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#1Atanasi, Oleg Empty Atanasi, Oleg Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:24 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Alias: Dr. Doom
Age: 900 years
Age of Appearance: 50 years
Gender: Male
Character Alignment:Neutral, slightly evil
Appearance: [Only admins are allowed to see this image]
Personality: Oleg is the quietly insane type. He’s quiet most of the time, sometimes even if your talking to him he’s more likely to have dozed off in some other thoughts or he’s conducting some experiments in his mind. He’s a genius, so he can think real fast and really precise. He’s mostly accurate in all his readings, almost insanely right. His ability to assess situations and find a solution to a problem are unparalleled in the soul society. That is why he was chosen to lead the 12th division, but that’s not the only reason.

When it comes to experiments, he doesn’t know the meaning of the word “limitation”. It doesn’t matter where a sample comes from, it doesn’t matter who it is, if it’s a possible experimental asset, he wants it and he wants it bad. He wouldn’t care if he has to break down the whole soul society to get to it, but of coarse going against all the captains and the head captain himself would be more likely to get him killed, so he wouldn’t do that, but he’d be desperately tempted.

He always bears a smile on his face, it’s that of a evil genius kind of smile. Whenever he meets someone new, he goes through the possibilities of using that person as a test subject, irrespective of their gender or species. If it’s a unique species, he’s more interested in dissecting them and collecting data about them from the inside out.

Oleg remains in the shadows, he hates making public appearances and he doesn’t like the captain’s meetings either. If he isn’t “ordered” to attend the meeting, he’s not going. He’s totally not the sociable type, so he avoids the other captains and does his best to avoid the captain commander as well. But due to his unique thinking abilities he isn’t allowed to remain in the shadows, and whenever he is needed he has to put up with everything he’s been assigned to.

Even though he’s apparently quite evil, there is something about soul society that keeps him from rebelling against it. He’s too rigid to admit it, but in his heart the soul society has a place which can’t be taken by anything else. None of his inventions are more important to him more than soul society itself. Oh, and he’s an awesome inventor. He can make gold out of dust, well that’s just an exaggeration but if it were possible, he would’ve done it ages ago. Yes, he’s that good.

When it comes to fighting, Oleg needs a purely scientific reason to fight. Or, when he just has to fight because he’s been ordered by the higher ups(what a nuisance they are sometimes). If he’s interested in obtaining a test subject, he’s like the devil himself, he’ll give it his all in that fight and wouldn’t care much for the consequences. And when he’s fighting when he just has to fight, he’ll do his best to finish up the fight and return to his love, science.

Zanpakuto Spirit’s Name: Svillander.

Shikai His release phrase is, “devour,Svillander!”.Svillander in it’s shikai form, turns into long gloves, black colored. The length of the gloves is from his fingers to his elbows. Coming out of the gloves are red colored, pointy things, like the legs of a centipede, they are numerous in number and are all around the gloves. Even the fingers have plenty of them. These arms on the fingers of the gloves are only 3” in length and the arms on the rest of the gloves grow bigger as they progress from the hands to the elbow, ranging in length from 5” to 10”. The arms are red in color. The special characteristic of his shikai, is that it can absorb reiatsu and store it in itself, the more reiatsu the gloves collect the brighter their red color gets. The stored reiatsu can either be used for experimentation or to empower his attacks.

Bankai:The release phrase for Oleg’s bankai is “Consume it all, Leechy!”.Yes, I've decided to name his bankai state, "leechy" Oleg’s bankai is a huge centipede, which looks exactly like this,
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Yes, a huge red colored centipede. It’s fast, and has the ability to burrow underground. Once it’s underneath the ground it’s two times faster than it is on it. Anything that comes into close proximity of the centipede has their reiatsu drained. The more reiatsu it drains the faster and larger it gets, the larger it get’s the more physical strength it gains. It has pretty phenomenal physical strength to begin with, but the more it gets empowered the more lethal it gets.

The downside? Svillander’s a very fragile being, he can be cut pretty easily. But, whenever it’s cut, it splits. The more times it’s cut, the more time it’s split, so if you cut it a hundred times, it’s split a hundred times, but remember those hundred centipede’s will drain all lots of your reiatsu and would grow in size and strength, and then, eventually, instead of dealing with a single centipede. You’ll end up facing 100 centipedes, scary.

Inventions: As the head of the research division, and being the genius that he is. Oleg has made quite a few inventions, some of which he carries around, which prove very useful in many scenarios. (The items mentioned here are only meant for Oleg himself. He won’t bestow them upon anyone without good reason, so if you want em, you’ll have to attain them IC, from Oleg himself. You can’t just have em if your part of the 12th division, that’s not nearly enough of a good reason)

Item name: Smoksters
Description: These are small spherical metallic marble kind of thingies. Black in color and 2” in diameter.
Effect: These are small smoke bombs, but of coarse they just don’t make normal smoke, the smoke has a typical reiatsu signature, in this case, the same as Oleg’s reiatsu. They are meant to block any sensory type technique, so that Oleg could make a getaway or launch a sneaky attack from no where. Mostly it’s used in pairs, 3 smoksters are used at a time, the three of them make a smoke-reiatsu cloud of 10meters in diameter.
Number of it you have/possible/allowed: Infinity(-1)
History: Oleg made these little devils so that he could evade unwanted fights or end a certain fight which he just has to end. The smoke also enables Oleg to capture a test subject if he wants to capture it with minimum damage. He made it during his reiatsu based research.

Item name: Healing outfit
Description: The dress that Oleg wears.(as depicted in his appearance)
Effect: Oleg designed a specific kind of cloth type, it heals him over time. Of coarse it isn’t defensive of nature so it can’t block any attacks or what not, but over time, slowly and gradually it automatically heals his wounds. So if he’s injured badly, he just has to hide for a while and rest, the attire will do it’s job itself. The cloth material has reiatsu stored in it, and it does the healing via reconstruction using that reiatsu.
Number of it you have/possible/allowed:1(restricted to Oleg)
History: Getting hurt would keep Oleg from his research, being who he was, he couldn’t let his health come in the way of his research. It has always been like that, and still is, even though he’s 900 years old(gosh, he’s persistant). After a few fights that were unavoidable, in his era as the lieutenant of squad 12, he made this attire to heal him while he fought, so he wouldn’t have to wait longer to return to his research and inventions and all that creepy stuff.

Intended Role: Oleg is going to serve as the captain of the 12th division. More like the forum equivalent of Mayuri.

#2Atanasi, Oleg Empty Re: Atanasi, Oleg Wed Oct 07, 2015 12:31 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
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