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#1Searching for Ghosts  ( Ichigo Only ) Empty Searching for Ghosts ( Ichigo Only ) Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:48 pm


Akuma was sleeping throughout the day, as he normally did during the day now that he didn't have to go to school anymore. He was looking into colleges, but in the mean time, he was going to relax during the day and then go out at night to see if he could find out more about the spirit world. He already knew that there existed ghosts, and then there were the people in robes with the weapons, which he wasn't sure what they were. Finally, there were the horrible beasts that attacked humans at night. He was also going to put a stop to whatever those were. He inherited a strange power, and he was going to use it so that his town wasn't over run by whatever those things were that attacked people. He wasn't sure how to go about finding anything related to the spirit world, so he was just going to go outside and wander around a bit.

He felt extremely strong now that the sun was no longer providing light to the town. But then there were the street lights. They weren't natural lights, so they didn't count. Akuma enjoyed the sun every now and again, but he in his element anytime at night. He was much stronger during the night than he was during the day, and he gladly jumped out of the window of his apartment building, landing softly from the two story fall, and started to walk around. It was deep into the night, and the streets were empty. He was looking for anything unusual, much like those people he saw. He believed that they were spirits, as they gave off a different feeling when he was around them than others.

As he was wandering around, he saw one of the people he wished to see, and this one had some sort of chain coming from their chest. Or at least it appeared that way from the distance he was from the man. His eye sight was really good at night because of his abilities, but even they weren't completely perfect. As he got closer to the person, he simply observed him wandering the streets. It seemed that he was a bit sad, and that he wanted to kill himself, even though he was already dead. This sorrow was very strange, as it seemed to emanate off of the man. He wondered what was happening, as he thought the dead were supposed to go somewhere, not sit there on earth with nowhere to go. He hadn't seen many of them for more than a few times, before they were just gone.

He was pretty sure that they were taken somewhere, perhaps by the people in the robes, but he wondered what happened if they didn't go anywhere, and simply wandered around forever. Akuma was simply watching the man, and then heard a strange, growl type noise in the direction of the main, but behind him. Akuma got in a defensive stance, because bears might have made those noises, but there were none close to town. This could mean that it was one of those beasts that attacked people, but were they after Akuma? Or were they after the spirit man? Observing things was okay, but Akuma quickly made his way towards the man, in case he needed saving of some sort.

#2Searching for Ghosts  ( Ichigo Only ) Empty Re: Searching for Ghosts ( Ichigo Only ) Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:30 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel, know as the former captain commander of the soul society was an isolated man. He never had friends, only the ones from the soul society. Even so now that he was isolated from the soul society, he had nobody to talk with. But he did not care. " Only the weak seeks the aid of other people..." Udarsha always thought.

After serving the soul society for 1500 years, Udarsha was now simply living his life in the town of Karakura. He had a small apartment, just for him. And it fit him well. His small apartment was located in the 18th street of Karakura town, though it was not far from the main street. No soul came to visit him, he was simply living a life of bachelorhood. Udarsha always says " All I need is bottle of coca cola and and a good book to read at night..."

Reaper took his time walk about the town taking in the different smells and colours of the world around him,so much has change since the 20's and 30's the changing of the world seemingly perplexed the ever crafty leader. But this day seemed to lead to some other providence lurking deep with in its fabric a hue of foreboding colours invaded the spectrum that reaper looked forward too. The smell of a fight rammed its self in the nose of Reaper as stopped in the thick of the massive crowd he felt the presents of a coming being something of the non human sorts, but until that source of power comes forth he would stand in the thick of it holding his hat as he looked forward, towards the streets of Karukara town.

The streets were black, it was quite a night. nothing to do and nothing to say. Only the shrieking of the owls and bat, he could hear. No other soul was on the streets, only for boy, who had a quite a high spiritual pressure. Udarsha, began following him, trying to find out where the boy was headed. As Udarsha was following he sensed a human, a high human with high sprite force following the boy. Bewildered, Udarsha thought for a second and began to walk again. Lets find out, who he is....


#3Searching for Ghosts  ( Ichigo Only ) Empty Re: Searching for Ghosts ( Ichigo Only ) Thu Dec 22, 2011 6:00 am


Akuma had gotten close to the man, as he heard some sort of beast hidden within the bushes and darkness near him. He didn't seem to care, as he was sad for some reason, Akuma didn't know why. But, just in case he needed to fight, he got ready. Whoever this lost soul was, he didn't turn into one of those beasts, so he definitely didn't deserve to get eaten by one. As he was watching, he was a bit tense, and noticed spiritual pressure behind him, as well as in front of him. He didn't quite know what it meant, but he looked around, seeing only a man, and it didn't seem like he was doing anything menacing towards Akuma, so he faced the larger threat.

Suddenly, yellow eyes showed themselves from the darkness, a sign of many predators that they were about to strike. Akuma quickly got ready, when the beast suddenly leaped forwards, out of the bush, towards the man. It looked sort of like a large bear mixed with a wolf, but it had a large bone mask with no eyes, just sharp teeth, instead of a face. He seemed pretty weak with how slow he lunged out, but those huge teeth were going to be a problem if he got a hold of Akuma. He swiftly lunged to the side, but then realized that he was going for the soul, and Akuma swiftly lunged towards the beast, bring up a knee that crashed into his side mid air, sending him crashing into a tree.

It seemed that the beast was tough though, as he got up and shook it off. Akuma wasn't dumb, so he looked back towards the man he sensed earlier, just checking if he was hostile and if this thing was his pet or something of the sort, but it seemed that he was simply observing. Back to the matter at hand it would seem, as the beast was very angry, snarling towards him. He wondered how the bone mask that the thing wore somehow moved like an actual face. It seemed that it was a sort of armor, and that it wouldn't be easily cracked. A normal human probably wouldn't even be able to see these things, let alone touch them and keep up with their speed, but Akuma was special. Either special, or he was very crazy in the head, and was simply seeing things.

His stance was strong, even though not quite as refined as a martial artist. However, his strength and speed boost he would get because it was night time was more than enough to dispatch this relatively weak foe. As for the man that was watching him, Akuma wondered what his intentions were, and what he was. He didn't really look like the wandering soul type, and seemed like he was a lot more refined and experienced. Akuma would want to ask him a few questions when he wasn't in such mortal danger, plus trying to protect the lost soul from being devoured.
word count: 507

#4Searching for Ghosts  ( Ichigo Only ) Empty Re: Searching for Ghosts ( Ichigo Only ) Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:42 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
(OOC: I will post my reply tomorrow. )

#5Searching for Ghosts  ( Ichigo Only ) Empty Re: Searching for Ghosts ( Ichigo Only ) Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:31 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha was following the young man now. The young man’s movements have exceptionally changed into a different way. Udarsha could tell that the young man had noticed his presence. But Udarsha didn't care. He wanted to find out, who he is and what is he?! That was his greatest curiosity. He wanted to find out something hidden from him. And he wanted to find out fast. As he always say to himself "Was that over the top? I can never tell..."

He was a young looking man, in the age of 18 or 19.He has black hair, that is slightly brushed to one side, but other than that, it is messily plopped on top of his head like a large mop. He has a pointed chin too. His eyes are a grayish color. His clothing is that of a college student, a white collared, button up shirt, and some simple black pressed pants. Simple polished shoes compliment his overall proper school look. Udarsha followed him as he asked himself. "Who is that, young boy?"

They were now passing through a small street, filled with murders, thief's, beggars, whores and more. It was dark so Udarsha couldn't see much. Even though it was dark, the faint shadows of the people were quite visible. Udarsha leaned towards the light and went on his way. But he was interfered by a small person. Udarsha couldn't see the person’s looks but he could tell that the person was mad. The mad person was drooling. His saliva was pouring off his mouth. It was a look like dawn of the dead, in a different and disgusting way. He had large blue eyes and black sleep bags or whatever you call it, under his eyes. From the looks of it, he hasn’t been sleeping for days or more. The person turned his head into a side and started at Udarsha. And he was still drooling like crazy. "H-Hello, I'm a mad scientist. And I'm more powerful that you, boy!" the scientist spited back and started to come near Udarsha. His movement was like a dead zombie, coming to kill his pray. Udarsha, took a few steps back fast and fired back at the scientist grinning a roguish grin "For if knowledge is power, then a GOD AM *I*!"

Udarsha had just escaped from the mad scientist’s mad menace. It was quite creeping. Now tailing the young boy again Udarsha started to walk on the street. The boy had disappeared to thin air while Udarsha, had argued with the mad hatter scientist. Shaking his all around Udarsha tried to find the young man but he couldn’t. He had completely vanished. Quite giving up of the chase, Udarsha sat down on the nearby street step. It was rough as usual, even though he needed something soft to sit down in. Finally making up his mind he leaned over the wall and sat down on the step. Udarsha could here small muffle voices in the distant. The voices were talking something about a big secret. Udarsha leaned towards the wall and checked if the sound came from it. Yes, it was! It was coming from inside the building. Curiously he listened towards the voices. He could here three rough voices talking by. They were discussing about a secret of some sort. Udarsha shook his head and got up, frustredtely. It was time to move on. "In order for three people to keep a secret, two must be dead..."

Giving a good run towards the boy, he finally reached him. Udarsha had not thought of it that the boy had a spiritual pressure. All he had to do was follow the boy’s spiritual pressure so he could end up finding him. The boy was standing near a tree or something. Talking towards a ghost or something. Udarsha exhaled and took small little steps towards the young man. Finally reaching him, Udarsha poked his shoulder saying softly "Hello, young man. Are you a Shinigami?"


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