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#1Seno Lascivia  ~ By Kiri Shushoku Empty Seno Lascivia ~ By Kiri Shushoku Fri Oct 17, 2014 9:46 am



Who are you?

Name: Seno Lascivia
Alias: Succubus of the Sand
Age: 1934
Age of Appearance: 18
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Arrancar
Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Appearance: Seno Lascivia  ~ By Kiri Shushoku 3321158-6585503901-Rias-

Personality: Seno is fairly laid back and enjoys a lot of things, the main things are torture, Seducing people regardless of their gender and Fire. As second in command of the 7 Sins she has access to nearly everyone in Dante's Dungeons, she will often go down for hours on occasion just torturing the poor souls who ended up there. She is also quite disobedient although will follow orders when people ask "nicely".

She is very much of a tease and will seduce a lot of the males and even females in Dante's Army, She loves also to tease the prisoners that she tortures and lives up to her title as a succubus and the embodiment of Lust. She is usually wearing little to no clothes and is loved by most.

On the battlefield she acts immature often teasing and playing with her opponent(s). She loves to get close to them and fight in close quarters giving them no space to move or escape. She will also usually try to seduce her opponent and even let them think they are stronger than her.  

Personal Abilities:

(Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Non-Arrancar Limit: 2 Arrancar Limit: 3

Name: Flame Manipulation
Effect: Seno has manipulation over fire, however she needs to have fire in order to do so.

Name: Summoning of Fire
Effect: Seno has the ability to summon fire from the air however she uses her two bracelets she wears and the spark creator.

Name: Lust Reiatsu
Effect: Seno has a special kind of Reiatsu which can infatuate people, however there are some exceptions that avoid this power such as the sexuality of the targets. The reiatsu will also infatuate people and they begin to want her, they feel like they must have her, this can lead to allies becoming enemies just to try and be with her.

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 5 (Arrancar have 2 for unarmed/cero based, 3 for sealed weapon based.)

Technique Name: Lust Cero
Technique Description: Seno fires this cero as a normal one and they seem completely alike except that when this cero hits the target, the more they Love (Lust) for Seno the more damage it does.

This damage can be concluded with how much damage done to the target by the effect of "Lust Reiatsu"

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Extreme pain to contact area, small damage to the landscape (1 metre). Double damage if the target is infatuated.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Lots of pain to area of contact, Small knock back, Double Damage if target is infatuated.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Average pain to area of impact, Double damage if target is infatuated.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Small amount of damage, Double damage if target is infatuated.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Irritation to the area of contact, Double damage if target is infatuated.


Zanpakutou Type: A whip which is made up of blades, it acts like a chain as well. It is very strong and highly flexible.
Zanpakutou Appearance: (Seno Lascivia  ~ By Kiri Shushoku Wpid-Prince-Of-Persia_-The-Two-Thrones-Wallpaper-9
Ressurrecion Name: Fill them with Lust, encanto atraer (luring charm)
Ressurrecion Representation: The first deadly sin, Lust
Ressurrecion Element: Lust and Fire
Ressurrecion Appearance:
Seno Lascivia  ~ By Kiri Shushoku Succubus_by_inshoo1-d6rswse
Ressurrecion Ability: She has a high body temperature which makes her warm or even hot to touch.

Ressurrrecion Techniques: (These are techniques available only in Ressurrecion. Limit 6)

Technique Name: Rain of Fire
Technique Description: Seno summons two large fire balls in her hands she then claps her hands above her head. The fire balls explode into a storm of rain which rains down upon an area. Charge: 1 post, Cool Down: 2 and AoE 100 metres.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Massive burn damage and intense heat.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Serious Burn damage and intense heat.
Opponent is Equal Tier: A medium burn and high temperature.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: A small burning sensation and the temperature feels warm.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: A burning feeling, will mainly cause an annoyance to the target.

Technique Name: Fire Illusion
Technique Description: Seno summons fireballs in a pentagram around her target, she then lands in the pentagram, so long as she remains in the pentagram those who look at her will see a woman that they are attracted to. The ring of fire disperses after 4 posts and takes 8 posts to recharge. the ring of fire has a max. circumference of 200 metres.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Nearly flawless Illusion however a mark will appear on the back of her hand.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: She will seem slightly blurry on occasion.
Opponent is Equal Tier: She begins to blur and the image seems faded and blurred.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The illusion seems to flicker between her and the illusion.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Illusion fails completely.

Technique Name: Limpie por Fuego (Cleanse by Fire)
Technique Description: Seno conjurers up a giant fire ballshe raises it high above her head and it explodes into five points it summons a pentagon that surrounds her opponents and slowly moves inwards eventually engulfing them in flames. The pentagon takes 6 posts to engulf the opponent if they cant escape then they will be burned severely, mainly giving them charred black flesh, destroyed nerves and 3rd degree burns. After the fire clears and if they are dead she lands and picks up some ashes which she lets the wind carry. it takes one post to charge and 5 posts before it can be used again. it can stretch about a 150 metres. (She does the last part as something she feels obliged to do because she loves fire.)

Intended Role: Seno is the 2nd in command of the 7 Sins, they are the Detention Unit for Dante's Army. (Tier 3-1)

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