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Sora Kurohiryū

Sora Kurohiryū
NPC Template

Identity of a Soul

Name: Hatasu Akaruikako
Alias: N/A
Age: 437
Age of Appearance: 17
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Shinigami
Character Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: Hatasu Akaruikako (Lieutenant of squad 6)  2hckoc6

Credits to

Personality: Hatasu is shy and timid, she was originally in squad 2 and had advanced in the practical learning of techniques however lacked to confidence to act well under the stressful conditions, they then placed her into squad 10, which made her less needing of confidence, after her movement to the Lieutenant of squad 6 she became very timid and tries to avoid others until her confidence grows. After her achievement of shikai, she was promoted and became nervous disliking the idea of being judged. She dislikes her orange hair and was picked on for it when she was younger.

She is not very social, but not in an aggressive or hostile way. Her analytical nature and wanting to learn make her very curious and smart. She tries to keep a small friends group although always wants more but is to shy to talk to many people, usually letting them lead the conversation.

After her movement into squad 6 she found herself thinking she was unworthy to be their lieutenant and started trying to become stronger often training for hours without any breaks. She gained strong stamina and endurance. It also gave her a determined, strong minded attitude and will to see things through.  

Battle Specs

Personal Abilities:

(Shinigami may not start with more than ONE personal ability. Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character. They are obtained at birth or through freak occurrences. These cannot be things you would able to teach others or simply obtain through hard work along.)

Name: Sense affecting Reiatsu
Effect: The longer Hatasu's opponents are near her, their senses will begin to dull until finally they diminish, they recover over time when the opponent isn't exposed to her reiatsu.

General Techniques:

(Shinigami may NOT start with more than four general techniques. Techniques are not extra abilities, but rather, skills which use your abilities in more extreme forms beyond their basic use. For example... let's say I can shoot fire from my fingers. A technique might be gathering a whole bunch of fire for a few minutes and then shooting a fire-laser from my fingers, doing much more damage than what my ability normally would on it's own. Other special or basic techniques using your normal control over your spiritual energy can also be added here, like adding reiatsu to your punches to inflict more damage, and things like that. Think of abilities as special powers - and think of techniques as moves which use the powers you already have. These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.)
These are not used for extra shikai or bankai techniques, elemental techniques, extra abilities and powers.
Limit 4.

Technique Name: Agitowari (Chin/Jaw Splitting)
Technique Description: Hatasu bisects an opponent from the jaw down the length of the body with a single sword strike.

Technique Name: Senka (Flash Blossom)
Technique Description: Moving behind her opponent, Hatasu attacks and seals their Saketsu (Chain Binding) and Hakusui (Soul Sleep) in two rapid attacks. Her victim may not be able to tell whether they were attacked from the front or the back because of the technique's speed, and even an outside observer may find it impossible to tell what the movements are.

Technique Name: Utsusemi (Cast-Off Cicada Shell)
Technique Description: Hatasu moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.

Technique Name: Senmaioroshi (Thousand-Page Wholesale)
Technique Description: Hatasu goes so fast that it appears she disappeared taking place however are multiple extremely fast blade movements, shredding a target into pieces.

Shinigami's Partner

Zanpakuto Name: Sunēkuchēn
Zanpakuto Element: Poison & Binding/ Entrapment
Sealed Weapon Appearance: Hatasu Akaruikako (Lieutenant of squad 6)  Chain_sword_by_yukideathgod-d5i8d1a

He sword is pretty small as she pours little reiatsu into it.

Spirit Appearance: Hatasu Akaruikako (Lieutenant of squad 6)  Fakemon_10___poison_snake_by_alouf_art-d3fbxv4

Spirit Personality: Sunēkuchēn is very cunning and sly often sticking to the shadows in Hatasu's inner world and only coming out to warm up his cold blood. He is willing to give help to Hatasu so long as Hatasu will do something in return.

Sunēkuchēn is also very manipulative, often trying to use her to fight better and not be a "wimp" as he quotes a lot.

Inner World: Hatasu Akaruikako (Lieutenant of squad 6)  Ep1-landscape

Shikai Release Phrase: Entrap your Prey, and strike silently, Sunēkuchēn
Shikai Appearance: Hatasu Akaruikako (Lieutenant of squad 6)  Attachment
Shikai Abilities:

(Shinigami may start with ONE shikai ability; you may have two shikai abilities only if you can get the tier of 3-3 or stronger. If you have two anyway and fail to get that tier, you will simply have to lock one of the abilities so you can't use them until you hit the appropriate rank. Shikai abilities are only usable in Shikai - they do not apply in bankai or your sealed form.)

Name: Poisoned Blades
Effect: Sunēkuchēn's blades are coated in a poison reiatsu which work much like Hatasu's when the target is hit with the poison it will begin to affect the senses and lead on to the physical traits such as reaction time. The poison is very easy to identify and can be noticed but not cured easily however the poison dissipates over the period of a week.

Name: Poison Immunity
Effect: In shikai, Hatasu is unaffected by the effects of Sunēkuchēn's poison.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Break
Technique Description: When Hatasu calls out Break her Zanpakuto's chain breaks in the centre and makes it separate giving her a different fighting style. It is often used to free her chain from a problem like the chain being caught.

Technique Name: Poison of the Viper
Technique Description: Hatasu will speak "Viper" her zanpakuto then glows a sickly green colour, when someone comes in contact with her blade it makes them feel sick, can cause hallucinations and also paralysis.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Target is servilely sick and will likely vomit, they will have hallucinations and possible paranoia. Also paralysed for 1 post
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Target feels like their stomach is turning and causes pain. 50% chance of vomiting, they will have hallucinations that may make them paranoid, they have a 60% chance of paralysis.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Target will feel fairly sick and may have stomach pain. They have a small chance of vomiting and have a fair amount of hallucinations. 50% chance of paralysis.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Target feels stomach cramps, a little nauseous and will have blurred vision. 30% chance of paralysis.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Target may feel uncomfortable and occasionally have blurred vision, 10% chance of Paralysis.

Technique Name: Cobra's vengeance
Technique Description: When her zanpakuto is broken either by her opponent or by the effect of break. She will say "Cobra" and her remaining pieces dissipate and form a poisonous gas around an area, it makes her targets feel sick and also hallucinate, like her reiatsu however it to begins to take away senses. After a minute of the poison the chains reform and her zanpakuto is whole again. It has a area of 10 meters and can also harm allies.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The targets affected by the poison begin to feel extremely sick and nauseous, they will feel their senses diminish slowly the longer they stay in the area of the poison.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Targets will feel very sick and may have trouble moving, they have a chance to vomit and they will feel their senses diminish.
Opponent is Equal Tier:The poisoned targets feel sluggish and lack agility, they will feel the need to vomit however do not always vomit. Their sense will diminish slower than weaker targets.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The poison loses its sickness effect an begins to wear down the senses, the target will lose their senses at a much faster rate than the weaker ones however will still feel fine.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Targets are unaffected by her poison.

Intended Role: Hatasu is the new lieutenant of squad 6, she can be in any sort of threads, although when she first becomes Lieutenant she is shy and timid but her confidence grows as she progresses. (Tier 3-2)

Sora Kurohiryū

Sora Kurohiryū
Bumping for Completion

Sora Kurohiryū

Sora Kurohiryū
Again bumping for completion.


This NPC will be checked after the completion of two of my threads; because as long as Epizon is in the squad there is no need for an NPC to take the position of vice captain.

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