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#1Athanasios, Oleg Empty Athanasios, Oleg Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:33 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika

Atanasi, Oleg

Name: Athanasios "Atanasi", Oleg
Alias: "Mad Scientist", Dr. Crazypants, Oleg Jr.
Real Age: ca. 650 years
Phys. Age:early 30s
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Shinigami
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: He takes the face-claim of Okabe Rintarou from SteinsGate.

His most distinguishing physical trait is probably his tall, lanky body type, along with the black messy mass of hair on his head, a pair of glasses, and a neat lab coat, that has his division's insignia painted on the back, which he always keeps with him. Among the notable facial features are brown puppy eyes, square jaw, bony cheeks and a small amount of stubble on his chin; despite his generally geeky appearance, he has a certain taste of total craziness and danger, that is visible in his eyes. He's obsessed with cleanliness, so he looks always well-groomed, even when his style of clothing is somewhat odd.

Personality: The first impression on him is the alarming silence; he's completely quiet, and seemingly doesn't like chit-chat with those he deems as idiots - and that'll be anyone not passionately interested in science. Others often feel threatened in his presence, because they have no idea what is going on in his head, and it freaks them out. He generally hides behind an emotionless mask, when in company of these "idiots", which tends to make them even more tense around him - his eyes are mostly unfocused, because he rarely bothers to listen to what others have to say, but sometimes he gives cold looks at the people around him, making them convinced he's planning on the best method of dissecting them. He doesn't like leaving the division grounds, and has a particular distaste for public appearances; he does his best to avoid all meetings, and wont attend if he isn't obligated to. If you ask about him from the other captains, they'll most likely call him a creep, and occasionally you can hear him being called suspicious, anti-social and "probably insane". That's his reputation in Gotei 13.

However, that's just when he has to interact with those "idiots". If he's in his division or in company of someone he considers intelligent, he becomes a lively man, a man who likes to smile and laugh, someone you'd consider outgoing, a drastic contrast to his anti-social behavior in different company. He's ruled by his passion for science and desire to know it all, which has resulted in him being a very curious and knowledgeable person; Oleg is devoted to the science, and craves for knowledge like how a predator craves for it's prey. He's more childish than his appearance lets on, and most people, who personally know him, would go as far as saying he acts like a ten years old. While being someone of extremely high intellect, he likes to play video games, watch movies, read comics and eat fast food, along with being playful and somewhat needy - traits, that could be associated with someone way younger than him. In fact, while other captains take a role of an authority, his subordinates seem to take care of him more than he takes care of them. Despite that, his division loves and respects him, because he's a man, who greatly cares for his underlings, and treats them in a respectful manner. But in the end, it's his skills that led him to become a captain.

He's a genius, with an intellect, that exceeds all people he has ever met, and with an ambition, that he can proudly declare to be unparalleled! Well, except for that Aizen-dude, who, according to Mayuri, wants to became the god. Anyways, he has an exceptional memory, being able to recall information from his early years of study, and his ability to observe, assess a situation and find an answer to a problem is beyond great, thus explaining his importance in threat assessment and creating a wartime strategy, should an enemy invade Soul Society. A precise and organized character to a disturbing degree, he is capable of producing long, detailed plans quickly, and then carrying them out. While characterized by his childish and playful nature, he's capable of being serious and taking the weight of a leader on his shoulders; he knows how to give orders, and how to lead a group. Well-versed in several areas of science, he's open-minded individual with a special taste for being original and realizing new things; he's creative and passionate and a little bit of crazy, when it comes to science. While tries to excel in everything he knows of, there's no denying the fact, that he has a particular understanding with technology and machinery; the subject makes his heart race, and when he gets to work on technology, one can see how happy he is.

He fancies to call himself as a "mad scientist", and often insist his subordinates to call him one, but Olag really isn't one, at least not when compared to a sadistic, cruel and insane colleague, who he met, when he opened a gate to an alternate universe. Sure, he's a little crazy, but way too soft to be cruel to anyone. While he can be harsh on others, and enjoys exploring and breaking the boundaries, he has a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong; but something in Mayuri's evil intellect fascinates him. He doesn't share his interest in dissecting to collect data, but prefers to experiment and create, when it comes to his studies - and then again, just like any scientist, he cannot resist an opportunity to learn more.

But he neither is without his flaws. He has a warm, good heart, he really has, but there's some things, that make him and his shady colleague more alike than he'd like to admit. When angered or hurt, Oleg will shown his fierce temper and terrible mood swings, going from friendly to directly offensive; he can be pretty harsh, cruel even, on his subordinates, if they happen to disappoint him on the wrong day. He wont make them human explosives, but thanks to his great memory, he will probably remember than you failed for a century. He refuses to look upon a person, that doesn't match his intellect, and more than often outright underestimates an enemy, that doesn't spark his interest - arrogance is probably his worst weakness, and it is accompanied with a tint of selfishness. Oleg is a man with a serious superiority complex, in the sense, that he views his skills and intellect superior to everyone else, with a very few exceptions. Given his ambition, it's not hard to guess he is also somewhat ruthless, when he wants something; though there is the moral and his heart, sometimes he cannot resist his vice and goes straight for his goals, caring very little what happens to others.

Among his other traits is his carefulness for his safety, the aforementioned obsession with cleanliness, due to which his division is kept tidy at all times, and his vindictiveness. He finds it hard to forgive people, and even if he attempts to not do anything, he unconsciously seeks a way to get even; if the person happens to be a shinigami, he tends to get his vengeance, one way or another. A trait associated with this, is his tendency to get hurt by little things, and hold petty things over the throats of other people. There's only two thing more important to him, than his research and inventions; Soul Society and his own life. He loves his home and being a shinigami dearly, and is afraid of dying or watching his home being destroyed; he's willing to fight for that home, and to sacrifice his life for what he holds most dear. While generally not a huge fan of fighting, he will exploit the opportunity to learn more to his best ability.

Role in Plot: As you might have noticed, there's two NPCs named Oleg Atanasi; this one is from a third universe, that has a more futuristic setting, explaining why he's actually the younger version of the Oleg senior. However, Oleg Jr. specializes in technology, while Oleg Sr. specializes in biology, medicine and anatomy. Oleg Jr. is, in fact, the progenitor of inter-universe travel technology, and had a role in implanting of the idea in Mayuri's head; basically, his efforts led to the discovery of a portal between two universe.

He acts as the secondary/advising captain of Division 12, which is why the alternate universe is rapidly developing in all areas of science and technology, given the cooperation of two high-ranked scientists. He also brought his own vice-captain, Aiko, with him, and she acts as the secondary vice-captain and a mentor to Takumi, artificial son of the Oleg Sr. According to him, in the universe he comes from, shinigami are a very populous species and hollows are scared of daylight, because of the efficiency of the shinigami operations and monitoring; Oleg Jr. mentions, that Gotei 13 would equal to two divisions in his universe, and that there's way more than just three different universes out there.

Zanpakuto Spirit: Oleg's zanpakuto is certainly an one-of-a-kind oddity in Soul Society. Sure, the other captains have unique powers, but the scientist takes the term "special" to a whole new level of weirdness. Bakekujirō (化鯨, Ghost Whale) manifests as a miniature hybrid of a baleen whale and a slug, about the size of the head of an adult man, and features equally... strange abilities. It has been nicknamed as "Jirō" by it's master, and it is described as docile, playful, obedient and intelligent; it's a fond of being rewarded and pampered, and it has an appetite for rice, that doesn't seem to have an end - this in contrast to his master, who absolutely hates rice, and a possible reference to the japanese yōkai, bake-kujiru, the ghost of a wrathful whale. Jirō communicates with Oleg via sounds, which he has learnt to interpret during his long life (you can imagine how difficult their interaction was at first), and is known to spend a lot of time in the outside world, rather than in it's inner world. Despite it's appearance as a whale, it's not aquatic; it floats in the air, which looks like as if it was swimming, though it's apparently capable of spending long periods underwater.

Shikai: The shikai of Bakekujirō is released with the command, "open your mouth", which will cause the space above Oleg to warp, as a gigantic whale creature tears an opening in the space and crawls right through it, before the gate closes behind it. In appearance, it doesn't much differ from it's spirit form; well, if you ignore the fact, that the sweet, docile Jirō has grown to the proportions of a blue whale. It's main element appears to be weather manipulation, but the shikai seems to follow themes associated with the bake-kujiru legend, and a minority of it's powers are based on the natural abilities of whales and slugs. Just like in it's spirit form, it floats in the air as if it was swimming; in the shikai, it's often referred as a "one hell of an air balloon" by Oleg. It's a drastic contrast to the stereotype of a shikai, since it's more reminiscent of a bankai with it's vast form; it's more of a conjured servant, than a weapon, and so, the advantages given by the release do not go to the master, but to the conjured beast itself. His mouth is often used as a storage or a safe-haven for the master, since the whale's insides are pretty much empty (meaning he has no organs, simply space to keep things in), and Oleg tends to have a lot inside his companion's mouth. As it's entry suggest, it can naturally rip holes in dimensions, and thus, can be used for transportation between two regions - Jirō has the access to Soul Society, World of Living and it's own inner world, and it seems to use a personal pathway for dimensional travel, rather than occupying Dangai. It was his zanpakuto's transportation powers, that Oleg exploited in his research for an easier method for dimensional travel, and which then led to discovery of an alternate universe; it can be assumed, that Jirō could travel between universes.

Release Focus: +1 FAR to Offense, +1 FAR to Defense

Ability: Weather Affinity
Effect: The zanpakuto has natural affinity towards weather; it can manipulate various elements (temperature, water, electricity and air), that together form the state of atmosphere, though Jirō's control over elements is somewhat limited, in a sense, that he wouldn't be able to use electricity outside of creating a lightning, or manipulate water to create a shield against attacks (obviously, because the manipulation must be related to weather, somehow), though control of wind and temperatures is much more freer. For example, it can create powerful wind currents around it, powerful enough to throw foes around like rag dolls, and freely manipulate the temperature of the area nearby, but water and electricity control are detailed in the abilities.

Ability: Spirit Shield
Effect: Besides the natural dermal layer of defense, that is granted to the zanpakuto spirit in shikai via his cetacean relations, Jirō wields a powerful form of defense. An inch from the skin of his large body, lies an initially-invisible layer of spiritual energy, tailored to defend him from attacks; when an enemy releases an attack on the floating whale-slug, the layer surrounding it will block it out. Of course, if hit by a force powerful enough (major damage; in other words, being hit by an attack with at least one tier advantage - the shikai bonus on defense applies to the shield as well), the shield surrounding him will break, but it still will negate the damage, that causes it to disperse. The shield will return in 3 posts, during which he will be vulnerable to attacks.

Beneath the shield, it's naturally immune against wind-, water-, electricity- and temperature-based powers.

Technique: Bakudo 26 ~ Kyokkō
Description: Due to it's master's proficiency with kido, the massive whale has a concealment spell programmed into the spiritual layer of defense surrounding it, allowing it to become visually and spiritually untraceable by command. The technique is dependent on the layer of defense, and thus, should it be destroyed, the concealment spell wouldn't function either. It has all the weaknesses of the regular kido spell, meaning it's not untraceable to those who have unnaturally powerful spiritual sense, and that it can be stripped off via Noren Mekuri.

Technique: Enhanced Sensory
Description: Jirō also functions as a spy, despite it's large size; it has an incredible sensory system, both due to it's biological species and spiritual power. It has an unparalleled hearing ability, being able to hear whispers from kilometers away, while not overwhelmed by loud noises, due to an innate ability to manipulate it's ear's functions. It's eyes can observe two different targets at the same time, essentially giving it a multi-directional sight. The antennae on it's head, are attuned to picking up reiatsu frequencies in a large range, and it's pretty much pointless to mask your presence from them, unless you can do it fully. It can sense the exact location of any target nearby, via the reiatsu sense.

Technique: Reishi Clouds
Description: A technique, that summons clouds around in, that are, in fact, created out of reishi and vapor, rather than just being regular concentrations of water; they can be moved around via wind currents, and act as base to three different techniques (the clouds must be created before the techniques can be accessed). There is no amount to how many clouds can be conjured, but one can be summoned per post.

Technique: Rainfall
Description: If clouds have been conjured, the zanpakuto spirit will not access one of the options they have; while the reishi clouds are harmless themselves, they can send a shower of rain on the area beneath them - only that instead of water, the raindrops are made of hardened reishi and will act like a rain of fire when they reach the ground. If someone is unfortunate enough to get caught below the rain, the chances are that they wont walk out alive from the shower of reishi. The rain will still leave pools of water on the ground, which have no effect, yet.
Chart: +2 tier above, slight burns; 1 tier above, minor burns; 0 tier difference, moderate burns; 1 tier below, major burns; +2 tiers below, severe/fatal burns, if not deadly.

Technique: Thunder
Description: If rain is not a preferred effect, the zanpakuto spirit might want to use this technique on it's opponent. Like with the rain, presence of a cloud is required, because a thunder cannot appear without a cloud; again, due to the nature of the cloud, the arc lightning will strike down on living targets below the cloud - it will electrocute the victim on spot, and like with the rain, the odds of surviving are not that high.
Chart: +2 tiers above, mild pain and irritation; 1 tier above, moderate pain and slight paralysis; 0 tier difference, major pain, minor paralysis (1 post) and mild burns; 1 tier below, severe pain, moderate paralysis (2 posts) and moderate external burns; +2 tiers below, crushing/unspeakable pain, major paralysis (3 posts), mild internal burns, major external burns.

Technique: Kamikaze
Description: The harmless clouds' reishi composition is manipulated, prompting it to become explosively volatile; controlled and moved around via wind currents, the white-clouds-turned-black will go kamikaze on the zanpakuto spirit's foes. The cloud will violently explode upon contact with a living thing, a foe of the whale's choosing.
Chart: +2 tier above, minor burns (1st degree); 1 tier above, moderate burns (2nd degree); 0 tier difference, major burns (3rd degree); 1 tier below, severe burns (4th degree); +2 tiers below, beyond severe/probably fatal (4th degree).

Technique: Execution
Description: In case there is many pools of water left from the rain, or a body of water, nearby, then a swift execution of multiple foes can be carried out. By manipulating the temperature swiftly, the present water will either freeze and expel a lot of cold, or vaporize, burning all opponents that come in contact with it; the technique is most effective, when the opponent is above or near the pool/body of water.
Chart 1: +2 tiers above, mild 1st degree frostbites, irritation; 1 tier above, major 1st degree frostbites, minor 2nd degree frostbites; 0 tier difference, major 2nd degree frostbites, minor 3rd degree frostbites; 1 tier below, major 3rd degree frostbites, minor 4th degree frostbites, mild hypothermia; +2 tiers below, major 4th degree frostbites, severe hypothermia.
Chart 2: +2 tiers above, slight burns and irritation; 1 tier above, minor burns; 0 tier difference, moderate burns; 1 tier below, major burns; +2 tiers below, major burns, internal injury.

Bankai: Umi no Kaijū (海の怪獣, Leviathan) is the fearsome bankai of Oleg's zanpakuto, Bakekujirō. If it was a giant in it's shikai, it becomes even larger in bankai; it's not at least twice the size of a blue whale, more reminiscent of a warship. Jirō dislikes, when his master uses bankai, because it embodies the anger of the whale-like zanpakuto spirit; it forgets it's docile nature, being devoured by sole anger and pain, which it channels into extreme destruction - this is forced on the zanpakuto, which is why it dislikes this. Uncontrollable to a degree, the spirit will, in bankai, ignore the commands of it's master and seek out to put to an end to it's agony, by destroying any and all enemies it can see. It is always accompanied by a flock of black bird above it. Now, the word 'bake' in it's name, doesn't sound ironic all; now, that the docile creature has disappeared, the meaning 'monstrous' suits perfectly well.

The abilities and techniques of bankai are up to the player, but once you figure out them, please update the application prior use; the techniques/abilities should be weather-related, or somehow associated with the bake-kujiru legend of Japan.

#2Athanasios, Oleg Empty Re: Athanasios, Oleg Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:41 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika

-- Read the "Role in Plot" section for his purpose in plot.
-- Everything else is the same as before the update.

#3Athanasios, Oleg Empty Re: Athanasios, Oleg Mon Dec 07, 2015 11:12 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Approved and moving.

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