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#1SK's Hunting Quincy! Empty SK's Hunting Quincy! Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:35 am


OOC: Grimm requested that he not have any partners so if you wanna join ask him first.


SK opened a garaganta to the human world and stared down at the city before him. He was currently in his adjuchas form because he was expecting to fight a few quincy's in this city. He hadn't caused much trouble for the quincy's in the past few years so he figured he would cure his boredom this way. Leaping out of the Garganta SK landed ontop of one of the highest buildings in Kagamino city. With one sniff he searched from the strongest powers in the city and started to take aim with his automatic cross bow. Slowly black six feet rods began to feel the fifteen slots on his cross bow as he took aim. "They don't even know what's coming. Tough luck you guys aren't the only ones that can use arrows!" SK shouted arrogantly to the world before shooting all fifteen rods into a small quincy base. The rods tore through the air catching flame easily before penetrating the training area. In a moment fifteen quincy's were skewered by this rods and the flames spreading out to the others.

"Ha ha ha cower before an unknown enemy!" SK shouted even louder seeing as he was considerable distance from the quincy's base. As he laughed and laughed a few quincy's that weren't in the base showed up around SK hurt and disgruntled by his actions. They all took aim and fired their bows at once. SK smiled coldly before vanishing before all of their eyes. Like some kind of master centurion SK sonido'd behind each of them and tore their heads off with just one of his black rods. Their poor fragile bodies fell from the sky landing on the ground. SK took their heads and started to eat them as though they were ordinary hollow food. "Quincy's are so pathetic they have no power and ability. No wonder Shinigami's wiped most of them out!" SK prattled on and on to himself.

Getting bored SK ran out onto the open air and began firing poles into near by buildings. The poles were being fired one at a time so that he could get ready to fight another large grouping again. Kagamino city was about to be reduced to nothing but swiss cheese if someone didn't show up to stop him.

His Current Form:

#2SK's Hunting Quincy! Empty Re: SK's Hunting Quincy! Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:16 pm


Tears stained Grimm's chest. The tunic that he wore left his chest bare, and purifying water cut paths in to dirt and grime on his chest. The flames that tore apart his fellow quincy, something that he could have stopped if he had been awake, caused a large amount of soot to fill the air and stain his body. "Monster." Stating the word as a simple fact, as if he had looked at an apple and named it, Grimm faced the sky. How dare this creature attempt to kill him and his brothers. Having been awakened from the explosion, Grimm stormed up from the cellar, wher ehe had been protected by the blasts simply because he was out of range, and stared at the Adjuchas.

"If you think you're going to get away with that, you're wrong." Forming his bow, the six foot weapon materialized in a plume of fire, spirit particles drawn from the very fire that the creature had used to kill his friends. Clearly, he wasn't too intelligent. If he had done his research and knew that Grimm Verbrennung had been here, he wouldn't have used Fire. Grimm was the master of all flames, no matter their source. Aiming an arrow and firing it at the Adjuchas, Grimm materialized a platform beneath his feet (the spirit particles on fire due to his natural ability) and shot forward and up at high speeds. Hirenkyaku.

Roughly sixteen feet above the Adjuchas and to his front another twenty feet, Grimm slipped his hand into his pocket and drew out a silver tube. This ginto tube was then held in the hand that he used to hold his bow when drawing an arrow. As he drew his other arrow, he chanted a spell. "Tilt the goblet to the west - Wolke!" Firing the arrow, the ginto tube as it's head, the weapon flew at high speeds towards the opponent. Exploding the moment it reached three feet from the creature, a massive blast of reiatsu (Grimm's reiatsu providing fire to the technique, effectively creating a large blast of fire) would have engulfed the Hollow if it didn't move out of the way.

"You DARE enter my city and try to kill me? You destroy my brothers and our home with little disregard! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Despite the fact that he had called him a monster and shot a fireball at his face, Grimm still addressed the Hollow as if it were a sentient creature that could reason and rationalize. Why? Because that was the kind of guy Grimm was. "What problem do you have with any of us?!" Still hovering the air above the city, Grimm's yellow eyes flickered from the weapon on the Hollow's wrist down to the city below. He had to save them. There was no way he was going to let this man slaughter hundreds of thousands of lives.

Drawing another arrow, this one also with a silver tube at it's head, Grimm aimed it for SK. "Provide your justification, or taste my Gritz."

#3SK's Hunting Quincy! Empty Re: SK's Hunting Quincy! Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:36 am


SK looked towards the source of this pesky voice that thought he was going to do something. Theoretically SK could not and would not be intimidated by a quincy no matter what he could do. "I know I'm going to get away with this. You quincy's are pathetic there is nothing you can do, why do you think you were previously attacked?" Sk questioned apparently a lot more talkative today. SK fired a six foot pole, that was virtually indestructible at Grimms arrow. His pole would parry the arrow if not tear directly through it and keep going. It would be an impressive feat if his pole was parried though. SK watched and listened to Grimm prepare his ginto but he wasn't going to just sit there. "You quincy's and taking your time in battle, don't get arrogant!" SK said before sonido'ing from his previous position to avoid the burst of flames.

#4SK's Hunting Quincy! Empty Re: SK's Hunting Quincy! Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:32 pm


Grimm's arrow engulfed the pole in flame, incinerating the creation but also destroying itself in the process. Turning to face the opponent now that he had sonido'd away, Grimm shot his arrow. "A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed - Gritz!" As the silver tube and arrow went flying, Grimm could only imagine the flaming coffin capture the beast. Nevertheless, his comments had irritated the Quincy. "The reason we were wiped out? We were TOO powerful. Our arrows don't save. They only destroy. You should have remembered that before you decided to attack us."

Suddenly, threads materialized around Grimm. White ropes of fabric suddenly shot towards Seiron King, with the intent to capture in case Gritz failed. "I hope you realize what you got yourself into." Flaring his reiatsu, a ball of fire engulfed his body and sent powerful shockwaves across the air coupled with an intense heat. Drawing his bow up to his height, Grimm pulled back once more, spawning five arrows. Aiming them towards his target, he was not in a merciful mood. It was time to kill. Destroy and kill. Why? Because there was no saving this one. There was no bringing him back to the side of good.

Sure, he could try. But in the end, the Hollow was a monster. He lived so he could end others. There was nothing Grimm could do about it. Some might claim he made that decision awful quickly, especially considering he hadn't even actually spoken to him. Those people would be right. The moment this Hollow had killed and continued destroying, it's only justification being that it was a Hollow and that's what Hollow do, Grimm knew there was no salvation. It was a heartless decision, but this time, Grimm didn't care. This time, Grimm would kill.

#5SK's Hunting Quincy! Empty Re: SK's Hunting Quincy! Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:09 am


SK held his crossbow out and began to charge a single cero on the foremost slot. SK waited there for his cero to charge while allowing the gritz to get closer and closer to him. The attack was swift but he managed to generate a cero and release it upon th gritz. The two attacks met within five feet of SK's own body and cause a small explosion. Using this explosion SK sonido' from his previous spot and shot three of his six feet black poles at the quincy. They moved in sync one at the front and two lagging behind it. "Something too powerful wouldn't be wiped out. Do you know how much hollows are hunted and why! It's because we continue to grow and get stronger but out of fear you hunt us down. It's all because you fear what we can truly become what power we can truly hold!" SK retorted. He didn't want to hear about how quincy's were soo powerful! They were attacked and virtually destroyed how could they be powerful?

SK immediately started to charge six cero's at the same time on his cross bow. Each cero was building up inside the chamber of his weapon slowly creating a bright red light. While these cero's charged, poles began to fill in the other spaces so that all fifteen slots of SK's weapon were full. SK began to spit out a longer pole about 10 feet instead of the normal six and this pole was twice as large. He grabbed this pole with his free hand and held it. He let the quincy's reiatsu strings grab him. "Weak weak weak! Leave me to my destruction if this is all you have to offer!" SK shouted angrily at the quincy before him. He spat acid onto the reiatsu strings and they began to melt as a piece of wood would submerged in lava.

SK broke free of the reiatsu strings and start to trot along the sky. He was building up speed so that he could zigzag around each of Grimms arrows. If Grimm let him get close enough SK would swing his ten foot pole at him.

Cero's still charging...will be finished next post.

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