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#1[Open][Private] gfgfggfgfdgf Empty [Open][Private] gfgfggfgfdgf Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:00 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster

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"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known."


Name: Thor Blerster
Age: 22
True Age: 100
Sex: Male
Personality: Logic has never been such a motivating factor in any human mind. But, it's not the process of logic itself which motivates Thor; no living being functions on information alone. It's the feelings behind Thor which drive him.

Logic is important to Thor because it is a tool to satisfy his curiosity. The desire to know things to him is like a really bad itch. It just keeps begging, and annoying, and disturbing him until he finally can't take it anymore and absolutely has to do something, anything at all, even if it's just a tiny little scratch on an insatiable itch. And then, at that point, he can't stop scratching.

Thor has to constantly learn things, but his interests are also never satisfied. He is always being itched by something - the meaning of life, the existence of fate or destiny, chemical compounds, how humans will face their own demise, the curious satisfaction he receives from torturing an enemy. Which is quite fascinating when you think about it.

Thor is also extremely intelligent. His IQ is beyond any scale made to measure the intelligence of man - overabundance of chemicals, vastly increased amounts of brain receptors, and hundreds of times more nerve connections between brain cells in his mind leave him biologically equipped to make the entirety of the human race seem utterly retarded. His brain burns several times more calories than the rest of his body combined. But like any genius, being this smart is not practical in everyday life. In fact it leads to great difficulties.

For one, Thor has an instant, eidetic memory. That means he can experience something once, remember it 100%, and never forget it. This also means that the same experience, or anything similar, is instantly boring. You might enjoy going to see the movies; but Thor, after seeing a couple, would be able to sit down and accurately predict every actors lines in the movie with startling correctness after mere minutes of watching. He would also be terribly bored - and even more so each time he was right. The tactics of the film industry simply do not appeal to geniuses of his level.

But people have less variance than films. Knowing human inclinations and emotions well, Thor really only needs to be around you for a matter of seconds before he can also predict what you will say or do, just like the actors in a movie. By measuring the depth and intensity of every feeling and impulse he perceives in you through simple things like mannerisms, dress choices, body language, motion and facial expressions, he can very quickly get a map of your mind in his head. He will know how you will respond to pretty much anything and know this very quickly. Most people tend to follow one of about a dozen personality types; closer to sixteen basic, personality types. These types are memorized in his mind. You will be very close to one of these types. And based off a tiny bit of information, he can understand you based off one of these types while actually barely knowing you.

Some may wonder the following: why is it important that he knows who I am? It's because you bore him. He's seen, met, and observed people exactly like you many times. So much so that, to him, they may as well be you. And you're no different to him than they are, because you can do nothing for him, and he knows everything you know. You have nothing to offer Thor - which makes you useless. And as a useless being, any annoyance or inconvenience you cause to him is completely wrong. Feeling justified in this, he has an intense hatred for people who does these simple bothers, such as walking too slowly in front of him, or wearing a colour he doesn't like that day. Being stupid is also very offensive to Thor.

Thor is also incredibly flippant, casually mouthing off his opponents, and he generally enjoys showing off and taunting his adversaries as often as he can -- he is a completely different man in the face of battle. Also he displays a fearless, almost disinterested attitude towards incredibly dangerous situations, and effortlessly shrugging off wounds that is inflicted upon him. He can be ease his seriousness when the situation calls for it, he has a laid-back demeanor during tense situations, and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. Although even if he is is uncaring or callous, Thor maintains a very strong sense of justice, and prefers to fight fairly, never fighting other fellow humans or opponents weaker than him. He can be counted on to do the right thing.


Height: 6'5
Weight: 240lbs
Physical Traits:

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At first glance, Thor Blerster is an extremely handsome and elegant individual. He has a stoic and regal demeanor, and he inspires awe and respect from friends and foes.

He possesses a rather interesting eye colour. Rather than being only one solid color, they are actually two-toned. The anterior rim of his irises bear a sky blue colour trim. Along the exterior rim of his irises, there is a ring of gray. The irises themselves are a light blue colour, bearing a hue reminiscent of the vast sky. In natural or ambient lighting, his eyes can even appear to have a dark white hue.

There are people fortunate enough to look upon Thor with fear and recognize the true danger of this man. There is an unmistakable seed of evil in every look sent from his eyes, a stifling, engulfing presence of malice which surrounds him. And it is all invisible; somehow you simply know there is something wrong with this man. And yet, for most of you, his appearance may deceive anyway.

It's not that Thor doesn't appear wicked. One look in his eyes and it's obvious from his somewhat crazed expression that he's more than just a bit crazy. But it's that this craziness disguises itself as other things; intense devotion, sincere passion, and progressive energy. Of course it's all a lie. What you see is what you get; an insane, murderous man with a heart full of hatred and vengeance that will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals.

Aside from the crazy and unique look on his face, his body is exceeds the expectation of any mortal man would hope to achieve - broad shoulders, powerful muscles, a towering height of exactly six feet four inches. Which gives him an intimidating and daunting presence. His build is fit and athletic, lean but with large muscles, all of which are proportional and perfectly balanced with his build. Thor eats a diet of only pure nutrients to keep his body healthy and maintain his muscle-mass. He calculates every bit of matter that goes into his body, he technically has a 'perfect' diet, leading to his extraordinary  His muscular aesthetic physique and physical fitness.  

Some of Thor's strikingly odd features - skin completely devoid of pigments or blemishes. There is no pink or red tinge to his skin. It's all just pure, bright white, with the tiniest hint of tan. And his hair too is also devoid of pigment - solid pale thick white hair, semi-short, reaching the back of his neck, and flowing -- which he does not bother to combed back. .

When it comes to clothing, Thor wears military-styled black boots and red jeans with a single belt wrapped around each thigh. A belt featuring a skull themed buckle wraps around his waist, and he wears black, gauntlet shaped gloves with three buckled straps on each one. His coat takes the colour of deeper red, with two coattails, yet the coat has a more pronounced buckled collar, and a black strap going over his right shoulder wrapping around his chest, with two golden studs on the front. The front of the coat is also patterned individually from the rest of it, resembling a sort of vest or body armor, with a zipper closed all the way up from the waist to the bottom of Thor's neck. Though at time he prefers not wear any form of clothing underneath his coat, in which he is shirtless.


General Fighting Style: Thor can use his sword in a lot versatile and effective maneuvers, such as using it as a flail, which to he has tremendous aim and control of where and how it strikes. Thor fights in a deductive and logical manner. However he also has a tendency to rely on instinct with little to no regard towards his own well-being. Despite this he is a keen strategist.

Strengths: Master Swordsman, Durability, Speed & Reflexes, Strength, Endurance, Regeneration
Weaknesses: Reiatsu Control, Pesquisa, Stamina, Planning ahead, Hand-to-Hand Combat


Død Luft - Thor unleashes a crimson and azure coloured, smoke-like miasma, which, radiating outward from him, melts and burns anything which it comes into contact with. The miasma has the ability move fast equivalent to speed of a Cero.

Affects an area of 100-ft surrounding him. Gives the enemy 2nd degree burns. 1 post cool down.

Vegg av Død - Using magma Thor can create a defensive wall to protect against enemy attacks. He has the ability to solidify the magma to make the wall more durable. The barrier take form of a large rectangular wall.

The barrier can block up to 2 Cero's worth of damage. It will then explode outwards with the force of a Cero covering a 100-ft area in the blast. 2 post cool down.

Blits - Thor can de-materialize himself in one place and re-materialize himself a distance away. His body melts into lava as he reassembles himself.

Thor is able to teleport anywhere within 30 feet of his area. However, he would be 5-feet apart from his enemy. 2 post cool down.


Zanpakuto Name: Jedaiah
Sealed Appearance:


Jedaiah has guard with a dragon head with two wings biting onto a golden blade. The hilt has a swirling pattern leading to skulls at the bottom with a spike pointing out.
Zanpakuto Call Out: Djevelen Kan Gråte.

Cero: Thor is capable of using Ceros, Balas, the Gran Rey Cero, and Cero Oscuras, while also having the ability use his custom Cero.

Stråle av Død - Raising his right arm forward and outstretched, using his free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the enemy, Thor is able to fire a gigantic beam of magma and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.

Not only does it heavily damage the enemy, it also has the ability to ignite anyone that is caught within the blast. Does damage equal to a Gran Rey Cero, while also causing 2nd degree burns. 3 post cool down.



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Magma Rager -


By dropping a few drops of blood to the ground and chanting the following;

"Mischief er i deres hjerter,
Gi dem etter sine gjerninger, og i henhold til ondskap sine bestrebelser,
Gi dem etter at arbeidet med hendene, gjøre dem til sin ørken.
Slå dem og la dem ikke stå opp igjen.
Lovet være Herren."

Thor has the ability to summon a creature made out of magma. It has the ability to fire magma-blasts. He can also use the Rager to protect himself from an enemy attack.

The Magma Rager can last up-to 2 posts. It can withstand damage anything to a Gran Rey Cero before it's destroyed. It has the ability fire 20 magma-blasts per thread, 2 per post. 2 magma-blasts has a damage equivalent to 2 Ceros, while also causing 2nd degree burns. 3 post cool down.

Desölatiøn - By stomping his foot onto the ground, Thor causes a brief shock-wave which is followed by a massive pillar of magma erupting from the ground in the shape of a broadsword's tip, which affects an area of 100-ft surrounding him.

Causes damage equivalent to a Gran Rey Cero, while also causing 2nd to 3rd degree burns. 3 post cool down.

Energibølgen - Thor channels his spiritual energy through his sword and, by swinging the sword, launches the energy in the form of a wave at his target.

Causes damage equal to 2 Cero's, while also causing 2nd degree burns. He is able to use the ability 3 times (3 posts) in a row with a 6 post cool down.

Adriel - Thor can project two azure coloured rays from his eyes that has the ability to track and disintegrate the target of his choosing upon contact. The ray fired from his right eye will hit the enemy from the font, while the ray fired from his left eye will hit the enemy from the back.

Causes damage equal to 2 Cero's, while also causing 2nd to 3rd degree burns. He is able to use the ability 3 times (3 posts) in a row with a 6 post cool down.

Evig Forstyrrelse - Thor surrounds his right arm in a magma energy and slashes his enemy. The blade slashes into them but doesn't cause any kind of  physical harm. A black X like tattoo appears on their chest. For 3 posts Kido, Cero, and any release abilities become inactive. The only abilities that stay active are those that affect speed and strength.

Evig Forstyrrelse has a 6 post cool down after being used.

Castiel - Thor's shield will dissolve into magma, only it to form all over him, basically making him a living shield. In which he would have ability to withstand any attack weaker than a Hado 9 or a Cero Oscuras. An attack which is stronger than that would directly hit him and cause him damage. (In Segunda he uses his sheath as a shield)

Castiel lasts for 4 posts with a 8 post cool down.

Boosts: x4 to everything.



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Ragnarök -


By cutting out his arm, and chanting the following;

"Herre, binde en kvernstein rundt halsen, slik at det skal aldri igjen stiger fra dypet av Leviathan!
Chain det i mørket evig, hvor det ikke vil høre ikke se!"

Thor has the ability to summon a large demonic creature from the depths of hell. This creature has one ability, and one ability only, which is 'desolate'. In which it can bring down a massive magma meteorite from the sky.

It affects an area of 300-ft, causing the enemy damage equivalent to 2 forbidden Kidou's, and 3rd degree burns. After using the technique Thor will loose all of his power for the rest of the thread.

Messiah - By saying the following;

"Vises dig for mig, Messiah"

Thor's sword & sheath will disappear, as a massive black lance, ornated near the tip, will be summoned out of the sky. As his military boots will transform into a pair of knight boots that would aid him in his movement and increase damage of using the lance. Basically, Thor has the ability to launch a missile out of the lance. Once the missile is shot, the lance will transform back into a sword. The missile is powerful enough to create a large crater, with an accompanying explosion which creates a shockwave.

The missile does damage equal to 2 Cero Oscuras's, while also causing 2nd to 3rd degree burns. 4 post cool down.

Død Lanse - By using magma, Thor can create a spear-like weapon with energy flowing off of each end in a fashion similar to flames, making it look more arrow-shaped. He has the ability to either throw it at the enemy, or throw it in a 30 degree angle, which splits the spear into large area of effect (100-ft) of magma spears. (The spear splits to another 10 more spears.) Død Lanse produces an incredibly destructive explosion on impact. The spear has the ability move fast equivalent to speed of a Bala.

1 spear causes a damage equivalent to a Gran Rey Cero. While 10 spears also cause the same damage equivalency. The enemy suffers from 2nd to 3rd degree burns as well. 3 post cool down.

Brennende Basseng - By stabbing the sword in the ground, Thor has the ability to turn ground surrounding him (100-ft) to a pool of magma. In which he has the ability to stop enemies from moving for 1 posts, while also causing them a damage equal to 2 Cero's and 2nd to 3rd degree burns.

The magma pool lasts for 2 posts with a 4 post cool down.

Castiel Vingers - Thor has the ability to use his wings as a shield to block any attack up to a Cero Oscurus. It will then explode outwards with the force of a Gran Rey Cero covering a 100-ft area in the blast.

After 4 posts his wings will form back in his back.



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