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#1Hitohana, Hanae Empty Hitohana, Hanae Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:29 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika



Name: Hitohana, Hanae
Alias: The Jade Dragon, Obaa-san, Hana-chan
Spiritual Age: approx. 1500 years old
Age of Appearance: Early 60s
Species & Gender: Shinigami; Female
Affiliation: Gotei 13, Hitohana Clan
Rank: Captain of Division 13, Clan Head
Alignment: Lawful Good


Face Claim: Yoko Itoigawa from Hyouka

Personality: With a single glance, others can recognize Hanae as a woman of high status; noble in both blood and character, she is a polite, just and kind-hearted captain, adored by her subordinates and respected by those above her rank. She's very loyal to the name of her family, her division and her homeland, willing to sacrifice herself for the good of any of these three things. That's the way she hopes to die some day; to die fighting for a cause. She's a semi-traditional person, believing that while the world changes, but that they do not; in other words, she's open to change and modern lifestyle, but her values and beliefs are old-fashioned.

Due to her loyalty, she is also extremely dutiful and hard-working, to the point of never having free time; she has a tendency to burden herself with crazy amounts of work and finish it with no signs of stress or exhaustion. She often pushes a lot of work on her subordinates, not out of the cruelty of her heart, but because she demands them to show that they are worth of working under her; thus, Division 13 is not a place for slackers. She is observant on people's skills, and often gives them duties, that she believes they are fitting for and will succeed in, but double-checks everything herself. Hanae leads her division with an iron fist and an unquestioned authority, but the atmosphere in her squad is warm, because she greatly rewards those, who carry out their duties. She thinks high of those, who struggle greatly to get good results, rather than those, who constantly exceed her expectations, because it is a sign of their devotion.

Benevolent leader, who sympathizes with the importance of virtues, and gives her best in trying to live a virtuous life - words, that are often associated with Hanae. A honest person is something she wants others to see her as, and truth is what she demands from her subordinates; she refuses to lie, even if it's an enemy she's talking to, and doesn't like manipulating people if it isn't absolutely necessary. She is a woman of high and strict moral standards, in which she is somewhat traditional in; she will always adhere by the laws, whenever the result can cause damage to someone she loves. Hanae always puts her values before herself and those she cares about, which can prove to be a big problem with her subordinates and role as a mother. Accompanied by a strong sense of dignity and honor, she is prone to being judgmental of other and harsh on them, and a little too accepting of collateral damage, that is caused by her refusal to forget her honor. She's extremely disciplined as a person and a master of self-control, refusing from all "earthly" pleasures, embracing a sinless, modest lifestyle.

It's in her nature to act motherly around others, and thus, is seen as a compassionate, loving and forgiving captain by her division. She's always there for her subordinates, and strives to personally know all of them, and to personally help them becoming stronger. To be truthful, she doesn't have much life outside her role as a captain. She has a family, but with her husband long dead and children away from the house, Hanae spends her days alone; refusing to be depressed about it, she works harder than anyone else in Soul Society, and suppresses her feelings beneath all the work. She handles noble business, is involved in charity and enforcement of well-being and holds a position of teacher in Shin'o Academy, to escape the emptiness of her home. She likes to think herself as a sturdy woman, and thus, enduring the hardship of life is one of her values; strong-minded and even harsh on others, she most probably wont tolerate mental weakness, constantly testing her subordinates to keep their minds sharp.

Hanae, even when encountering an enemy, acts with proper manners; in combat, she's a humane and merciful opponent, often preferring to knock an opponent unconscious, rather than going for the kill - in the other hand, she's totally remorseless about putting a murderer out of their misery, or taking a life of a suffering ally as a sign of mercy. She is very careful combatant, always thinking twice before doing anything, and often makes plan ahead of others; she uses her vast arsenal of knowledge as a weapon in her battles, and makes observations of her enemies. She never fights, if it can be avoided, and often shows effort on this.

Established Relationships: Hanae is a widowed noblewoman, who has an estranged relationship with her sons; she obviously loves them, and they love her, but she has difficulties with finding the proper time for her family. Her general reputation in Gotei 13 is one of a well-respected woman, but she hardly has any relationships to other high-ranked officers, outside those under her reign. Exception to this is her lieutenant, Hanako Nakamura, who she has a warm mentor-mentee relationship with, treating her with motherly love, but demanding a lot from her. Occasionally, way more than is necessary.

Role Suggestion: She is meant to be the Captain of Division 13; if you want to use this NPC, please make sure, that she fits to the purpose you are intending to put her. She's one of the oldest, and thus, strongest captains of Gotei 13, and 100% dedicated to her work; thus, she spends most of her time with her division, and is listed among the people, that will stay back and defend Seireitei, when a captain-level individual is required to investigate a scene. Additionally, she's an estranged adoptive mother for my character, that will be released as soon as possible, and plays a minor part in his plot; she's the head of Hitohana clan, that will be present in the Alternate Universe, in place of Ukitake clan. She may not be severely harmed or killed, without author approval; her position will open up for a player strong enough in the future, when she looses her importance as a plot tool.

The tier of character is 2-1.


General Combat Details: First and foremost, her combat skills center around Kido, which acts as her only and primary weapon for a large portion of the time; she's adept with Hakuda and Hoho, as well, but rarely unsheathes her zanpakuto, unless it is to release it's power. Her reiatsu is green in color, and it will cause a very hot sensation upon contact, though it doesn't actually burn anything.

Technique Name: Kido Mastery
Technique Description: Hanae is a master at the arts of Kido, due to which she doesn't only possess a vast knowledge of the mechanics of reiryoku, but also a vast arsenal of different kido spells; she is fairly adept with any spell from the official kido list, and is capable of creating her own kido as well. +1 FAR to Kido.

Technique Name: Eishōhaki [Incantation Abandonment]
Technique Description: A kido technique, that allows the caster abandon the use of spoken incantation entire, without having to sacrifice the full strength of spell: you see, anyone can perform an incantationless kido spell, but the power of spell is always greatly reduced by the lack of incantation, and that's the difference between that and this technique. By abandoning an incantation the caster also decreases the amount of time necessary for casting the spell, allowing quicker casting than usual.

Technique Name: Nijū Eishō [Two-Fold Incantation]
Technique Description: A kido technique, that allows the caster to perform two separate kido spells at the same time, by mixing the incantations of the two spells together; it doesn't just save precious time, but also confuses a shinigami opponent, who is not sure what kido the caster is going to use. If used in conjunction with Eishōhaki, the caster will be able to cast two different spells at the same time, without an incantation, with a small risk (25%) of both of the spells failing.

Zanpakuto Name: Gyokūryū (Jade Dragon)

Zanpakuto Theme: Liquid Fire

AR Boost: +1 FAR to Kido and Reiatsu [Shikai], +2 FAR to Kido and Reiatsu [Bankai]

Sealed Appearance: Even when the zanpakuto lies on it's sealed state, all aspects of Gyokūryū's power and elegance become apparent to outsiders. In a sense, it is perceived as more of an ornament than an instrument of war, and the master's seems to think it this way as well. It has a handle with jade colored silk cord wrapping, with tiny pieces of jade gems placed as decoration. The sheath is lacquered black, but where is artistic paintings of green color in it. When it comes to guard, it's the only part of zanpakuto that is completely made of jade, and it takes the shape of heptagram. The zanpakuto's blade itself is made of light metal, that naturally yields a little when it clashes against another swords, yet has a smaller chance of breaking than those blades than are more unyielding. When swung, the blade moves with gracefulness and quite swiftly, because of it's lighter composition, when compared to an ordinary katana. It's slightly curved in the shape, when closely looked at.

Spirit Appearance:

Gyokūryū, in her true form, appears a female jade dragon of great beauty, exactly as her name suggests. The dragon's body is completely ethereal, entirely formed out of an unique combination of jade-colored light and gaseous chemicals; while the gas is transparent, invisible to the naked eye, it is capable of capturing the light and taking the hue of green. Her scales shine dimly in the light, and magnificently when enveloped in green flames, arousing fear in her master's enemies; it has majestic, long neck, well-groomed mane, ornamental horns and arrow-pointed tail. Her strong figure is built elegantly, and she carries herself in a very noble manner, like she was a queen of all dragons. Her wings are large, and as beautiful as the rest of the winged serpent, often withdrawn close to her torso; and yes, she can fly, and she flies with the same elegance, that she walks with.

In terms of her size, she is around twenty-seven feet in height, and forty-seven feet in length, making her way more bigger than her master, and probably larger than any of her master's enemies; she could refer to humans as ants, without the slightest arrogance in her tone. Her voice is as powerful and frightening as the thunder, yet as melodious as a musical instrument; orders come naturally to her, and she has hard time not to sound commanding. The eyes of the dragon are a pair shining emeralds, with a radiance brighter that of a star itself; inhumanly beautiful, they will mesmerize any mortal, that stares directly into them. Her presence carries an aura of mystery and wisdom, hinting at her enigmatic and secretive nature, and old age. It lives within an inner world of eternal daytime and evergreen forest, along with her dragonic pawns.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Illuminate the sea and the sky. Paint the horizon in fire. Gyokūryū."

Shikai Appearance: Now, after the release phrase has been spoken, the zanpakuto reveals it's true radiance and unimaginable beauty of it's spirit in form of a blade. It becomes the true ornament and the representation of her power, and while the sealed appearance was considered as such, this form just goes beyond from that: no man could ever build such a beauty, and it should be heavily considered whenever it is actually work of the gods or not. However, any man can tell, that despite it's beauty, the blade is practically no use in combat, thus explaining why the sword has nothing to do with the abilities of the zanpakuto.

The zanpakuto is now shorter, size of a wakizashi, and it wasn't overstating, when it was called a sword no smith could forge. It's entirely made out of jade. Not only the handle and guard, but the blade itself, is now composed of the expensive, yet more than durable jewel. It shines in it's greatness, whenever the light hits it, and it's said, that in this new form, the imperfections of the former beauty are now fixed. It doesn't yield anymore, but because of it's hardness, it can be broken with a considerable force; the edge of blade isn't that sharp either, though it works fine as a blocking weapon. The sheath is made of the same material as the blade and is now used as a weapon as deadly as the zanpakuto itself: when it comes to handle, it's wrapped in tight jade-colored strings that shine like jewel. It seems that guard is the only part not changed.

Shikai Abilities:

Name: Ekitai-hi [Liquid Fire]
Effect: This zanpakuto possesses a very peculiar ability, one that hasn't been seen in the history of Soul Society before, and it is the ability to generate and control liquid fire. An extremely dangerous and potent form of spiritually-engineered fire, a hybrid between both water-like liquid and fierce, green-colored flame; it manifests itself as green, shining liquid, that is constantly enveloped in jade fire - sometimes, the liquid fire will burst into a magnificent explosion of green color. Generated and controlled via the wielder's hands, the sword holds no role in this ability, except for acting an anchor for the power. It lacks the regular weaknesses of fire, and thus, doesn't need oxygen or solid matter to burn, and is not affected by extinguishing methods; the heat of the flames is immense, and the liquid is acidic, so it will burn the target upon touch and cause agonizing sensations to the victim. In shikai, the liquid fire is limited to bursts generated via a hand movement.

In terms of effects on different tiers, this fire is pretty basic. +2 tiers higher might get slight, but still painful burns, while 1 tier higher gets minor burns. Those of equal tier get moderate burns and the acid will cause moderate pain, when people 1 tier weaker are affected by major burns and great pain and +2 tiers weaker, in the other hand, get immense burns and overwhelming pain. In case the fire doesn't spread, and remains trapped/unable to catch other objects in fire, it will burn out in 5 posts, but it has the potential of remaining aflame forever if it is fed from the outside. Because of it can't be extinguished, it usually causes massive wildfires.

Name: Thermal Immunity
Effect: It's an ability, that allows the wielder of zanpakuto to reach immunity to high temperatures, meaning while they can feel hot, they are immune to burning hot temperatures and anything that would be too painful to touch. They can also channel this ability to his clothing and blade as well.

This ability is available at all times, making it a general ability.

Shikai Techniques:

Technique Name: Ryūhimaku [Dragon's Coat]
Technique Description: If the blade is able to produce liquid, that turns into green fire, and the wielder of zanpakuto is immune to flames, then, isn't it only logical for them to possess a technique to coat themselves in fire. The wielder can conjure the green flame over their skin or clothing, just a finger or their entire body, and even their blade, via use of the base ability of zanpakuto. It makes close quarter combat very difficult for your foes, but on the other hand, you're literally on fire for the next moments, so you're gonna be visible. The flame will extinguish in 5 posts, but is still capable of igniting it's surrounding.

Technique Effect Chart: The base ability effect chart applies. Opponents +2 tiers lower are immensely burned by the flames, while those 1 tier lower get major burns. Those of equal tiers get moderate burns. If you are 2+ tier higher you get slight burns, and 1 tier higher people get minor burns. However, it's still powerful fire, so if +2 tier higher decides to take a nap in the flame, they will get cremated.

Technique Name: Gyokūkōzan [Jade Mine]
Technique Description: The wielder can also summon the explosive liquid without the jade flames, and then spark it into a fierce explosion of green fire at will. Leaving the acidic pools of liquid as mines, that will wildly explode upon contact with a living being or when the wielder wills it, is one of the techniques of the zanpakuto. Mind your stepping.

Technique Effect Chart: The base ability effect chart applies. Opponents +2 tiers lower are immensely burned by the flames, while those 1 tier lower get major burns. Those of equal tiers get moderate burns. If you are 2+ tier higher you get slight burns, and 1 tier higher people get minor burns. However, it's still powerful fire, so if +2 tier higher decides to take a nap in the flame, they will get cremated.

Technique Name: Ryū no Shikyū [Womb of the Dragon]
Technique Description: Creating a larger circle of the fluid in the ground, the wielder can create either a barrier made out of liquid fire or a burning trap for their enemies, but the latter can prove not so wise, since the fire has possibility of spreading or burning whatever is inside. As a shield however, it's rather useful, since only the most reckless out of his enemies will jump into the flames and try to break through. It lasts for 5 posts, as all of shikai techniques.

Technique Effect Chart: The base ability effect chart applies. Opponents +2 tiers lower are immensely burned by the flames, while those 1 tier lower get major burns. Those of equal tiers get moderate burns. If you are 2+ tier higher you get slight burns, and 1 tier higher people get minor burns. However, it's still powerful fire, so if +2 tier higher decides to take a nap in the flame, they will get cremated.

Technique Name: Taikyaku-hi [Fire's Retreat]
Technique Description: Because of the flames of this ability have potential to burn forever, there must be a technique capable of extinguishing the fire, in case there is a situation, that demands the wielder to be able to do so. It releases strong reiatsu impulse to the flames' composition, causing the chemicals to burn out immediately and kill the fire off: in fact, this technique is the only one in wielder's shikai, that indicates control over the flames beyond the generation of liquid fire.

The downside of this technique is tricky. If you haven't noticed, none of the previous techniques have a cool-down, and this was done purposely. When the wielder retreats the flames, they also seal the process of generation for 3 posts, essentially putting the whole shikai ability in hold.

Bankai: Nageki Gyokūryū, is the bankai of Hanae's zanpakuto; it's name, "Grieving Jade Dragon", refers to the sadness of the blade's spirit, every time it's master releases it, because it feels guilty for the deaths she is about to cause. It's an amplified version of the shikai, more simpler, and drastically more powerful; when it's released by calling it's name, the eyes of it's wielder turn into fiercely burning emeralds, as the spirit of Gyokūryū comes forth. The ability of bankai is to conjure up massive amounts of liquid fire, enough to bring down entire cities and armies; controlled with the spirit's master's voice, a single whisper is enough to flood the nearby are with the flame, and a shout is enough to summon a tidal wave of liquid fire. Sole difference between the shikai and the bankai is the power's vastness and control, that she has over the liquid fire; in shikai, she's somewhat limited, being able to only generate liquid fire, but in bankai, she can freely manipulate it. The flames follow the effect chart of shikai. Hanae is fairly reluctant of using her bankai, due to the immense destruction it tends to cause and high risk of compromising her comrades; the techniques of her bankai are shrouded in mystery, but she is rumored to be able to summon a dragon made of jade fire, cause the skies to rain burning liquid and use her eyes to mesmerize and control the minds of her opponents.

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