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#1Misaka! (Done) Empty Misaka! (Done) Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:35 pm




Name: Misaka

Apparent Age: 6

True Age: 6

Sex: Female

Misaka is just like most children: Adventurous, Clumsy, Energetic, Innocent, and Loving. However, she doesn't come with the bratty "throw a fit" factor when she doesn't get her way. Now that doesn't mean that she won't pout or give a sweet puppy dog face. Unlike most kids her age, she is also quite sassy but still highly dense. She also tends to speak in the third person and whispers to herself when people can clearly hear her. What's up with that?

Misaka has been on her own for a long time without a family, so she has learned how to occupy herself. She likes to go out and explore new things. She likes to let her imagination run wild sometimes to the point where she doesn't pay a single bit of attention to her surroundings. She likes to dream of new things. She normally gets lost (even if she doesn't go far) but always finds her way right back to familiar areas. Misaka never likes for things to be the same over and over again. That would just get boring, right? Misaka hates being bored.

Yes, Misaka is sadly very clumsy. Often times, she can be found falling on her face sometimes for no reason at all. The child had never been a well balanced little girl when she was learning how to walk and she still hasn't quite got the hang of it yet. Misaka is so clumsy she seems to be used to it, but still manages to cry when she scrapes or cuts herself. Sometimes, she seems so clumsy she could trip on air, which has happened many times before. 

As most children have, Misaka has so much built up energy and sweets only make it worse. It seems this child is always on the run and always ready to learn new things. She seems to be obsessed with the idea of finding something extravagant lile princesses, dragons, or various other myths flying about. She also increasingly loves to eat, however she has a very picky aura to herself. She likes to eat riceballs more than anything and it's really hard to convince her to eat anything else.

Misaka is a very innocent girl and she hasn't quite learned enough to make a single drop of her innocence wear off. Every gesture made towards her she sees as normal and usually doesn't spot danger unless it's blunt or she knows to look for it. Misaka always wants to find the good in everything, but doesn't understand that sometimes there isnt. The girl simply believes the world is a smiling, happy place. However, she becomes a bit nervous when people yell or raise their hands to her too quickly.

Misaka is basically a small box of love. She seems to just ooze love and always wants to make others smile and laugh. She adores hugs and affection. She always wants to compliment others and be complimented. She always wants to make sure eveeyone feels happy. Misaka just wants to feel the love that she hasn't felt from anyone.


Height: 3'6"

Weight: 85lbs

Physical Traits:

Standing at about a height of 3 feet 6 inches is a beautiful princess almost perfect in every way. From the tips of her toes to top of her head, everything seems completely flawless, except her skin. Every feature seems to compliment another and every part of her just seems so adorable and so small.

Her small, yet semi pointed chin, is no flaw in the fact that it creates a young and sweet look to her features, considering that's exactly the way she is. Her arms are proportioned rather perfectly to the rest of her yet her strength is that of a toddler, although she seems to be that of normal strength for a child. Her legs hold a wonderfully small and adorable frame to them nicely proportional to her being. Her legs are quite a bit stronger than her arms.

Covering her wonderful princess-like frame is skin that is so fair and soft, yet flawed by scars. However, nothing compliments her complexion like her short, light brown hair. It hangs at a length that is just at chin length framing her ever so plump face with a small antennae like hair sticking up at all times. And what beautiful eyes she has, complimenting her lovely locks with their chocolate brown color. Anyone who looks at her can simply tell just how precious of a girl she is. Just under those amber orbs is a small, cute nose and a pair of tiny, soft, pink lips that are normally seen cirled into a smile with a natural blush that constantly compliments it.

Upon her tiny person, Misaka has been seen wearing the same grey, torn dress multiple times. Upon her feet, she wears no shoes and honestly prefers it to be that way. However, the child dreams of owning dresses of every color, most of all pink! Misaka would wear any outfit as long as it's a dress. She would only wear shoes on special occasions or when she was forced.

As stated before, her skin is flawed by small scars throughout her being.



General Fighting Style: [Everyone has a general fighting style. What is your characters?]

Strengths: [What are your character's strengths in combat?]

Weaknesses: [What are your character's weaknesses in combat?]


Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: [Humans are passively at this stage of power, and you get a 2x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: [In this release, you get a 3x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: [In this release, you get a 4x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


She was born in a terrible time to just the wrong family that scowered the deepest crevices for any bit of money they could fine. Sadly just after her first month being alive, Misaka's family was murdered ruthlessly, violently, and mercilessly leaving her in an alleyway for the animals to pick at. Of course, the story didn't end there and actually continued with a sweet, elderly man hearing the cries of the infant. Being his age, he couldn't keep such a young girl and left her upon the steps of an orphanage hoping she'd get the care she deserved. However, she would only recieve the care she needed so the home could get funding, which wouldn't be used normally on the children. She did nothing to deserve it, yet everything to end up in it.

Growing up, Misaka didn't know what was happening or understand that she was alone. She thought those rocks the kids threw at her were a game they were playing. She thought those toys the kids ruined so she couldn't have them were things they were trying to protect her from. She thought those multiple lashes that made her skin bleed were just punishment and making her better. In that home, Misaka only learned what she taught herself or what she had overheard from other kids. However, she wouldn't learn how bad that house was for her, until she experienced it first hand.

Misaka was minding her own business when she happened to wander into the wrong room at the wrong time. There was a lashing, a hitting, and multiple bruisings. The girl bled from the many painful open wounds and decided to run far away. She would leave with scared eyes and timid thoughts. She wouldn't trust anyone. The alleyway she finally found was her refuge for a while. Then, her wounds became infected but she hadn't known what to do. She didn't want to go back, but she didn't want to be alone. Misaka would stay in that alleyway, and eventually a woman would comw to her aid. A woman with long blonde hair who seemed to be lost would approach her with gentle words and a kind heart. She would heal her wounds and disappear again after Misaka convinced her that she'd live. She had restored hope.

Now just 6 years old, Misaka roams the streets alone begging for food, friends, and necessities. Little does she know, her life is just beginning on a high note.

Side Notes: no

Roleplay Sample: no

#2Misaka! (Done) Empty Re: Misaka! (Done) Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:32 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 4 tier

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