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#1Mei and Kaiya Tribal Empty Mei and Kaiya Tribal Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:38 am


Advent Human Template

Basic Information

Name: Mei  and Kaiya Tribal
Age: 18 (Mei) | 17 (Kaiya)
True Age: 18 | 17
Sex: Female | Female

Both of the girls are incredibly optimistic. They view the world as a wonderful place and believe it is worth protecting.

Kaiya follows her heart when doing things of all manners and her own gut more often than any fact presented to her whether fully proven or not where as Mei follows the facts and though is guided by her heart as well is more prone to making choices based on the reality of the situation than her own emotions. Not being clouded like her sister Kaiya when it comes to anger and such.

Kaiya is laid back and tries to enjoy everything in life to the fullest without becoming overly stupid about it. She loves having fun and seeks in within everything she does and Mei prefers to stay focused on her goals and shows to be more serious of the two sisters and usually the one in control of what both of them do as Kaiya see's her as the "leader" of the two siblings being the oldest.

Kaiya prefers to be in the company of others and is a very social person. She usually drags her sister Mei into social situations despite her anti-social manners. Because of her close bond with her sister she tends to get very uncomfortable when alone. Mei doesn't really mind being in social situations but doesn't prefer it..finding more solace in being alone and/or with her sister than the company of other people. As such she loves finding a quiet place to nap and relaxing.

Both girls are able to stand up for their goals and ideals even when they are afraid. They also show immense heroic, or even stupid, courage when one or the other is in danger more so than someone else but will generally help someone else anyways.

Mei is self-assured she knows her limits and strives to push them so that she grows. She tries not to seem overly confident however because she doesn't like it when people start mocking her or insulting her for being so knowing of her own ability. Kaiya suffers some negative self-efficacy and image, either feeling too weak, or too ugly, etc. Her sister constantly scolds her for this and continually tries to fix this problem but it still persists. It's not a major issue it's just there on a minor back burner manner.

Mei is the brains of the two. She is capable of immensely complex procedures and plans within a heartbeat and seeing through the deceptive plans of others quite easily. Kaiya is one who is easily tricked or deceived on the other hand though. This does not necessarily mean she is stupid but she is much more prone to falling for things than her sister.

The sisters are both caring and kind. They are often empathetic and like to take care of others. When it comes to taking care of each other however they are shown to be brutally cold to anyone and anything that threatens them in any manner and it can also be noticed that Kaiya prefers to be neat and organized, maintaining a controlled environment but Mei is often slobbish causing Kaiya to be cleaning their room quite often.

Character Appearance

Height: Both 5'3''
Weight: 89 lb (Kaiya) | 93 Lb (Mei)
Physical Traits:

Mei and Kaiya Tribal XscWjgc

Mei and Kaiya Tribal R8RvEu4

Clothing: Same as above with the exception of both having nice matching shoes.
Accessories: N/A

Fighting Style

General Fighting Style: Mei prefers up close and personal combat while Kaiya makes plans and picks enemies off from a distance. While they have trained together to the point that they have almost flawless teamwork they can swap roles if needed for whatever reason, though their natural abilities still make this not the best idea.

Strengths: Stamina (Mei) and Reiryoku (Kaiya)
Weaknesses: Spiritual Power (Mei) and Physical Power (Kaiya)

Primary Stage

Ability Name: True Gamer Girls!
Description: Mei and Kaiya possess the unique ability to alter reality around them and turn the world they live in into a game. This ability is passive and is always active within a half mile radius around either of the girls. This is the source of their powers and they input alterations to this "source" using game controllers or handheld game devices. Such changes can include, but is not limited to, falling from a sky scaper not dealing any damage because they somehow always land on their feet, weird gravity existing under water, carrying as many items as they wish despite not having anywhere to put things or the items combined weight, and the famous double jump. Only GAME MECHANIC alterations can be made.

Ability Name: Ability List!
Description: MEi and Kaiya has at their disposal a list of powers below that they can choose from to aid them in battle. The girls are allowed two powers at one time. Each power lasts three posts. Twin Powers have a five post Cooldown.


Ability Name: Toasty!
Description: This ability is passive and occurs no more than once every two posts. Which this ability is activated a random male with random appearance appears directly in front of each "Target" that Kaiya has and tries to uppercut them while saying "Toasty" As soon as the uppercut hits or fails for any reason the male is gone instantly as if he teleported. His strength is considered on par with this app's tier and is an actual strength (Since he doesn't exist outside the sole purpose of this So this will hurt most people.

Ability Name: Level Up!
Description: Every three posts of combat this ability activates. This abilities effect stacks and the effect is lost once the thread is over. Each time this ability activates Level Up! appears above Kaiya's head in rainbow colors and she gain a 10% boost to her capabilities for a max of 50% (Which means 15 posts).

Ability Name: Hacks! (Mei) and Game Over (Kaiya)
Description: Using their controllers they both gain a unique effect within reality. Mei alters reality and causes computer monitors to fly at any one foe by the dozens with the durability of Zan steel and move at the speed of bala (They can still be destroyed but it is difficult) and Kaiya causes one massive explosion equal to Gran Rey Cero in power that expands 150 yards with the target's original location as the middle of the blast radius. These abilities both have a three post cooldown.

Second Stage

Ability Name: Customization!
Description: This ability is passive and allows full access to primary powers while in final stage. This ability allows Kaiya to alter her appearance to anything and any means she can think of as long as it came from a game already created as well as create game equipment. Her creations cannot exceed that of the game parameters from which they came and cannot exceed durability of Zan steel. Automatic Weaponry is not allowed due to forum rules.

Ability Name: Bonus!
Description: Every five posts this ability activates. The first time this ability activates hadou no 90 is cast on one "target". The second time this ability activates it causes a cero oscuras to be fired from the sky down upon one target. The third time this ability activates it causes a giant demonic hand and arm to appear from a dimensional rift that is as big as a two story house and has advanced heirro and it tries to hit/slam/crush any targets in range. After the third use the ability resets back to the first use and the cycle continues. This ability is passive and happens no matter what the girls are doing, as long as they are IN combat.

Ability Name: 1 Up!
Description: This ability activates every six posts. When this ability activates Kaiya and Mei are healed physically for 25% of the damage on their body. This does not restore energy.

Boosts: Speed x 4

Back Drop

Background: Nothing really happened for these girls for most of their lives. They were born normally..had a happy family.. had a wonderful sisterly bond with each other, though they are secretly lesbians for each other, and went to school normally as well all the way until high school's second year for Mei and It's first year for Kaiya in which their powers awakened while playing video games, something they had done throughout their life at a hardcore level, and..ironically enough..their bond with each other made their powers similar with one another.

However in the resulting explosion that occurred because they hadn't yet realize how to control these new found powers..they lost their house and their parents. who happened to be the only family the girls had because their parents had been cut off for getting married without either families blessing. Fortunately they both came out unscathed themselves..and after the obvious moment of grieving they both decided, mostly because they were in fact lovers and partly because they were sisters, that they would keep pressing forward together and never leave each others side.

Unfortunately they were both still in they had to find a way to balance school and manage to get a job and find a place to live so the journey of the two lover sisters begins!




Dance Dance!

Random :3

#2Mei and Kaiya Tribal Empty Re: Mei and Kaiya Tribal Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:56 am

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
Approved at 1-3 just because. Go beat up jeff.

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