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#1The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty The Hell Triad w.i.p Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:56 pm


The Hell Triad

The hell triad are the guardians of hells borders much like the gate gusrds of soul society and the arrencar guards hueco mundo. As the name suggest there are three hand chosen demon that make up this group. if one or more die they are replaced as soon as they can be. The members are as follows.
Member one, Danha
A armored monster of massive size. His true form is never seen because he never removes his armor.His armor is hand made by a demon armor master and his weapon was made by hell itself.


Danha was reborn in hell as a dreg. He soon discovered a means of accention,the eating of demon hearts. Doing so warped his flesh into a large twisted mass of muscle and bone. He set out to become the greatest warror in hell. Many demons fell to his hands until he met Nesrk. The battle raged on for days but ended with Nesrk defeating Danha without using a weapon. Danha pledged himself to serve Nesrk forever. He then went into the bowels of hell to,find the correct weapon and armor to serve his new master. His armor came from an old demon armor master who worked for months to forge danha the armor of fear,his master piece. With his new armor afixed to his flesh a weapon is what he needs that weapon hell gave to him in the form of a large war club forged from bone and hell iron.

His weapon

Insane Strength- Danha is a force of destructive power. His rage can shake the very core of hell. He is held in check by Nesrk and his demon.
Club fighting master- Wielding a club Danha has mastered battling opponents with it. His,style is a mix of brute force and beautiful strikes.
Heavy reiatsu- Danha's reiatsu is heavy and think he doesn't release it often however

Member Two, Junja

A lean man wearing a suit of armor that appears to be made of dragon scale. He has a pair of wings set low on his back.


Junja also known as the dragoon of hell was a wandering soul before he got pulled into hell. There hell quickly accended to be a middle level demon. Then he decided that gell needed order instead of chaos. He requested the honor of making the triad to police the gates and levels of hell. The request was granted on one condition he must be able to defeat the members of his team in combat. He accepted the condition then went out into hell to train and grow. In the outlands of hell he encountered a hell dragon. The battle raged for month but ended with the dragon falling to junja. As the dragon faded it gave itself to junja. The two merged into what junja is today, Hell's dragoon. As the leader of the triad junja needed a proper weapon that he found in the hands of a warrior demon. He slayed that demon with spped and skill. The sword now know as the dragons fang is feared by many.

Dragons Fang:


Demon flash expert-.junja is well trained in the demon flash technique. Some say he is in the top three fastest in hell.
Flight- His wings can be used to keep him airborne and allow him to fly.
Scale throw- junja can throw the scales off of his wings the scales act as daggers.the second step of this technique is that junja charges the scales with reiatsu causing them to explode(doing the damage of a strong cero)
Instant/ 2 post cooldown
Durable- his armor give junja the added protection of his dragon scale armor.
Strong reiatsu- junja reiatsu is that of a captain level shinigami
Sword master- junja is a master swordsman capable of battling on par with many opponents of the same ability. He is able to channel his reiatsu through his sword increasing the strength of his attacks.

#2The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:23 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
But why would the hell triad need to protect the hell borders? or do you mean the different levels?

#3The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:10 am


I mean the level and the gates. Like the four giant ass shinigami. I gotta make a whole race of beings lol

#4The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 4:56 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
oh i see lol

#5The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:06 am


Just wait I got tons in my mind for the demons lol

#6The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:09 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Should colbolt be worried? lol nice job though

#7The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:32 am


No colbolt-chan is in no trouble

#8The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:48 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
good mixhael might no like it if she was lol she is the middle man

#9The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:54 am


No need to worry at all

#10The Hell Triad  w.i.p Empty Re: The Hell Triad w.i.p Sat Dec 17, 2011 5:57 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
colbolt: such a relief
me: you a a relief.


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