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#1Akuma Shingetsu. Empty Akuma Shingetsu. Fri May 26, 2017 12:52 pm




Name: Akuma "Kuroi" Shingetsu. Also known as Danielle Kurai.
Apparent Age: 16-17.
True Age: Unknown.
Sex: Female [Apparently].
Hollow Stage: Vasto-Lorde... it's Kuroi, duh.

Akuma is a rather relaxed person, being pretty enigmatic though since she doesn't let many people be aware of what is going on in her head. Her thoughts are incredibly secret and she rarely gives details to people, Akuma's mind is calm at all times, she doesn't show panic or even worry in fact she doesn't show much emotion at all unless she feigns it. She likes to leave people wondering and curious about her, enticing them to her and making her an interest of them and she uses this as a manipulation tool.

Mentally Akuma is described as a melancholic teenager, she is often described as having depression and likes to be alone. She has a strong hatred of the world and even she doesn't know if she wants to destroy the world or save it from the darkness that is there. She hates a lot of things, wanting to destroy them and above them all she hates herself.

It is hard to fully grasp her because she cuts herself out of peoples' lives and refuses to get close to people and tends to react cruelly to people if they infiltrate her walls that she puts up. She likes being alone and for people to try and understand her just pisses her off.

If one was to look closely enough they would be able to see the resemblance to Kuroi in her from their soul being so similar however there are notable differences between the two in that she doesn't possess the same leadership that he has, making her easily pushed around by his mental projection and she is much more willing to follow than to try and lead people.

In combat Akuma is ruthless, executing her targets mercilessly and without a second thought, this trait leads many to fear her after seeing her cold-blood murderer persona. She is remarkably tactical despite appearing to work entirely on instinct with a deadly combo of the two which appears to have been honed over years more than her body has existed for.

Kuroi is quite the character, while many might call him a demon others might call him an "emo", he is a person who hides everything about himself well. In fact he is so skilled at hiding what and who he is that people have come to believe that he is in fact nothing but a shell of what a human should be, he radiates an aura, one that warns people. He is a person you shouldn't try to get close to - if you haven't got the hint already - since he is quite the hostile person and a skilled killer. Despite his service to Graven Fel and his organisation Kuroi actually holds no emotion attachment to anyone, in his mind he has developed a mind where he finds it impossible to bond with people and become attached which was formed over his many years as a Hollow and his attempts to never feel despair again.

Being a person who obviously has no emotional attachment to others what on earth could he feel? Everyone must feel something and Kuroi does although his relationships and those he is willing to serve determine on if someone can earn his respect since through his lifetime Kuroi has rarely ever been beaten but to those who can fight on par with him - let alone beat him in combat - are entitled to his respect. It is by this way of living he has made a small group of people in the world that could hold their ground against his powerful strength.

Contrary to popular belief Kuroi isn't a dumb brute, he is in fact incredibly skilled in war, battle and tactics, he is skilled enough to be able to identify powerful opponents and also "potential war-changers" who could potentially change the tides of war and battle, he also demonstrates excellent knowledge due to his recollection of his memories from his past-life. This has made him quite knowledgable when it comes to legendary sovereigns and powers among Hueco Mundo, he has lived through the sands of time only to be able to use his experiences in this day and age.

Kuroi is an excellent leader, he served as a General in the Second World War and as such he can attribute much of his leadership skills and also war tactics during that stage of his life. His skills when it comes to taking charge has lead him to be able to handle a large fighting force and also large scale organisations, however since a General has to be political and have skills in politics during his human days he did pick up on government systems, negotiation techniques and other forms of political skills which makes him quite suitable for taking charge.

In combat Kuroi can easily be described as remorseless, he is willing to kill and end his opponents lives without a second thought unless he believes they may be of further use. He is a person who rarely shows mercy so when he offers it it is wise to accept it and flee. His skills in combat are incredible to those who have trained and lived much longer than him, for this you could say he has a very quick learning ability but one thing that is shocking is that for all his strength and power he never once brags about it or shows signs of arrogance. He finds such things stupid.

In all aspects Kuroi is a person who likes to be alone, he prefers to be in solitude although he has been known to be able to survive in a social environments but he doesn't enjoy it. He thrives when he doesn't have to manage, look out or fight on others behalf. This has lead him to be quite the loner, he spends much of his time thinking instead of actually talking with people although this has made him very organised and able to manage things when he is alone.

Following his last days alive Kuroi's aspect of death: Despair truly showed itself, he began to feel remorse for all the death he had brought and all the killing. He thinks himself a monster that shouldn't live which is why he doesn't want to take control of Akuma's body and make himself infamous again. He wants to be a ghost and fade away into nothingness as it should've been when he died.


Height: 5 feet 11 inches
Weight: 72 kilograms
Physical Traits: Akuma has a slim physique, she doesn't have much muscle on her body which gives her a fragile appearance despite her ability to lift incredibly heavy objects and toss them like they were nothing to her. Her body was designed to kill, it is flawless in terms of genetics with little to no flaw in her genetics which might lead to issue later in life.

She has a blank expression most of the time and her face rarely smiles leading her to appear constantly serious or depressed which makes most people think of her as a depressed teenager. When hidden as a human her appearance changes to be more human although she still leaks incredible amounts of latent reiryoku from her body hosting Kuroi's soul.

In terms of attire she wears a school girl outfit when trying to fit in although when not trying to blend in she appears in a rather revealing attire which is a bikini top, short shorts and a long cloak with a hood, she wears boots and her long hair is tied up into two ponytails.

Akuma Shingetsu. Black_rock_shooter_render_1_by_draox-d5gubxn

Kuroi's Mental Projection:
Akuma Shingetsu. Latest?cb=20130207191331


General Fighting Style: Akuma is incredibly talented with combat, being that her soul and body is created from Kuroi Shingetsu her fighting capabilities are close to being on par with Kuroi's. She tends to take his approach with attacking and defending with skills that have been honed after many generations.
Boosts:[/b] x4 to all stats.

Ability Name: Black Demon Sync/ Kuroi-Akuma Merge
Description: Black Demon Sync is considered to be when Kuroi and Akuma's souls are in union, completely synced and as such they are at their finest. It is similar to the process of shikai in which the person and their spirit become balanced but while this is an analogy it is not fully accurate since a release state brings extra abilities and powers while Black Demon Sync merely gives a boost to powers due to their merging. In this state both personalities mingle and their colour themes (Blue for Akuma and Red for Kuroi) entwine to become purple. In this form their stats change to X6 for Strength, Speed and Stamina.

Akuma Shingetsu. Brs_render_by_anjingku-d4sayam


History: Who and what is Akuma? That is a marvellous question but it isn't exactly simple to explain. Akuma is regarded as being the next "Kuroi Shingetsu", having been hunted by the Committees' strongest operatives his body was recovered but it was most definitely kept a secret for Project Black was to be the ultimate weapon for the Committee, it was run by a darker group within the organisation and they had many plans for the project.

Having began by mapping the genetic code of Kuroi's body they were able to isolate many key features of the arrancar that made him so deadly including the spiritual body and not just his actual body. Using this information they began attempting to recreate Kuroi, they began to grow clones of the Black Swordsman but the early attempts were deformed and broken... complete failures was the only way to describe what they were and the scientists couldn't make it work since they'd try to give Kuroi's immense spiritual power and abilities to the clone but it would collide with the other features.

It was Seidou Kawamaru that decided to be bold, he ran his own little experiment to instead alter DNA sequences which caused problems. A factory reset if you will. Instead of trying to attain the features everyone wanted: His physical qualities and appearance that was scrapped by Kawamaru, as well as that the man changed the coding from Arrancar to a simple hollow. This was because the Arrancar's body was too intricate to work with and a simple hollow gene code was much simpler.

Well, needless to say Kawamaru's idea worked, resetting Kuroi's appearance to instead be female, this was chosen because the female genetic code is the template for the human race, while the transformation of Kuroi's race into a Vasto-Lorde Class Demi-Hollow was much more effective, this means that the new being was a Hollow that had yet to fully develop but had the power of a Vasto-Lorde due to perfecting Kuroi's spiritual body into the physical body.

With the help of a little magic, quite literally, Project Black was brought into the world and quite shocked at the revival from death, Kuroi's soul was for the most part still alive but fragmented since it had been altered. Having Seidou explain to her what she was and what her purpose was Akuma wasn't willing to do this but she had no where to go and so Akuma was forced to become an operative for the Committee's operations.

She was heavily monitored by the Committee due to the nature of her, she wasn't as strong as her former self but Seidou assured her that she would soon recover her entire power and be as powerful as the legendary black swordsman himself. Unfortunately as her powers developed so too did her soul heal, Kuroi's mind was becoming more dominant and afraid of being lost into the soul Akuma tried to suppress her powers which Seidou quickly became aware of.

He subjected her to torture, attempting to draw out her latent power but in this she was confronted by her mental image of Kuroi. Offering to work with her and share the body and in return he would massacre the lot of these people, she just wanted the pain to stop and agreed and so when Seidou came back it wasn't Akuma he was confronted with, Kuroi himself was in control and quickly broke the bonds using Akuma's body to slaughter the lot of them before leaving and escaping.

With Kuroi's life experiences to help her, Akuma was able to establish herself in a secure life where she exists now with inner-conflict and trying to find purpose in life.


Side Notes: Akuma is pure-hollow, only holding onto her humanity through being a Demi-Hollow.
Roleplay Sample: Blah Blah Blah, Kuroi kicks ass. I WIN!

#2Akuma Shingetsu. Empty Re: Akuma Shingetsu. Sun May 28, 2017 7:16 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-1

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