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#1Kido Tier list Empty Kido Tier list Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:09 pm


Here's is where I'll be working on the kido tier list; the list will show by which tier can use what kido or at what time certain kido can be trained as well as the strain on the user:

Tier 5:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 4:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link]: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 3:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 2:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.

Tier 1:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.

(I understand that this is a rough draft, but I think this would help immensely to deal with people that take every kido that want without thinking of the consequence to their character by using such kido, so please look over and feedback, although I've tried my best to make it as close to cannon as I can ^^; )

#2Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:15 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Hey, I think this is a great idea! Maybe we could upgrade the kido list into a kido system, where all things regarding kido are stored (a single thread)? This would be easier for members to understand kido mechanics!

Tier 5 & 4 look great! Here's just a tiny suggestion to the list; I think it creates some sense of systematic-ish-ness to the tier chart, and is more logical (mainly because, well, Tier 3 doesn't possess enough reiryoku to use the 90s range, even with a great exhaustion; [Only admins are allowed to see this link] belongs to the 90s range, so I removed it).

Tier 3:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 2:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] and above: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 1:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and above: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.

Alsooooo, I was thinking about unrelated matter of kido. We should leave the damage charts up to the player in question, since all characters should have spells, that they specialize in. Any opinions on this?

#3Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:23 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
As an addment to the previous post, a Tier 5 could use a spell of [Only admins are allowed to see this link] - [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range - however, there's very very slim chance, that it will do something else than incinerate them from the power of spell, that will explode on their hands. Reiryoku is energy, and without proper skills and power, the energy will severely injure them, should they attempt to do something not in their power to.

If the character is a kido specialist, then a Tier 5 could use [Only admins are allowed to see this link] with ease, [Only admins are allowed to see this link] with medium difficulty and [Only admins are allowed to see this link] with great effort; you get the idea, right?

#4Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:48 am


glad to hear you like it C: and that's the original idea, you remember the site kido list I made? the idea was to have this with it so not only would you be able to pick and choose your kido, but also understand what kido you would be able to use at what tier and what effect that has.

I understand and it will, but it's to give a general idea of what effect the kido has per level.

well, that's something I wanted to avoid was people with tiers way below needed and then end up incinerated lol so I wanted to have set kido limits for tiers so people know both a general effect on the user's spiritual energy and how easy it is to use ^_^

of course, kido specialty/mastery or members of the kido core would have slightly easier time and more flexible with what kidos they could use/train, although could you quickly write up what effect the kido specialty/mastery has on this list C:

#5Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:55 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
The kido specialists (those, who mainly use Kido in combat), would get like one tier boost (not like an AR boost; see the below for this).

Tier 5:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 4:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link]: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 3:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 2:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and above: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use.

Tier 1:

-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and above: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.

#6Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:26 am


made some edits, although maybe revise the kido tier chart from tier 3 and 2 C:

#7Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:46 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Tier 3 should be like as I first suggested, the explanations are in red;

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used. We should put in like one range (if we say a Tier 3 can use kido from 60s to 70s with moderate difficulty, it's the same as saying they can use 70s with moderate difficulty; did you understand?), this for the sake of making the system easier for members - I don't see a jump like that is necessary, nor would it contribute to the kido specialists, as a lieutenant could use 90s kido with relative ease... I don't think so.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range: Hardest to use, full incantation must be used to even be able to fire the kido effectively. The caster becomes visibly exhausted after a single use. [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range is still way out of the league of a lieutenant, even if they are a kido specialist; these spells aren't just powerful anymore, they are almost OP. This is [Only admins are allowed to see this link], because this chart is for people who do not particularly excel in Kido.

Tier 2:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Medium, can be used with some effectiveness but not as well versed in their use as others, some effort is required to use them, less if full incantation is used. Already explained why.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Hard to use Why did you remove this O_O ...

Tier 1:

-Kido up to [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Easiest to use and requires little to no effort from the caster.
-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and above: Moderate difficulty Adding this, because it's different from the 90s and below.

#8Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:08 am


Erida wrote:[Only admins are allowed to see this link] range is still way out of the league of a lieutenant, even if they are a kido specialist; these spells aren't just powerful anymore, they are almost OP. This is [Only admins are allowed to see this link], because this chart is for people who do not particularly excel in Kido.

Yet the lieutenant of the kido corp and vizard, Hachi, was able to do it, so saying it's out of the lieutenant's league isn't strictly too, besides, I wanted [Only admins are allowed to see this link] kido at medium range because Rukia, who's at lieutenant level (tier 3-2/1) is able to use a seventies level kido without much effort, although it still took some effort to do, it wasn't super impossible to use

Erida wrote:-Kido from [Only admins are allowed to see this link] range and below: Hard to use Why did you remove this O_O ...
Because I wasn't sure if it was necessary, besides, again we see captain level personal use level 90s kido somewhat easily, which is why I had it moved to the medium section since it makes sense that captains, although they could use 90s level kido more easily, even Aizen had trouble using hado number 90 without its incantation, so I think medium range should cut it ^^

#9Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:37 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
You also have to take into account that Aizen had twice as much reiatsu as the average captain, Luke. Hado [Only admins are allowed to see this link] is an extremely OP spell, and should require someone of at least Tier 2 to pull it off effectively, even if it exhausts them. As to the level 70 spells, you do have a point

#10Kido Tier list Empty Re: Kido Tier list Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:52 am


yes, I understand that Aizen, would be about 2-1 level, but the point was that even with all that, Aizen with using hado number 90; he himself stated that it was a hard kido to control, even at the level he was at, saying he could only use about 1/3 of its full power without incantaion, which is why I put it in the medium strain and use section since that seemed to fit.

Besides, take urahara, he used multiple level 80s and 90s bakudo and hado against Aizen during the final battle and only seemed to have minimum strain while using full incantation for 90s kido, even tho urahara doesn't have double the spiritual power like Aizen does, the point was they can use it and not be at the point of exhaustion

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