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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya walked out into the high sky above the karakura town looking out with a smile "I love this life...just wissh the humans never change so much in one year..."She whispered to herself resting her hands in her pockets as she smiled "But it is good to be back...How are you Holding up...Amelia-chan!"asked Amaya to Amelia looking over her shoulder at the gate. "you know how to get into your giga right?"she asked


"We go to the Urahara shop, don't we?" Amelia asked as she stepped out of the gate, looking around. None of her missions had taken her to Karakura town yet, so she was unfamiliar with the surroundings. She took a dee breathe to calm herself and push aside any nervous thoughts. No point having an attack before anything happened

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha was walking in the lonely streets of karukara town. The streets were lonely and quite. Except for the ghosts, who was wandering around in the streets. Filthy beings...

Udarsha was holding his hat wand walking, as he sensed a strong captain lever spiritual pressure and a normal one. Ichigo licked his lips and grinned to himself. "guess its gonna be a long night,today." he taught to himself as he kept walking on forwards.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"acturally you dont have to go to his shop you can just find somewhere to hide out of human sight and yours will form on ya.'She commented sweetly finding a shady place. She twisted and turn herself for fun before she moved out wearing a long one sleeve light blue chiffon top with a white sip. she had a blue ribbon tied around her neck. Black deep blue jeans covered her legs with a bootcut along with black high heeled boots. her hair was currently down as flowers wer pinned up "I still dont understand why flower are always found in my hair."she commented looking up at amelia


"okay then" Amelia said, moving to the same place Amaya had gone. It took her a bit longer but edventually she came out, wearing a red silk t-shirt shirt adorned with a black pheonix, a plain pair light blue jeans, anda white pair of Nike sneackers. Nothing had changed about her hair other then the fact that it had gained two small ribons on either side of her head: the one on the right was blue and the one on the left of emerald green like her eyes"What do you think, Mama?"

She only called Amaya Mama because she thought they were alone at the moment

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsh was not in his gigai form. He was just in his normal spiritual form. He could feel the spiritual pressure in-front of him. "Ah, a worthy opponent" he thought chuckling to himself. As he took his zanpaktou from his sleeve and pointed it at them. "let them feel it" he thought as he released some of his sprite pressure out. Not even a captain can stand that kind of sprite force....

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya smiled as she waited looking around "you looked adoriable my dear daughter."she commented sweetly rubbing the top of Amelia's head. Amaya handed her a cell "these you have probably used before...they allow us to know where an hollow is when it comes into this world and allows us to report in"she commented "Now let head to our po-" Amaya's eyes widen as she felt an engulfing spiritual pressure enclose her and amelia. Her eyes darted around before they laid of Udrasha "F-Former C-Captain Commander."She studdered in shock to find it was him. but she didnt understand why he was here or what he was doing


Thank you Ma..." Amelia said before stoppin due to the immense spiritua pressure which caused her to fall to her knees. She looked over to where Amaya was looking and was surprised when Amaya called the man the former Captain Commander. She began wondering the same things Amaya was

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha, looked at them. He could sense fear in their eyes as their hearts too. Udarsha grinned psychotically at them and said with a dark whisper " hello, girls! prepare to be raped killed! I am your opponent!" as he licked the blade of the zanpaktou with his tongue. I shall reap your souls, off from your body...

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"A-Amelia...I need you to try and run...get out of your giga and get out of here.."said Amaya feeling paralyzed by the spiritual pressure "Udrashra...Why are you attacking Fellow Shinigami....What has gotten into you. We are not enemies and these arnt our real bodies.."She said with her eyes closed "Do what you want with me just let my squad memeber go free, no harm is to come of her udarsha."She said reaching in her pocket to get one of the artifical souls to take care of the body and amelia

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