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#11Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Sat Dec 24, 2011 12:54 am


Kato stepped back a few steps as he noticed the incoming blast attack. It missed by a rather large margin it was obvious that the attack was not aimed at him. Dust and debris quickly sprang into the air and clouded Kato's vision. Tenju was still visible, but only as a shadow through the hard-to-see-through dust.

Shortly after the blast had been launched, a yellowish rope came rushing at Kato. Stunned, Kato simply put his blade in the way and watched as the rope began to wrap around his zanpakuto. Kato pulled back on his zanpakuto, hoping to pull Tenju closer and within striking distance.

#12Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:18 pm


As Tenju's bakudou struck his targets sword he was already expecting to be pulled and lowered his stance preparing himself for the likely to come force. When it did come Tenju's larger size and raw power would make him a difficult stone to move causing his feet to only shift forwards a few inches as he prepared yet another kidou. Now with his opponent held in one place he had the opening needed to finish this battle, "Bakudo no rokujuuichi, Rikujoukourou..." Tenju would mutter the name of the spell as he pointed a finger at his opponent causing 6 rods of light to form around their mid section stabbing inwards to seal his movements. If the bakudou succeeded in binding his foe Tenju would then know for sure that his opponents movements would be secured for a short while and that to not take advantage of that opening would be foolish.

Assuming the bakudou succeeded Tenju would let go of his hainawa and slash towards Kato from a distance using the ken'atsu of his blade to blow away the dust giving him a clear view of his target before dropping to his knees and pointing both fingers at his foe, "Hadou no yon, Byakurai!" Tenju would shout as he unleashed two full powered white lightnings aimed for Kato's legs. If he was indeed sealed by the bakudo and was unable to find a way out Tenju's spells were likely to strike dead on, one just below the knee cap and the other at about mid-thigh. If these spells connected Kato's lets would likely be severely damaged and his mobility would be crippled for the rest of the match.

#13Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) - Page 2 Empty Re: Hike! (Kato & Tenju ONLY) Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:00 pm


Kato continued to tug on his sword, but it wouldn't budge. What the hell was this man doing? After a few seconds of doing, 6 rods of light surrounded Kato and struck at his waist. Paralyzed. He couldn't move. He needed more power to move. Kato stood there, awaiting his soon to come opponent to deliver the finishing blow.

Kato saw his opponent fly towards him at top speeds. He was slashing his sword but it was obvious that the blade was not aimed for Kato. Instead, the man pointed his hand towards Kato's legs and muttered some words, which were then followed by shocks of lightning that would strike Kato's legs.

Kato smiled as he felt power rush through his body. Those shocks were exactly what Kato needed. Kato broke free of his paralysis and struck Tenju (from the ground up) with his zanpakuto. The attack was completely unexpected on Kato's part so he expected a direct hit. However, this man had many tricks under his sleeve.

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