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#1Hitoshi Ritter (Quincy) ~ By Luke Yasenha Empty Hitoshi Ritter (Quincy) ~ By Luke Yasenha Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:09 pm



Identity of a Soul

Name: Hitoshi Ritter
Alias: S -The Sight
Age: 20
Age of Appearance: 20
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Quincy
Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: Hitoshi Ritter (Quincy) ~ By Luke Yasenha Unnamed_son_of_the_quincy_by_everlastingdarkness5-d6gikix

Personality: Hitoshi is a mystery, even to his fellow leaders, although he normally gives off a gentlemen-like personally, being polite but once in the field, he will seemingly disappear, once in the battle, he is a Efficient and deadly killer, picking off enemies quickly but politely, he rarely ever goes into direct combat as he prefers to take targets out from a distance, although he'll only take out hollows, arrancars and shinigami, but for no reason, will ever shoot someone innocent as it finds it unhonorable and unfitting of a quincy to do such a thing and those who kill the innocent should be his next target.

Clan Name: Ritter
Quincy Cross: Hitoshi Ritter (Quincy) ~ By Luke Yasenha Quincy_-_Vollstanding_Glove

Quincy Artifacts: (What quincy artifacts your character has like seele schnider, Quincy Bangle) You may start with 3.

Artifact Name: Gintō (x4)
Artifact Description: Gintōs are small, silver tubes with the quincy cross on one side of the tube which quincys use to store liquid Reishi which quincys use to perform spells around releasing the Reishi in the Gintō and, with most of the spells, use a incantation similar to the shinigami's kido to complete the technique, although once the Gintō is drained of Reishi, the quincy cannot use the spells connected to Gintō until they are refilled with the liquid Reishi which is difficult to do during a battle.
Artifact Purpose/Ability: Hitoshi uses these Gintō for the various Gintō techniques used by the quincy, these include:

Spell Name: Wolke
Spell Incantation: "Tilt the goblet to the west..."
Spell Effect: By using a single Gintō when falling, tipping out the reishi inside while saying the incantation for it causing a small explosion that is able to cushion the impact of the fall.

Spell Name: Gritz
Spell Incantation: "A silver rod strikes, the five-fingered stone bed..."
Spell Effect:  by throwing a Gintō at the target, once it gets within range, which then spends out into a quincy cross that is the size of the target which then closes in, creating a complete cylinder of solid reishi around the target, trapping them similar to a iron maiden but without the spikes on the inside, Hitoshi can use this to trap opponents, protect people by using Gritz on them to protect them since Gritz can also be used as a defensive option as well and he can even use it on himself to protect himself from a fatal attack although it will break after.

(Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.)Limit: 2

Name: Unnaturally precise Reiatsu sensing and Sight
Effect: Being with the Letter of S - The Sight, Hitoshi is able to sense even the smallest of spiritual pressures, having the ability to sense Reiatsu and Reishi on a incredible level as far as 500 meters as well as being able to see Reiatsu and Reishi around someone and can tell how strong they are, he also uses this sight to visual track Reiatsu and Reishi, making it very easy for him to track down his opponents, regardless of how far they run, unless they complete get rid off or hide their spiritual pressure entirely.

Name: Blut Vene & Blut Arterie
Effect: Blut Vene is the defensive Blut which allows the user inhuman defensive ability, being able to save the user from a fatal attack and even stop critical wounds from bleeding while Blut Arterie gives the user incredible attack strength, giving the user a AR+1 for attack, Blut Vene works by sending Reishi directly into the veins, making them glow a bright light blue color but Hitoshi uses Blut Arterie slightly differently; he connects a spiritual tube from his arm to his reishi sniper rifle then using the Blut Arterie, channels the extra attacking power into his reishi bullets, allowing them to damage those in a bankai state more easily. Requires four posts to cool down after use.

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: damage is near enough negated, which the attack only causes a scratch if that or maybe some light burns on the outside from a energy blast.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: damage is heavily reduced, which only a cut or some small burns on the outer skin.
Opponent is Equal Tier: damage is greatly reduced but may still end up with a cut wound or some more extensive burns to the body.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: damage is reduced a descent amount but may still end up with a deep wound or heavy burns, although due to Blut Vene, the wound will not bleed.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: in this tier, Blut vene is only be useful against a fatal attack but Blut vene will only be able to stop the bleeding at best, leaving the attack more or less at its full strength, maybe only slightly reduced.

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 4

Technique Name: Ransōtengai
Technique Description: A high level quincy technique; its used to generate hundreds on thousands of tiny, spirit wires, made from reishi to wrap around limbs to forcibly move them, these threads are controlled by the quincy's brain itself via a single reishi thread jacking directly into the quincy's spinal cord, this technique allows the user to move freely, even if they have broken bones, been paralyzed or any other effect that would normally stop movement. Lasts for six posts, then cool down of six posts.

Bow Appearance:
Bow General appearance (only completely made of Reishi):

This bow doesn't fire arrows but instead, high speed reishi bullets, made in the same way to a normal quincy arrow by gathering Reishi and compressing it into reishi bullets, the scope has a x20 zoom on it and is accurate to 2,000 yards, more deepening on the skill of the shooter.
Bow Type: Single shots, long distance

Bow Techniques: (These are techniques available only through the use of your bow. You may start with 4.)

Technique Name: Explosive rounds
Technique Description: Hitoshi, by channeling more reishi into his reishi bullet, he can make a bullet that explode violently on impact over a five meter spread, damaging anything within range. takes one post to charge, then once fired, requires three posts to cool down.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Opponent will be heavily damage and will have serious burns covering the body.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Opponent will be greatly damaged with some heavy burns.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Opponent will have a good amount of damage with some burns.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Opponent will have little damage on them, with some light burns.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Opponent will take the least amount of damage, with light exterior burns on the skin.

Technique Name: Reiatsu/Hierro piecing rounds
Technique Description: Hitoshi, by focusing more on forming and controlling how much power goes into his bullet, he can make a bullet that can piece through high density targets, especially through someone guarding with reiatsu or kido or a arrancar's hierro, giving it a addition AR+1 against Reiatsu, energy defense or Hierro only. takes one post to charge, once fired, requires two posts to cool down.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The round can easily piece through the aforementioned types and come out the other side.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The round can still make it's way through the aforementioned types but may not get all the way through the body.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The round may just be able to clash and get through the aforementioned types but the round will have been weakened to the point that the impact may only cause a small wound with the round disappearing soon after.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The round will have issues getting through the aforementioned types from people of this tier, there is a possibility of the barrier or attack getting past the round but with half strength. if hit, would maybe cause a smaller wound.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: greatly increased likelihood of the round being destroyed against the aforementioned types from this tier and above. at this tier, the round would be just a annoyance like a wasp sting then a threat.

Intended Role: Head Assassin and Leader of the surveillance force in the Zerstörung (Tier 3-1)

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