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#1Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:13 am


Landing lightly on the ground, Kato laid a firm hand on his zanpakuto. He was expecting someone to arrive at any moment. He looked left and right, feeling the air smack on his face. He looked up at the sky and realized that dark clouds were beginning to hover overhead. It was gonna rain.

The trees in the park were shaking. Leaves were falling off and floating around, landing in piles laid out throughout the football-field sized park. The place was perfect for combat. The weather was even better for it.

Unsheathing his zanpakuto, Kato awaited the incoming sparring-partner.

#2Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 6:47 am


Tenju would arrive like a leaf on the wind without a care in the world, his feet lazily moving one in front of the other at a casual pace as he made his way into the large park. Both hands were held up on his zanpakutou which was strewn across his shoulders making him almost seem like a prisoner with his arms barred. He was in his shinigami uniform and had his hair tied up expecting battle, it wasn't often Tenju was invited to a spar these days he hoped his reality of having to kill in all his battles lately didn't effect him too much anymore as he called out to the stranger, "I'm Ichiken, Tenju! I don't really know how to hold back, don't get angry at me if you end up hurt..."

#3Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:57 am


"Hello to you too.... My name is Kato." Kato looked at the man in front of him and smiled. It was a friendly spar but this stranger made it seem so tense. Kato pointed his zanpakato towards the stranger and extended it.

Kato was sure that this would be a good fight. He just wished that the fight would start already.

#4Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:39 am


Tenju would watch carefully as the man named Kato made a gesture with his blade and decided that it was time to get started. Tenju let off his zanpakutou with on hand and let the other push it's end down causing the sheated weapon to spin in mid air only to be caught right side up by Tenju's left hand. He would draw the blade casting the sheat aside before stabbing it into the earth in front of him, he would then remove the twin sword at his waist and copy the same action. A soft green glow of reiatsu would begin to rise around Tenju's body as he reached his arms in through his sleeves pulling them through his shihakushou leaving the top to fall around his waist revealing his heavily scarred and well cut body.

Tenju would reach out for his zanpakutou and let his building reiatsu burst forth as his hands grasped both blades feeling their power strengthen his own. The green glow would flare up violently like green flames and as Tenju took his Zanpakutou into his hands the reiatsu would spread down the length of the blades empowering them with his spirit. Tenju was not releasing his zanpakutou however he was making it clear that he was not going to be going easy at all. He glared at Kato with intense wide open eyes that appeared more akin to a wild beasts instinctive look of battle rather then a mans eyes.

"Here I come..." Tenju spoke just before dashing forwards at full speed charging his opponent head on. Just when Tenju appeared to reach his top speed he would break into a swift shunpo accelerating with a swish exiting the technique right in front of Kato wielding both swords slashing powerfully diagonally downwards from the right to left. A simple high powered attack which would hopefully serve as a good greeting and a good start to what was likely going to be a great battle between two even combatants.

#5Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:10 pm


Kato smiled at his quickly incoming opponent. Kato waited patiently for the main to come as close as possible without being harmed. This technique required perfect timing and accuracy to work. If performed wrong, Kato would have no choice but to endure the attack head on and hope for the best. This was not something Kato had intended to do.

The man was a good 35 feet away from him. The grass under Kato's feet began to shake. Kato closed his eyes and waited until the man was a good 4 feet away and shunpo'd towards the man. As Kato approached him, he released a small burst of reiatsu used to confuse the opponent. Kato twisted on his heels at the exact moment that the reiatsu was released and appeared behind his opponent, sword extended.

"You're not slow... I'll give you that."

Abilities Used

Name: Q2
Description: Kato shunpoes forwards and then releases a subtle shockwave of reiatsu towards the target before stepping to the side and spinning on his heels around to the back of an opponent. The shockwave makes an image of Kato that appears to pass through them and blocks vision of Kato's real body spinning around them.
Cooldown: Can be used once every 5 posts.

#6Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:28 pm


Tenju watched his opponent carefully as he move forwards into his attack like a fool however perhaps Tenju was the fool. His target moved through him like a specter, something that was very dangerous as Tenju now had no idea where his target was. He could assume that he was behind him however to do so would be folly. Tenju knew only one thing for sure, nothing of danger was in front of him and therefor that was the safest place to be at the moment. The moment Kato's image phased through him Tenju would use the momentum of his own slash to dive forwards in a roll to dodge whatever attack might have from from behind or the sides.

He would twist as he rolled changing his direction so he could see Kato standing there with his sword extended. Tenju remained crouched and low one sword held horizontally in front of him while the other was held out to the side vertically. He wasn't sure what just happened but he couldn't let his energy go to waste. His body would burst from it's crouched position like a compressed spring, launching himself towards Kato letting his right arm fall relaxed to his side as his left slashed at the mans chest seeking to initiate an exchange of blades.

#7Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:39 am


Kato smiled as he realized that the attack had been ultimately successful. The smile would be short lived, however. The man had already launched a counter attack straight at Kato. It was plain to see that the man was attempting to clash blades with him. He would get his wish.

Kato stood still and waited for the attack. The moment the attack hit Kato was already attempting to disarm the man. He used a series of twirls in an attempt to dispatch of the man's zanpakuto. It was a good thing that Kato had mastered the art of swordsmanship.

Black clouds began to hover over the battlefield and it began to rain heavily. Lightning could clearly be seen in the distance. The battle would quickly turn Kato's way.

#8Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:25 pm


Kato was not the only one who's dedication to the sword would pay off in this moment, Tenju had a lifetime of training under his belt perfecting his form followed by a lifetime of constant combat for survival in hueco mundo. This caused his swordsmanship to develop into a unique style that is a mix of both sage-like skill and ferocious primal intensity that are rarely seen together. With his eyes wide and filled with a burning glare Tenju caught the movements of Kato's blade and as he rotated Tenju's hand counter clockwise(from his POV) it didn't take long to realize what the man was trying to do.

Tenju would allow his left handed blade to be guided until it was vertical, perpendicular to the ground, at which point he would step forwards and to his right while turning his blade counter clockwise even more on his own, keeping contact with Kato's blade, until his kissaki was pointing down to the earth and his arm was constricted fully. Simultaneous to this movement Tenju's right handed blade sprung into action sweeping into a swift downwards slash aimed at Kato's shoulder. Assuming this counter strike was successful Tenju would then jump back breaking contact just long enough to reset his stance, this time both arms falling relaxed at his side and his legs shoulder width apart.

#9Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:13 am


Kato managed to escape in the nick of time, but not unscathed. A rather deep cut was on his left shoulder. It didn't hurt much, but it would be quite the annoyance in this battle. Nonetheless, Kato looked at his opponent with confidence as he awaited his next move.

Kato readied himself for whatever was coming next. It was never quite Kato's style to attack first anyway. He was always the counter-attack type. Why waste energy when your opponent can waste it on you instead?

The lightning and thundering was quickly approaching them. It would only be a matter of time before Kato would receive the very necessary power-up. His body began tingling as it sensed the incoming power.

#10Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:48 am


Tenju watched as Kato took the wound and yet stood his ground unphased, it had been a long time since he faced a foe whom wouldn't let an injury like that bother them. Perhaps it was time to kick things up a notch, "Hadou no sanjuuichi, Shakkahou." Tenju would mutter as he extended his hand towards his target and while maintaining a grip on his zanpakutou released the spell with moderate force. It was not aimed for Kato however but instead the ground in front of him intended to blast dust and debris in between them blocking his line of sight to Tenju.

Tenju would then mutter under his breath hoping Kato wouldn't hear him over the thunder in the distance, "Bakudo no yon, Hainawa..." His left hand clench into a fist around his sword and be thrust forwards sending the yellow rope of reiatsu forwards to Kato's last known position in hopes to ensnare him sealing his movements in preparation for what would come next.

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