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#1Akemi Takahashi ~ by Luke Yasenha Empty Akemi Takahashi ~ by Luke Yasenha Tue Oct 07, 2014 5:46 pm



Identity of a Soul

Name: Akemi Takahashi
Alias: Soul Keeper
Age: 220
Age of Appearance: 20
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Shinigami
Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: Akemi Takahashi ~ by Luke Yasenha Bleach_oc__seren__final_form_by_poproxs__drpepper23-d56sb9a

Reiatsu Color: Silver

Personality: Akemi is quite a cheery girl, often going around with a beaming smile on her face, although she likes to go around and get slackers off their feet, being a person who likes being active and wants her squad to follow her example...whether they like it or not, she enjoys spending time in her inner world and her zanpakuto spirit, Tsukimaisō as it helps her relax after a stressful day, she enjoys reading and has a irrational hatred of rhubarb, in combat, she keeps a modest personal about her; not too serious but not too relaxed either, she normally fights primarily with her shikai out, using it as a Melee weapon, using the spade blade to slice at enemies while using the crescent moon blade to block blades and other attacks or making use of defensive bakudo like Seki, Enkōsen and Tozanshō to help defend herself or other squad members while using Fushibi, Sōkatsui, Tenran and Sōren Sōkatsui to either defend or counterattack, she normally hides her shikai's true abilities and passes him off as a simple Melee weapon, only ever using those abilities when she has no other choice or to finish off a opponent to trap them.

Zanpakuto Name: Tsukimaisō (Moon Burial)
Zanpakuto Element: Moonlight, Earth
Sealed Weapon Appearance: Tsukimaisō takes the form of a standard Katana with two, red tassels at the hilt, red wrapping and crescent moon shaped guard with the sheath in a red sheath with the kanji for protector (保護) near the top of the sheath in classic black.

Spirit Appearance:
The Spirit takes the form of a Komuso, a form of japanese monk they hide their faces under a basket with holes for the eyes to remove their faces and egos from people while playing a flute for prayers and donations; Tsukimaisō does play the flute but does so for amusement than anything else; his dress is also like these set of monks, the manner of which is in the image in the spoiler above; although most of his face is hidden from view, those looking through the eye holes can see that he has silver eyes that glow like moonlight reflecting on a still pond at night; if one managed to get him to remove the basket covering his face (which is quite difficult since he dislikes removing the mask, even to sleep and normally keeps people from touching his basket since he conflicts with his beliefs), one would see that he had smooth, light peach skin, handsome features and shoulder-length brown hair, the back done in a small ponytail which is normally covered by the basket with a red ribbon; his face could be compared to a handsome samurai in his thirties (although Tsukimaisō will normal either gain back his basket and put it back on or use reiatsu to summon another one before in both cases, putting the basket back on).
Spirit Personality: Tsukimaisō is a gentle, kind-hearted spirit; normally willing to offer sage counsel to his wielder when asked; he acts very much like a monk who has lived a long time; eager to share knowledge when he is needed and happily cooperates with his wielder; although he rather find ways to avoid fighting if possible, he isn't against fighting when he needs to or when there is no other choice but to fight; when not needed by his wielder or not in his release state, he stays in his inner world; playing the flute, meditating and watching and feeding the wildlife in his inner world, he dislikes people messing with his baskets and dishonorable burials (when someone is killed and buried without proper rights or even a name to whom died), he speaks like a wise man but sometimes, when angry, speaks with a more military tone of someone who might of been once a samurai commander.
Inner World:
Inner World Appearance:
Tsukimaisō's inner world is that of a japanese Monastery, built into the side of a mountain, with the roofs most red with gold rims, its has silk red curtains on the walls outside the Monastery with Tsukimaisō's name in kanji on the curtains, the monastery is fairly luxurious with a large, great tree in the middle of the monastery with seals on it; why these seals are there; only Tsukimaisō himself knows why; there is a seemingly never ending array of rooms, including a spa, gym, indoor park, a hair salon, bedrooms, etc; basicly, name some type of place and it be in this monastery somewhere; there is also a training area at the front of the monastery with target dummies, arrow targets and a area for one-on-one fighting (Tsukimaisō can also raise a barrier around the area so no one can leave until the fight is concluded and without damaging the monastery in the process), there is also wildlife living freely in the monastery including Deer, horses, cows, eagles and wolves to name a few of the many creatures happily living in the monastery.
Shikai Release Phrase: "Lay them to Rest..."
Shikai Appearance:
Shikai Appearance:
After the wielder has draw the sword with her non-writing hand and speaks the release command with the name of the zanpakuto, the wielder spins the blade as it glows silver, expanding and shaping, the wielder then continues to spin it behind his back and neatly into his sword hand, where the flat, spade-like blade stabs into the ground and the crescent moon shaped blade at the other end, both connect to opposite ends of a single pole; the blades are primarily black with red paint around the rims of both blades; the spade-like blade has some small, silver rings (six in total, three on each side of the spade).
Shikai Abilities:
Tsukimaisō has no real special abilities as its primarily a melee weapon but it has two core abilities down below.

(Shinigami may start with ONE shikai ability; you may have two shikai abilities only if you can get the tier of 3-3 or stronger. If you have two anyway and fail to get that tier, you will simply have to lock one of the abilities so you can't use them until you hit the appropriate rank. Shikai abilities are only usable in Shikai - they do not apply in bankai or your sealed form.)

Name: Earth Burials
Effect: Tsukimaisō's special ability is depending on which blade is impaled in the ground at the opponent's feet: one manifests two, round pieces of moonlight around an opponent to literally burial them alive in a egg-shaped burial mound or be use to defend the wielder; the other ability is the opposite and collapses the ground beneath an opponent where the blade stabs the earth; sending them into a pit that is ten feet down and two feet across.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Tenjō maisō (Heavenly Burial)
Technique Description: This technique is for the spade blade; the wielder presses the blade into the ground at the target's feet; manifesting two half shell pieces of moonlight which enclose around a target or the wielder in two meter thick pieces of hard moonlight.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Lasts for four posts, opponent will have a difficult time trying to get out or getting into the shell.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Lasts for three posts, opponent will find it pretty hard to get out of or into the shell.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Lasts for three posts, Opponent will have some difficulty but can get out or in much easier then most.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Lasts for two posts, Opponent will find it slightly difficult to break into or get out the shell.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Lasts for only a single post and Opponents of this tier or higher will find it easy to break out or into the shell from this tier.

Technique Name: Jigoku maisō (Hellish Burial)
Technique Description: This technique is for the crescent moon blade on the opposite end of the pole; as the other Technique; the wielder sticks the blade into the ground at the target's feet; collapsing the ground under their feet and trapping them in a pit that is ten feet deep by five feet wide; can be used in conjunction with the first technique to complete trap a target in a live burial that is designed to bury them alive by collapsing the first four feet of rocks and dirt on top of them until covered then before using the first burial to cap the pit, sealing them away to be buried alive, if opponent is bigger then the dimensions for the pit, it can be used to slow down those opponents who's legs or other external body parts may get stuck in the pits, the pits can be versatile and can be used for a range of purposes like making a spike trap by creating a hole using crescent moon blade, getting some sharpen wooden spikes or something deadly, place them in the hole and cover it up to lead enemies into nasty surprises.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: When done correctly, full burial can hold a opponent for four posts and opponents will find it extremely difficult to move while buried, possibility of some broken bones and cuts from falling rocks/dirt/spikes/etc.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: When done correctly, full burial can hold a opponent for four posts and opponents will find it difficult to move while buried, possibility of a broken bones and cuts from falling rocks/dirt/spikes/etc.
Opponent is Equal Tier: When done correctly, full burial can hold a opponent for three posts and opponents can move fingers while buried, possibility of some bruising to the bones and cuts from falling rocks/dirt/spikes/etc.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: When done correctly, full burial can hold a opponent for two posts and opponents can move fingers, arms and legs while buried, possibility of some cuts from falling rocks/dirt/spikes/etc.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: When done correctly, full burial can hold a opponent for a single posts and opponents can move most of their body while buried, possibility of some cuts from falling rocks/dirt/spikes/etc.

Intended Role: Lieutenant of squad Seven (Tier 3-2)

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