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#1Tau Oleada ~by Luke Yasenha Empty Tau Oleada ~by Luke Yasenha Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:31 pm


NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

Name: Tau Oleada
Alias: to be earn IC
Age: 240
Age of Appearance: 19
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Arrancar
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Tau Oleada ~by Luke Yasenha Normal_anime_girl_fav12

Personality: Tau is serious but also one of more emotionally shaken of the furies; sometimes crying, even while in battle, a trait shared by Dante which he noticed while raping her, he then took her more slowly then the other furies, which lead to jealousy of her by her fellow furies for a short time before she join Mù and Iota as a devoted lesbian, the union of them three has help stabilize her, she worries about being betrayed by men after what happened with Dante and her former lover when she was still alive after he cheated on her and dumped her in the sea after stabbing her in the back, which leaded to her becoming what she was now but after being with Mù and Iota, she has become more at peace with herself, she normally gets out her frustration by killing her enemies or by shopping in the world of the living with Mù and Iota but she likes her commander too as her commander likes her back for being the more sensible of the other three furies.

(Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Non-Arrancar Limit: 2 Arrancar Limit: 3

Name: Water Transmutation
Effect: Tau has the unique ability to turn into Water when she is in a body of water, where she is able to become one with the water and use it to attack her opponents with high pressure water or to pull them under as well as making whirlpools and the like. Can stay in this form for four posts before having to return to a solid form, cool down of two posts before being able to renter that state again.

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 5 (Arrancar have 2 for unarmed/cero based, 3 for sealed weapon based.)

Technique Name: Tsunami Cero
Technique Description: Tau is able to charge a cero using nearby sources of water to fire it at opponents, not only blasting them with cero damage but also getting smashed by a ton of water, which cuts them from the high speed it travels. Requires water to use and two posts cool down before reuse.


Zanpakutou Type: A rapier with a stylized hand guard and katana length blade, blue wrapping around the handle and a blue jewel on top of the handle
Zanpakutou Appearance:
Tau Oleada ~by Luke Yasenha Swept_hilt_rapier_1610_mosaic_by_qualcuno-d49whx1
Ressurrecion Name: Styx, Release command is "Wash them away..."
Ressurrecion Representation: Betrayal

Ressurrecion Element: Water
Ressurrecion Appearance: to activate her ressurrecion, Tau points the tip of her rapier towards the west, speaking the release command before her rapier explodes into water, swirling around Tau's body, once the sphere breaks, she is now wearing a ocean blue, armored breastplate with two folds down the sides for where her legs would be but now a deep blue tail, she also has a blue silk scarf that flows under her arms and behind her head, her mask fragment becomes visible as a open helmet with a curved side that follow her eye line, down the top of her nose with two, small curves pointing upwards and a unicorn style horn at the center, her hands become webbed like fins with a blue webbing.

Ressurrecion Ability: (What ability does your character have in Ressurrecion? This would be something your character was 'born' with/obtained upon becoming an Arrancar. This cannot be learned or taught to others.)

Ressurrrecion Techniques: (These are techniques available only in Ressurrecion. Limit 6)

Technique Name: High Pressure water cannons
Technique Description: Tau, while in her released form, can gather water into her palm/s, about the size of a bala, compressing them before firing a high speed and high pressure water cannon that can easily cut through steel, making it very useful against arrancars with their Hierro, making it like a anti Hierro attack, giving it a AR+1 against arrancars.

Technique Name: Storm rider
Technique Description: This ability allows Tau to create a large body of water from both the atmosphere and any water from underground, she can make it as large as a football field of water, she also uses this ability to create tidal waves and tsunamis to cause large scale destruction and damage to her opponents.

Technique Name: Esfera último aliento (Final Breath Sphere) (Trial by Water)
Technique Description: This is Tau's trial ability: with this in conjunction with her storm rider ability, she surrounds both herself and her opponent in a large sphere that's thirty meters wide by thirty meters high, both Tau and her opponent must fight each other within the sphere as the sphere will start to slowly fill with water, which will complete fill the sphere within seven posts, if Tau is not defeated by this time, the opponent will pass out due to lack of oxygen from drowning but if Tau is defeated, the opponent can leave and Tau will suffer the consequences. takes four posts to cool down before reuse.

Intended Role: Heavy support member of the Army of Blood's Punishment squad, otherwise known as "The Furies Squad" (Tier 3-3)

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