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#1Hanako Nakamura ~ by Luke Yasenha Empty Hanako Nakamura ~ by Luke Yasenha Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:45 am


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

Name: Hanako Nakamura
Alias: To be earned IC
Age: 190
Age of Appearance: 19
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Shinigami
Character Alignment: Neutral good

Appearance: Hanako Nakamura ~ by Luke Yasenha First_bleach_oc_chihiri_by_theyuyupanda228-d5hpome

Reiatsu color: Lavender pink

Personality: Hanako is a cheery but cute girl, she enjoys playing around, she does also has a slightly pervert side, deliberately leaving parts of her uniform exposed, showing off her silky smooth arms and legs since she likes the attention it gives her, she's full of energy, almost to the point of being hyperactive, this also carries over to the way she fights as well, normally being quite fast while using shunpo or her kido like Byakurai, Tenran, Sai, Geki, Shitotsu Sansen and Rikujōkōrō due to the speed which she can pull off the kido.

Zanpakuto Name: Mori Shugo (Forest Guardian)
Zanpakuto Element: Plants
Sealed Weapon Appearance: In its sealed form, its a normal katana with a Lilly blossom guard, black wrapping around the handle with pink diamond patterns under the wrapping, held in a black sheath with a picture of Yggdrasil (World tree) near the top of the sheath, painted on with great care by Hanako.

Tree mark appearance:

Spirit Appearance:
Hanako Nakamura ~ by Luke Yasenha LOTR06035
Mori Shugo is a living tree spirit, being composed from a tree, having tree roots for feet, thick branches for fingers and spines covering his back from his head like hair, he is extreme tall as well, being at seven feet taller, he normally dwarfs his wielder most of the time but can change his size to become six foot, six inches.
Spirit Personality: Mori Shugo is wise and kind to his wielder, although sometimes is overwhelmed by her level of physical energy she has, preferring to take things more slowly then his wielder does, taking things step by step to make sure his over energetic wielder understands what he is trying to tell her, being a living tree, he normal blends into the forest of her inner world, much to the annoyance of his wielder as she normally can't pick him out from any of the other trees in her inner world, although he doesn't need to manifest his sword form as he can use his shikai by growing the vines from his fingers, he does normal grow down to a more human size to talk or engage with his wielder as his normal height is normally a bit much for her to deal with.
Inner World:
Inner world appearance:
Hanako's inner world consists of a large forest, stretching beyond what anyone could see with acres upon acres of forests and trees covering her inner world, the center (see above) is the main part of her inner world, attached to a great mountain, there's a deep chasm below with other trees connect to the center to allow passage to other parts of her inner world, there is a river and the great tree, which acts as her hub to allow her entry into and out her inner world.
Shikai Release Phrase: "Take Root..."
Shikai Appearance: Upon release, the blade turns into four, thick vines with Lillys at the end from the base of the guard.
Shikai Abilities: Living Trees

Name: Seikatsu ki ningyō (Living Tree Puppet)
Effect: This is the core and only ability of Hanako's shikai; she attaches the vines to nearby trees, connecting to them through the flowers at the ends, once connected, she uses her spirit energy to cause them to form into living trees, forming arms and legs and heads; each has a unique appearance in terms of facial features (Up to role players to create), these Living trees then attack with Hanako's command, the vines stretch up to twenty meters, once deactivated or cut, the tree people return to being ordinary trees and the vines retract to a shorter five meters (unless cut then length is dependable on damage), the vines can be used for whipping people or tying people up, although the vines are weak and are easily cut away; the main flaw is that the ability to create tree soldiers can't be used if there isn't any trees around. Takes One post to regenerate a damaged vine, takes one post to form a tree solider plus one more post for each additional tree solider (Max four Tree soldiers so max of four posts to complete plus a addition post every time one is defeated).

Also, depending on the tree determines the sort of attack type (this applies to both shikai and bankai):

  • Small/thin trees: scout types; these tree soldiers run fast but had little in strength and are quite easy to kill/cut down
  • Medium trees: main fighting types: are stronger; able to throw large bounders and fight using simple but brutal close combat attacks but only move at human walking speeds
  • Large trees: special units; these types are the strongest of tree soilders; able to lift massive loads, break down buildings with little effort and even lift the very earth from under the opponent/s feet but they are the slowest of the tree soliders and because of their large size, are easy to spot and a target that is easy to hit, especially due to their very slow speed.

General Tree Solider Appearance:

Bankai Name: Mori sōdai kōshin (Grand march of the forest)
Bankai Release Phrase: None
Bankai Appearance: To use her Bankai, Hanako simply impales the blade of her sealed zanpakuto into the earth, saying "Bankai", releasing a burst of reiatsu, after release, nothing has really changed on the surface apart from her zanpakuto blade has become a clump of thick tree roots.
Bankai Ability: (Limit of 1) (What is your Bankai's Ability? Is it an enhancement of the Shikai ability or a whole new one?)

Ability Name: Forest Creation and Shikai enhancement
Ability Description: The power of her bankai lies in its ability to rapidly create a forest of large, pine trees within a forty meter radius around her and her opponent, from this, she cane create as many tree soldiers as she needs to attack her foes and also control her forest by creating a closed canopy, trapping both her and her opponent inside, the only way to escape is to defeat Hanako and her Tree soldiers. takes one post to form a tree solider plus one more post for each additional tree solider (Max sixteen Tree soldiers so max of sixteen posts to complete, plus a addition post every time one is defeated, although the canopy regenerates much faster then the soldiers).

Intended Role: Lieutenant of Squad thirteen (Tier 3-1)

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